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How to create a Switch that will hide another Switch?


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Hello, good day, i'm watching a lot of Doombuilder tutorials, and want to make a 5 short map test for something to Doomworld, but for the start i want the player to make a choise bettewn 2 items, i trink i need to make a propierty to a switch to make the another switch go down to the ground or another trick to make the other switch innacessible, any tips?

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What format are you mapping for? For boom and MBF formats you'd probably use voodoo doll scripting. For ZDoom formats probably an ACS script. And for limit removing and vanilla you'd maybe need to use mikoveyors.


EDIT: Note that just lowering a switch to the ground does not make it unusable. You can still activate it if you hit USE at where it used to be. So to make something like this work, you have to not just hide the switch, but also ensure that it no longer has the same effect.

Edited by Worst

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The most reliable way to render a switch unusable is to hide it behind a sector with a height of 0 or less (ceiling and floor are the same or the ceiling is lower than the floor). You can achieve this by setting the sector in front of the switch to be blocked, as well as the sector containing the item that the player is choosing (or that is blocking the way to the item that the player is choosing), to the same tag as the switch that's going to reveal the item/block the switch, using the S1 Floor Lower to Highest Floor linedef special, and adding a dummy sector connected to the sector of the switch where the floor is set to be above the height of the switch sector's ceiling. You can do this for both switches.


The good thing about that linedef special is that it will instantly raise the floor if the target floor is higher than the origin floor, which immediately blocks off access to the switch. This is also vanilla-compatible, doesn't rely on voodoo dolls etc.


The setup kind of looks like this. Tweak as needed. The two light blue sectors are merged, as are the two light green sectors, and are actually the same sector. The little square sectors next to them are the dummy sectors.

Mutually Exclusive Switch Setup.png

Edited by bofu

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I was mapping from Boom because i wanted to make a map that will work in DSDA and fork similars, and also will work with GZDoom.

But you suggestion gave me a idea that will work how to make the decision to the player, i got a brain fart.


EDIT: Thanks you @bofu will try something like that after work.

Edited by D4NUK1

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I feel like you don't need switches to do this. You can have tunnels leading to each of the two items the player gets to choose from with walk-over lines that cause the tunnel of the item the player didn't choose to close (like a door/ Ceiling lowering/ floor raising) to block the player from being able to get the other item.

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On 9/1/2023 at 7:10 PM, Worst said:

What format are you mapping for? For boom and MBF formats you'd probably use voodoo doll scripting. For ZDoom formats probably an ACS script. And for limit removing and vanilla you'd maybe need to use mikoveyors.


EDIT: Note that just lowering a switch to the ground does not make it unusable. You can still activate it if you hit USE at where it used to be. So to make something like this work, you have to not just hide the switch, but also ensure that it no longer has the same effect.

 Unless you hide it behind an unreachable linedef, like, say a wall or a carboard box

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