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Does this site have a rules list?????

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1 hour ago, Kinsie said:

1.) Don't be a cock.

2.) When in doubt, see rule 1.

Is it ok to be a chicken? Or is it the same thing as a cock?

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1. Don't be a penis.

2. Enjoy your stay.

3. Optional: Connect with others in positive ways. 

Edited by OniriA

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1 hour ago, Shakariki Heisenberg said:

but isnt cock good? the food version and the other thing....

lovely when stewed with white beans and a little chardonnay...

Edited by LoatharMDPhD

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an official rules post would be helpful but I think these forums tend to abide by the golden rule: don't derail posts to complain about bilinear texture filtering

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On 9/3/2023 at 3:13 AM, OniriA said:

1. Don't be a penis.

2. Enjoy your stay.

3. Optional: Connect with others in positive ways. 


Rule number 4. 'Following' me is required. image.png.8f7982a8568d54f629dc904c8a763074.png poowpoow.gif

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Seems like we just had this thread. Oh wait, we did:


Aaaand, nothing came out of it apparently. By the by, any word on this @Doomkid?




But regardless, it's been rehashed time and time again, the biggest rule is don't be a dick. Don't treat others unfairly, don't be mean, you can disagree, you can argue, but treat others with respect. And don't post WAREZ or any other illegal content. And generally posting nudity is frowned upon, or real-world visceral images, and if you do feel like those images will contribute to a discussion, just put them behind a *spoilers* tag, and explain what you're posting. And don't spam or shitpost, and if you have to ask yourself "Is this a shitpost?" before posting something, it more than likely is. For the most part we're all adults, and we can handle "adult" material, just don't treat Doomworld as a Reddit or 4chan subforum.


Edit: And I missed this:


On 9/2/2023 at 7:24 PM, Biodegradable said:

Check out my personal Survival Guide here.

Definitely check out Biodegradable's link.

Edited by Jello

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To be honest, the ruleless doomworld has a much more relaxed community than some (ahem-ahem) forums with clearly defined rules.

On 9/3/2023 at 4:47 AM, Karnasis said:

Is it ok to be a chicken? Or is it the same thing as a cock?

I want to be a crow!

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A definitive rule list always leads to dickheads lawyering, which I think is why little progress has been made on a FAQ. It's pretty much down to "behave reasonably"..


BUT I'll admit there's some that aren't obvious which probably should be, such as "don't make contentless / low effort / lazy meme" posts (unless it's funny - but it usually isn't). That's just a decorum thing though, you're not gonna get banned for posting the occasional meme or whatever!

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9 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

A definitive rule list always leads to dickheads lawyering, which I think is why little progress has been made on a FAQ. It's pretty much down to "behave reasonably"..


BUT I'll admit there's some that aren't obvious which probably should be, such as "don't make contentless / low effort / lazy meme" posts (unless it's funny - but it usually isn't). That's just a decorum thing though, you're not gonna get banned for posting the occasional meme or whatever!

Yeah I know, once you tell people what's accepted and what isn't accepted, you will end up with people arguing over minutiae. So that's why I prefer the soft hand of the mods that makes Doomworld work. If you have to argue about semantics then you probably shouldn't be posting here. You guys seem to know where that line is, and it works most of the time. The people that have run afoul of the mods generally seem to be the people that deserve it. 


So yeah, "behave reasonably" is a great guideline for most people. In fact, I'm not exactly sure who would fall outside of that guideline. You would have to be a real asshole or cunt to not "behave reasonably".

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Additionally, there’s a 5 question mark limit per question. I see you like to live dangerously.

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On 9/2/2023 at 7:13 PM, OniriA said:

1. Don't be a penis.

2. Enjoy your stay.

3. Optional: Connect with others in positive ways. 

but I like pe-

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5 hours ago, Jello said:

Yeah I know, once you tell people what's accepted and what isn't accepted, you will end up with people arguing over minutiae. So that's why I prefer the soft hand of the mods that makes Doomworld work. If you have to argue about semantics then you probably shouldn't be posting here. You guys seem to know where that line is, and it works most of the time. The people that have run afoul of the mods generally seem to be the people that deserve it.


5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

A definitive rule list always leads to dickheads lawyering, which I think is why little progress has been made on a FAQ. It's pretty much down to "behave reasonably"..


