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[MBF21 Community project] Paint-It Doom. Get creative with simple colors... again! But now with Ancient Aliens palette [Unlimited slots!] [We are past deadline for new maps, finishing phase]

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13 hours ago, DeetOpianSky said:

Update uploaded to drive for Hollowmind.

I'm going to trust you and accept it. Since you didn't change much and it was already fine.

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I've got Version 2 of No Feeling ready, which will now bop you on the nose if you rush by bringing the monsters from the previous encounters into the final ones. It took a bit of jiggling that looks unsightly when you go back through the level, but this is an abstract crayon box and we can overlook that as abstract crayon box things.


I tested it with saves and managed to get the Cyberdemon in the first encounter, the mancubi from the second encounter, and a single cacodemon from the third encounter to show up together in the final encounter, all kills without having to backtrack through the teleporter.


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@ViolentBeetle thank you, and I would appreciate it. It's been a non stop source of frustration for me. I wouldn't have tried for that style of map if I had known the struggle I'd encounter with it. Happy it was at least accepted for the extra episode, I spent far more time on Cryptic Void than Legend Of The Vile Catacombs.

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@senpaigru went to get some difficulty settings and never came back. Maybe he's still around lurking.

The map lingered in limbo long enough, so I'll accept it; will just remove some monsters on lower difficulties if author doesn't show up.


Which means, only one map remains unaccepted. Unfortunately it's a pretty tough one, so it might take me a little more time to gather strength to play it again, lol. Hopefully not very long.


Also, check out the swirly thing I may or may not use as intermission background.


Edited by ViolentBeetle

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@Gothic Box

I found the secret, but it's a little weird how it deposits me at the exit. But I appreciate extra cells. What if there was another key in the final battle that lowers, and you'd need that one to actually exit? Or just add a different zone that would deposit me to the purple room from bfg secret. Aditionally, I think having a rad suit and some health at the exit would help me finally get the cybers (Though with BFG it's mostly just me being sloppy).

During the final battle, I think, an arachnotron teleported in stuck in a wall.

Stepping into orange teleporter at the exit pad seems like a softlock, as an invisible wall blocks my access to the room with 6 viles and a cyberdemon.

Speaking of which, can you give the lift that takes me to the room with 6 viles and a cyberdemon a different color? It belnds in a little too much.

Something I seem to have forgotten before - red colored walls in the part where I get chaingunned are impassable even when they lower, which is also weird. If they need to be impassable for a reason I don't fully understand, can you maybe put a railing around them so I can anticipate it?

Are those two guys part of a secret I didn't find?


Edited by ViolentBeetle

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