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The DWmegawad Club plays: Doom 2 In Spain Only

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I figured whenever (if ever) D2:ISO gets chosen, I'll take a break from the club. That's because I have already played it last year. When it was released, I thought it was some sort of jokewad that I would have zero interest in. Then I saw someone trying to UV-MAX one of the earlier maps, and I realized these might actually be good. So I played it.


September will be a busyish month for me, and as for Doom I'll probably prioritize other playthrough-in-progress wads -- but I'll try and do at least some of the maps and once again follow the commentary.




MAP01: Entrada. Played on DSDA v0.26.2, UV, PS. 55/55 K, 2/2 S, 18/18 I. Comp. time 4:02


It's brown and sweet. When I first played this whenever it was, I didn't realize the music was huyendo del mal, It's great and sets the kind of comical tone to the map. This first map isn't that hard, although I remember first struggling with the secrets, especially the second one. This time I'd breeze through the map, punching most of everything. Decent first map.

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I never checked out D2ISO at all, and for whatever reason assumed it was some kind of community project for Spanish-speaking Doom players... yeah, it is definitely not that.

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Hard to believe I haven't actively participated in club activities in over a year, but D2ISO has been on my to-do list for a while and I'm ecstatic to play with you all again.

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30 minutes ago, plums said:

I never checked out D2ISO at all, and for whatever reason assumed it was some kind of community project for Spanish-speaking Doom players... yeah, it is definitely not that.


It certainly gives the impression of being something less than serious and not worth your while. Deliberately bad marketing, I suppose. That said, there is a funny side to the megawad, some design choices here and there that seem intentionally bad, because the mapset is supposed to poke fun at cheap knock-offs, I think.


I would just urge anyone hesitant to touch this give it a try anyway, for the first few maps. The levels are serious and, umm, visually cohesive :P

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Confused Dobu's OP on UDINO with UDTWID. Can you tell I just woke up?


Anyway, it's funny, before I got involved with the club last month, I was playing a lot of this and got up to MAP31 but hey what the heck I'm willing to go through it again for the sake of it all. I personally was in my Non-Doom phase around the time this came out, but I did read the cacowards writeup on it and it sounded fun. I guess this is pretty thematically appropriate seeing as I finished Doom 2 the Way id Did for my own sake recently, and this is sort of a spinoff on that. You really can't go wrong with high budget names such as these. GZDoom, proper compat settings, HNTR pistol starts, saveless unless it becomes a slog, in which case I will attempt to drop down to ITYTD and beat the map on that before stepping it back up (but to be honest, I'm not expecting that for this one). Heeere we go!


MAP01: Entrada 


95K | 100I | 50S|


A good Tyson map is something to cherish, and Tarnsman makes you feel right at home with the immediate tone set of this wad. Doom 2 the Way id Did? Fuck that, salsa midis and stucco city textures as if you’re in a crumbling Spanish grotto. There is a bit of hope in this deserted area in the form of a water pool that guards the key, but on the whole this is very brown and very dry. First-time players will be confused at their monstercounts upon reaching the exit (unless they are savvy secret hunters), and in my case, have to go back to find the secret chaingun and shotgun earlier on in the map. Screw that, back in my day we had to fight for our shotgun! 


No but really, this is super fun and super airy in its presentation and flow. Anyone that plays a map from the BTSX team/any respected mapper with that “newschool” design knows what to expect with clean geometry and sectors geared towards fighting. This is a MAP01 that is not afraid to put a bit of pressure on you and expects you know the basics of Doom before tackling it. 


I’m not gonna bother with any of the mismangled translated English titles for the maps as I assume others are going to take care of it, but from what I remember there are some funny examples later on in the wad. I can’t imagine being there for release and being shortly confused  followed by “Ohhh, you got me!” and immediately being absorbed into this fantasyland.


But yeah, this map is really damn good for a MAP01. Only 1 slot to put it into, but it’s most certainly at the top for now. Bonus creativity point for the whole WAD :^). 4.4 out of 5.