BUT I'll admit there's some that aren't obvious which probably should be, such as "don't make contentless / low effort / lazy meme" posts (unless it's funny - but it usually isn't). That's just a decorum thing though, you're not gonna get banned for posting the occasional meme or whatever!


6 hours ago, Astar said:

To be honest, the ruleless doomworld has a much more relaxed community than some (ahem-ahem) forums with clearly defined rules.

On 1/7/2022 at 9:06 AM, Scypek2 said:

But also, the red warning showing up on old threads is just a warning, not a strict prohibition. So you shouldn't resurrect such threads just to add a minor comment, but if you have something substantial and relevant enough to add, it may be preferable to resurrect an old thread instead of creating a new one about the exact same thing.


On 1/7/2022 at 11:47 PM, Daytime Waitress said:

What's the general rule (or convention) with regards to bumping threads specifically in the WADs& Mods subforum?


Say I'm a year late to the party, but this megawad changed my whole outlook on Doom, gaming and life in general. Or I've just come back to a mapset on a higher difficulty level and feel I could re-evaluate my first impressions. In either case, I'd like to post in the original thread. But bumping that means pushing newer content off the first few pages, injuring folks who are trying to get views on their current projects. In that case should I just shoot the author a PM?

On 1/8/2022 at 9:27 AM, Doomkid said:

This is fine for a bump. Your mileage may vary but as a mapper myself it makes me happy when people bump my old shit to tell me they had fun with it, or even to tell me it stinks (in nicer words, of course)


On 1/7/2022 at 1:20 PM, Dusty_Rhodes said:

... The community here is full of great people and they really encourage creativity. So it's worth sticking around :D


And don't bother people about their source ports and source port settings, people like to play Doom differently. There's a lot of contention about source ports and mods, especially Brutal Doom. Just like politics, they devolve into pointless flame wars. It's not worth fighting over.


This looks like a great time for a prfunky diatribe!


According to my profile, I've been on the Doomworld forums since some point in 2010.

But prior to about 2 years ago, I responded to exactly 2 posts. There are several reasons

for this. The number one reason would be that I hadn't really released much work and

generally felt that until I had, I hadn't much to say about the art form. Two, I joined primarily

to read the content already here. Three, it was one of several forums I looked at as avenues

to release my own Doom content. The others being zdoom.org, zdaemon.org and



When I finally finished Chap DM3 after more than seven years of development, I took a

short break from mapping and did a whole lot of going back in time viewing/reading

Doomworld's past, specifically, the, at that time, WADs & Mods subforum. There were specific

things I was interested in and actually cached several posts to get a chronological view of my

interests. Through this research mining process, I learned a great deal about how the forums

had functioned and evolved. I am quite amazed at the names who've vanished as well

as those still around to this day.


However, I was initially quite clueless about some forum etiquette and vocabulary. Sometimes

I was admonished for violating these unwritten rules. Examples of things I didn't know wtf they

were included:




I haven't in my quarter century of being on the Internet spent much time actually posting in

forums. Rather, I used a search engine to look for information which was often found in forums.

I guess that means I'm primarily a reader, not a writer.


Of the quotations I've noted above, I've highlighted a few things I agree with.

Doomworld does have a soft-handed moderator approach; I appreciate that. Since, the rules

aren't really written, I think it actually helps with keeping people on their better behavior if they

have any self-consciousness at all. "Why did I say that? Could I be on thin ice now?" Since it

is subjected to unseen/unheard moderation, it's never quite a definitive "You broke rule #37!".


As a result, I view Doomworld as having a high percentage of actual content. Besides the

useful information about the game and tools for editing the levels, it's full of actual maps/levels

and other resources! It's a creative works gold mine. The comments I see in response to the

ubiquitous "My first wad" posts are generally very helpful to the map editor/writer/creator and

for the most part, polite. Using that as an example promotes my own willingness to help where

I can and am semi-qualified to do so.


I guess that means my best advice for a golden rule here would be keep the positive

feedback loop in full effect.



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12 minutes ago, prfunky said:

I guess that means my best advice for a golden rule here would be keep the positive

feedback loop in full effect.

I really enjoyed your entire post, but I think this is one of the most hopeful things that I've read in a long time. And it's something I need to try to focus on, because being a miserable person will only perpetuate your misery. So thanks for posting.

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6 hours ago, act said:

but I like pe-


You can like them without being them.


Just a thought.

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