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Map 01 - “Entrada” by Tarnsman


Cozy map, made with beige, tan and brown textures of all the kinds. Does what one expectes from a good map 01: some secrets, some enemies, a good visual theme, and a bite-sized introduction to the pWAD in question. Nothing unexpected, if one looks only for noraml doom metrics. Well, there is also a berserk pack right at the start and a design choice of monsters hiding in optional secret areas, but this is also not very unusual.


However, there is one unexpected aspect, where Entrada does really shine: it really sells the obsucre/bootleg levelset theme!

- There is a clunky-ish strafejump for the blue key.

- There is a unmarked secret shotgun and its guards, which are all locked behind an intractable computer panel. Typical Doom etiquette would suggest either marking such place as a secret, make a more obvious switch, or not placing enemies in there. But Tarnsman didn't chose to do either of those things. Was it a flaw-by-design, which invokes the feel of a level being somewhat raw? Or was it an idea of "Of course computers are interactable, no dedicated secret flag needed."? In any case, this part of the level does indeed sells the whole "Bootleg/Obsucre old game" theme.

- And last, but not least, the both officiaL secret areas are hidden behind plain walls. Those areas do have hints, yet the plain walls also invoke a feel of unmarked secrets.

I am not sure, if I am overanalazing things, or not. Only @Tarnsman knows the real answer. But whatever the design intent was there at the start, the end result does indeed sell the overarching theme of the WAD quite nicely! Perfect result for a map 1 in any pWAD.

Edited by Azure_Horror

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Will give this a go on HMP, at least the first few maps.  Not much prior knowledge, but what i read here isn't entirely promising :D


MAP01 Entrada - Kills: 100% / Secrets: 100%


Was hoping at the start the berserk-pack would not be a replacement for decent weaponry, but no so!  My punching skills are not greatest, but managed it all deathless which is good enough.  Got to the exit without having all kills, so then found some more of the ruffians guarding a shotgun - which direction i somehow had neglected to go earlier, so ended up getting the shotgun first only from behind the BK door, having been forced to punch and pistol baddies until then.  The first secret was automatic enough, not certain what had triggered it open, but eventually found the second one, getting my hands on the Chaingun and the rest of the demons.  Have to admit to liking the design and layout here, if not so much the combat - but it was alright, too.  Fun map after all!

Edited by espilka

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In the previous months, I've noticed that D2ISO had a bit of a bad reputation in the club - some would want to play it, while others would actively band together to stop that from happening. And I can't say I don't understand why - this is definitely a wad that you have to get into an, uh, certain mindset to enjoy. Play the first few maps, and you'll see what I mean. I myself will be conveniently skipping this month to focus on other stuff, so I won't be joining in the suffering!


But don't get me wrong - all that said, I absolutely love this wad. I've played the first episode quite recently, and maybe it's just the unique Spanish atmosphere, but to me the maps just felt inspired in a way that nothing I've played before can quite match - especially from MAP07 onward. It was my first ever experience with Tarnsman's work, and I can just say that as a mapmaker, he really deserves all the praise he gets!


D2ISO is a wad that I think I'll be more comfortable playing at my own pace, especially since I've heard it can get quite difficult in the later episodes - but I'll definitely be visiting this thread later on, to read some of the reviews! So that said, good luck and enjoy your Spanish vacation ;)

Edited by sq. Tiramisu

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That PRCP2 wrap up is still coming :D Just can't resist D2ISO.

MAP01 - “Entrada” by Tarnsman


Moderately-sized punch in small packages. Definitely "MAP01 genre" map, but it contains a dense amount of content for such a short runtime. A lot of the time, it is the constant switching between berserk-fueled sprints, unapologetic fodder spam, and spatially tight, immediate ambushes that could be very lethal but are over too quick to register as difficulty, which is perfect for opening pacing. This balcony:



Is very lethal-seeming with all those shotgunners. Of course, very easily dispatched too, but it is the initial impression that counts. The congested imp room that guards the stairs is a similar highlight.


For the non-combat gameplay, a level of this length does not allow for much elaborate progression, so 01 makes the one bit of gymnastic count, involving a jump into the level's central structure of intrigue, which is the pond that nearly every opening (windows, arches) in the level points to. It's a nice way to build a "goal" for the map, as well as tying the pretty looks with interaction.

Step by Step of the above paragraph:



Great opening shot. The arches themself are very pretty, but they also align with the moon to divide the frame into two, which draws attention to the empty right half.


Copious blue, framing highlights the goal



Goal reached. A jump that clears all previous barriers.


Yet, it still lingers. Very cool coda for the goal.


As a final note for now, I love the distinct, well-chosen texture pack: a more "rural", "mudbound" take on the Doom 2 grime aesthetic. The decaying touch of the IWAD levels' aesthetic direction is rendered in a more mellow tone, with moonlit directional lighting, calm waters, and aged bricks, sort of an alternate universe version of the mansion part of the Doom II stock textures.


Neat opening. Really showed me that you can do a whole lot with ~60 Underhalls tier monsters while faithfully being a warm-up. Besides the general aesthetic scheme, it is a bit too elementary to tell from this level what D2ISO will be up to in the later mapslots, but it is pleasant as an appetizer, with some nice details for those willing to look.

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Woof!, -cl2, pistol-start with saves


So, Spain won. I played the first map around the release and dropped it because I got distracted by something else. Then I've watched decino's playthrough and decided it was too 90's for my taste. Still, I'll give it another chance. It's a Cacoward winner after all and many people view this one very fondly.


MAP01: Entrada by Tarnsman (as El Pedersen)


A berserk pack right next to you means you can punch your way through the bulk of the map. The cast is small and consists of basic enemies and I think the only remotely dangerous part is a shotgun trap, which opens a row of monsters (including an up-close shotgunner) behind your back.


I do like the texture choice, a combination of stock tan walls and some custom additions create a simple, yet unique look. The midi choice, though, is not my thing. I know it's a part of a joke, I'm just not a fan of this kind of music. Solid map and a good opener.

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I'm back.


Here are my rules for this month :


- I play on every map on DOSBOX , except for map 30 and in cases I meet other problems.

- I play without DEHACKED , because DEHACKED.EXE fails to install them. I could solve the problem but I play the file as it is.

- UV is the chosen difficulty and I don't look for max. I will try to search secrets but I will not spend too much time wallhumping.

- I don't think I'll have a lot to say about the maps, so I will try to maintain short reviews (more or less 5 lines maximum) except if I've specific things to mention.





Map 01 : Entrada





The large water pool is the element of architecture which helps to make this opener quite memorable. It also contribute to open up the layout more than it really is. The other notable aspect, which I guess doesn't only apply about this level is the overall cozy browness, between the custom brown bricks and the stock beige STUCCO and SP_BRWN0. "Entrada" is also more rich in monsters and ambushes than its english brother, especially the large monster closet at the northern part of the map. Those traps seem to announce that D2ISO will be more difficult and than the IWAD and perhaps more "modern" knowing the mappers.


Overall, "Entrada" is a respectable opener. It sets the tone while keeping things brief.


Grade : B  (13/20)



Edited by Roofi

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MAP01 - “Entrada” by Tarnsman


A comfy opening map with a visual style that both feels somewhat generic (A lot of brown) but also feels distinct. There is a little more fight than in Entryway, notably the enforced tyson game play and the shotgun trap. Other than that this is a pretty decent opener. The only odd thing I could think of was that there is a spot where a strafe jump is required for progression, something I don't recall occurring at all in the original IWads.

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I'm not sure how much time I'll have to play this one this month, or any of the following months in the club, but I'll give it a try and hope for it to have short maps.

D2ISO.wad - Doom 2 In Spain Only - Tarnsman et al.:

AY CARAMBA, parece que toca jugar PerdicióN 2: Solo en España. The story for this cheesy megawad goes as follows: some Chinese dudes made a Doom bootleg for Spanish speaking people, with a new set of 32 maps for the Spaniard and latin-american to play in his/her favourite language (Not mine though). Needless to say, it is purposely awfully translated, and the Spanish you will read here is worse than my English when writing these reviews, so expect me to correct every single map title if possible. I've been avoiding playing this mapset because of how brown and boring it looks, but considering it is a vanilla experience, with really classic gameplay, I think I would enjoy it more on that side.
I think this one is a modern case of "Kamasutra", where the wad's presentation does not take itself seriously, but map-wise, it is totally a different thing. 

I will be correcting bad translations for the level titlecards aswell, just as a fun, additional reviewing stuff.

MAP01 - Entrada - Tarnsman (As El Pedersen) (100%K/I/S):

How poorly translated is the title? Not at all, I think it is indeed the correct translation for "entryway", success.

El primer mapa. This level is short, just like your classic vanilla experience, and has a really nice berserk start at the first part, just like TNT's MAP01, and you know how much I love berserk starts when they are well presented. The map is short and simple, but you notice right from the start there are some new textures and skyboxes, that is quite refreshing, although I would say it is a boring choice of colours. The map is not difficult, but I had a hard time trying to jump into the pool without strafe-running (Something that I consider illegal), with no success. Inoffensive map, but works nice. Also, you are gonna like that silly "Pasodoble" (That's the name of the genre) conversion of D_RUNNIN. Imagine fighting a bull with this music, that would be stupid, for sure. It says in the text file it was composed by Ricky Martin! So thanks, Ricky, come to Argentina this summer!

(UV - Playthrough/Crispy Doom)

I think Sandy Petersen could have easily been Sandro Perez and that would have been great.

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I'm going into this blind and attempting to bring no expectations, but I have read enough about it to make the latter a bit difficult. There's all the praise of course, which usually goes hand in hand with quality, but there are specifics in the praise that make me a bit wary. "Humorous mapping" can go either way, but more often than not it goes into aspects of jokewads that I find tiresome and unfunny. Still, I'm not making my mind up about anything until I play a good ways into the wad.

I'll say though, that TITLEPIC is absolutely brilliant.

GZDoom, Doom strict compat, software, HNTR, blind, continuous with saves.


MAP01 - “Entrada” by Tarnsman

It's a starter map. Forced Tyson gameplay is not my favourite, and forced straferuns are quick to bring down my ire; this one's "only" an SR40 but it still took a couple of tries to get the angle right. There's a a chaingun in a secret but I didn't find it until the very end, and I had to punch a good 40 enemies before a shotgun guy dropped his weapon. There are a few nice setup visually, but the texture choice is incredibly drab, it's all brown. Not a great start to the wad. The one redeeming feature, and it's a big one, is the music track, a D_RUNNIN... is that salsa? variation that is at once very humorous, very good, and a great mood setter.

(apparently it's Pasodoble, thanks DJV)

Edited by brick

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MAP02: Salas de Debajo. Played on DSDA v0.26.2, UV, PS. 79/79 K, 3/3 S, 31/31 I. Comp. time 5:54


Another place in brown, another decent map. It's got more of those traps (which MAP01 also had) where you pick something and a long but narrow monster closet is revealed onto the corridor. I liked this one too. For some reason I remembered the trap behind the yellow key door be much more intense proving the mapset isn't just a brown stucco style exercise, but this time the map felt quite easy. Only at the beginning one can suffer from low ammo if one does pistol starts like me.

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MAP02: Salas De Debajo


98K | 50I | 33S


Continues building on the wacky tone set by the prior map in a fun way, turning Tyson skirmishes into run-and-gun shotgun mayhem with a bit of Underhalls DNA in there at the very end, implemented in a different way than what you’d expect. The MIDI here helps keeps things feeling very light-hearted, although in my playthrough I was constantly on the verge of death. I just blame that on poor gameplay though, this map kicks ass. Water returns in this map, looking (I presume) pristine and clean, and part of the map even sinks into it at a point which is something I always love in doom maps (the immediate example that comes to mind is the sinkhole map from E1 of Ancient Aliens). 


The beginning is a bit of a ‘hot start’ with no real easy shotgun pickup for you to nab, at least that I noticed. I was forced to fight for my shotty and ammo early on in the map until I got a foothold. Again, newschool design, this stuff is expected and I welcome it. There are a couple simple monster closets as well to keep you on your toes, but nothing too advanced you’d think it was Boom format (which I should clarify, it’s not. This is all vanilla/limit-removing to my knowledge). Fantastic MAP02, I can feel the demons of CLAU1024 leaving my body and having this pharaoh's curse of quality mapmaking being breathed in by Tarnsman et. al. 4.8 out of 5. 








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MAP02 Salas de Debajo - K: 100% | S: 100%


So the design is surprisingly classic, visually, architecturally and in combat.  i like the nifty interconnectedness of the map, the way it all comes together.  Problem for me is this feels, on continuous run anyway, easier than Underhalls!  And not only in combat, the secrets are the same.  Lack of difficulty is not something i'd normally complain about, but being easier than the OG is a bit of an exaggeration in design.  But i do approve of the scarcity of bullets, as abundance of them would have eliminated any phantom of a threat from the ambushes.  The only thing that tells me this is meant to be somehow humorous, though, is the incongruously annoying and irritatingly mismatched Spanish music.  Still fun to play, and i've always enjoyed, and will always enjoy, classic aesthetics, design and gameplay.  It's a small thing, but for some reason i really liked the detail of a small outside area.




MAP01 Entrada

MAP02 Salas de Debajo


Edited by espilka

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MAP01: Entrada & MAP02: Salas de debajo
Putting these first two maps together because they're both short and play out relatively similar. First thing's first, both maps are incredibly ugly and incredibly brown, though you won't need me to tell you that. Apparently it's supposed to be part of the charm, but we'll see if that holds up for 32 maps. When it comes to gameplay, nothing too challenging here. Looks like a few players missed the semi-secret shotgun at the beginning of the first map, so that would definitely make things a bit more difficult. This El Pederson fellow really loves opening up monsters closed fill with shotgunners and imps right on top of you. I'm pretty sure this kind of trap plays out at least 5 times in these first two levels alone. I'm hoping for a bit more varied gameplay down the line and colors other than brown and slightly different brown. The music so far is enjoyable, though I'm not exactly cultured when it comes to Latin music so I can't tell if they're originals or not. Either way it's nice to have something different for once.




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MAP01: Entrada

UV | Continuous | GZDoom


A very humble start that pushes the player into a Tyson scenario, at least for the very beginning, that feels curiously restrained, like being lightly bopped around the noggin with a pillow. I struggle to have much to say about it. It's very quaint, if not a little humdrum in terms of action. It's not all that interesting to look at either, which is a shame. The map's layout is cute, but overall it feels a little lacking. It's not exactly the strongest first impression for a megaWAD. And yet, it also has a little air of mystery to it, especially with one of its secrets that I wasn't able to figure out. As far as opening maps go, it's a little... I don't want to be mean, so I think I'll stick to quaint and humdrum. That's all I've got to say about this one.



MAP02: Salas de debajo


Now this is more like it! While it's is just as simple and somewhat plain-looking as MAP01, MAP02 well makes up for it with layout, progression and action. The cheeky little aqueducts under the buildings with hitscanners being able to take pot-shots at your ankles was a particularly nice touch. While still residing in the same quaint ballpark at MAP01, it feels a little bit more ambitious and forthcoming. It's way too early to tell what the real "vibe" of this megaWAD is just yet, but it does have a funny old-school charm to it that thankfully has an endearing quality to it, which is saying a lot for someone like me who has a somewhat dismissive attitude to a lot of old 90s WADs. Mind you, I still don't have any particular expectations, but am very curious to see what direction the WAD takes us in.



Edited by Biodegradable

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Only commenting on aesthetic craft because I don't like doing broad overviews. Not planning on finishing because busy. 


map01: Entrada


Opening map that seems to be reveling in how many brown textures it can use, including many that clash a lot with each other, like the new bricks and woodtex and mansion panel asset alongside Doom 2 staples like (a slightly modded) BROWN1 and STUCCO1. Kind of gives the vibe of a map that was half-retextured in a hurry, which is funny. Near the exit there are some tan bricks that don't appear anywhere else in the map, kinda driving home that cheeky "brown texture assbundance" pattern. (edit: I really wrote "assbundance" there, not some strained pun, maybe some weird muscle memory, but Leaving It In.)


It is still a pretty map owing to Tarnsman's architecture (albeit quite restrained here) and the lovely contrast of brown and deep blue water/torches, and coherent motifs like that chestnut of 'vertical support beams everywhere'. Tarns is also fond of directional lighting that emanates from a natural light source and D2ISO owing to vanilla limits doesn't really indulge in that a ton compared to e.g. TPH but there's still some here, ironically in the one butt-ugly area. 


The sky is cool, and the opening area's metal floor is sort of the same color as the sky, which not sure if that does anything special for the look but I like the way that looks...


map02: Salas De Debajo


A lot more sedate texturing here as most of the assets are stock Doom 2 rather than drawing so heavily from the Spain or Brazil (NEIS 2) suites. That hyperactivity is replaced by more hyperactive lighting instead, a lot of blinking and glowing effects, which come along with some extra lighting contrast in the form of the dark "rooms below."


Compared to map01 the architecture is more loose with its shaping, and therefore instead of the vertical support pillars being at natural points of emphasis like doors or evenly spaced out sides, they tend more to wrap around at the more improvised transitions from one material to another and are even more often used the main material of a stretch of wall. Having this look coherent is not exactly very easy but the map manages to do that. 


At this point of the set very little is an architectural highlight (that changes later though), but I like this curving hallway. 




Janky skyhack. It's funny because both of these maps have been well crafted but there's been overt "lol bad design" Left In too.

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Map02 - “Salas de debajo” by Tarnsman

Blind Play on continuous from map 01, replayed on a pistol start, UV



- interconectedness

- continues the visual theme from map 01, while changing both the geometry and the texture pallette (all textures seem to be from Doom 2, while map 01 used a number of custom textures)

- gameplay is fun, and balances right on the edge between deadly and easy-going.


- lack of any meaningful attention-grabbing points in the level.

- gameplay feels extremely "by-the-book" - there is basic low-tier enemies (not a single caco, chaingunner, or lost soul in sight), all arranged in convenient small groups.


Bonus Topic: comparison to Doom 2

“Salas de debajo” and “Underhalls” both share a love for shotgun zombies. However, as far as I know, @Tarnsman loves deploying spicy monsters in general. So I am not sure, if the shotgunners are there to reference “Underhalls”, or just to spice things up.

In the more general sense, “Salas de debajo” does feel very much like "The way ID did" map. It even has merciful resource placement thanks to secrets!



This is a very good map, with very classic design style. But it is a good map of unmemorable variety, sadly. This level is a rare case, where a coherent visual theme plays against the map: both “Entrada” and “Salas de debajo” have similar visual schemes, and thus “Salas de debajo” has nothing to stand out.

Edited by Azure_Horror

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MAP02: Salas de debajo by Tarnsman (as El Pedersen)


There are surprisingly little ammo placed in here, but at the same time, half of the enemies are shotgunners, so you shouldn't complain about the lack of shells. Aside from that, there's little to report. Salas de debajo was fine to play but I doubt I'll remember it by the end of the month.

Edited by Celestin

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MAP02 - Salas de Debajo - Tarnsman (As El Pedersen) (100%K/I/S):

How poorly translated is the title? It is bad, but to be fair, it is difficult to translate "Underhalls". "Salas" means rooms, and not halls, and saying "de debajo" is just awful. The correct aception would be, for me, "Pasillos Subterraneos".

So far we are playing standard Doom II, feels like one of those classic 1996 maps, quite Memento Mori-esque in my opinion. A nice map, that ramps up difficulty a little bit, but not much more, the layout is good but still quite short. To be honest this is not a downside for me so far, as I don't have much time. Secrets are fun to find so far, the RL one works really well for the trap that goes after grabbing the green armor. Also, don't take the lift, hit the switch and fall down the pit from the window, or you would get stucked behind imps that will drain your health, that was the spiciest moment in this little map. 

Fun, but how much time will I stand brown aesthetics?

(UV - Playthrough/Crispy Doom)

Order of Preference:




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6 hours ago, DavitW said:

First thing's first, both maps are incredibly ugly and incredibly brown


5 minutes ago, DJVCardMaster said:

Fun, but how much time will I stand brown aesthetics?


This might break the club rules, and should perhaps be discussed only on day 30:



I totally understand one might doubt their tolerance for brown, but from my 1st playthrough I remember actually standing brown aesthetics until the end. I don't think D2:ISO is ugly by any means. A bit monomaniacal with its visual flare, there's no denying that, but I do think the mappers had a good grasp of the very restricted texture set, and even by the end, I don't think I thought to have had my share of brown to last a lifetime. So far this impression hasn't been broken on the Club playthrough (although I'm just a couple of maps ahead schedule now).


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Map 02 : "Salas de debajo"




The spanish version of "Underhalls" mostly takes place outdoors and the low architecture as well as the grassy courtyards highlight the beautiful night sky with its desertic hills. I love it. It gives such a strong personnality to the wad, along with the music. The upbeat music marries perfectly with shotgun blasts against low-tiers enemies. At times, I felt like I was figuratively dancing. Just goes to show that Doom can be adapted to any kind of music. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't played enough wads. About the map itself, the omnipresent brown and strong light contrasts feel very cosy.


FYI : I'm currently on map 06 on continuous and the wad turns out to be pretty spicy, maybe not as much as mexican food , but still.


Grade : B  (14/20)




Edited by Roofi

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Right, here's a megawad that's kind of low on my backburner but I want to try out sometime since it's doubtful the average length is going to be a whole lot longer than Doom 2: The Way Id Did. UV, pistol-start, with saves



Map 01: Entrada

by El Pedersen 


This first megawad by a crew of naive Spainards who seemingly co-opt the name of the original Doom developers because.....reasons, Entrada proves to be a worthy opener. A Tyson map until the last section, health is fairly scarce so don't be caught off guard by the traps Richard Frei is known for. There's nothing too difficult and there aren't lots of shotgunners, but the spaces here are fairly tight. A couple of jumping puzzles later leads us to the blocked-off pool in the center with the blue key. That doesn't make too much sense, but don't worry, a few enemies await inside to trip up careless players, along with a kind-of umarked secret (light shines nere,but only a narrow strip of wall opens) only lazy people (or those nearly finished with the stupid map) will not check out. Although there's an ambush of 10 Imps or so when you pick the gun up so maybe you earn it after a fashion. Entering the exit reveals one last Imp and some medkits before we get to leave this weird Latin-flavored D_RUNNIN remix and continue forth! Appropriately, the intermission screen is set to the tune of the greatest Latin song that has ever existed on the face of the earth "Oye la Como Va" (it kind of annoys me, tbh)



Map 02: Salas de Debajo

by El Pedersen


You know, I don't know why this Pedersen fool has a reputation for being so amiable and laid-back because good lord, there's basically NO health, other than a medkit in that open-drain and a Supercharge in a secret! So yes, save often whenever our man Tarnie is in the game because this is a serious step up from Doom 2: The Way Id Did. Nothing overwhelming because this is a vanilla wad with vanilla textures after all but there's enough shotgunners scattered everywhere (including the salas de titulardio) to make our lives miserable and the disadvantageous start doesn't really help matters. The traps grow strangely nastier, to the extent that shotgunners near the bue  who may kill a player with mostly full health that are especially troublesome. Being blocked in the canals here is quite annoying here. No serious aesthetic changes can be noted. The secrets aren't terribly difficult to find. I wish I'd spent one of the rockets on the shotgunner trio toward the exit, but I wasn't sure how many were there. Press some switches and shit and things open. You can tell how well we understand at least how one switch is connected. The Supercharge one made more sense perhaps, but still, no asking the exact trigger now.




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