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Box Doom - Community Project [Slots Filled]

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@Halfblind I made a fix to one of my rooms - please include this updated zip in your next batch of submissions. This should be my final submission pending any unforeseen issues. Thanks!





@Halfblind: resolved a few minor texture alignment issues in Box 57 - here's my updated submission.

Edited by stochastic
Minor texture alignment fixes in Box 57 and merged sector in 71/72

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On 11/2/2023 at 2:04 AM, randomsounds01 said:

By the way, I’m going to extend the deadline to December because we don’t have all the slots claimed.

Thank you!

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I think you should extend the deadline or allow mappers to submit one more map. MAybe update the number of slots left in the OP title to attract people. There are still 8 slots left, but I really want to see this come together and play it. Anyways, bumping it to see if anyone else shows interest.

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5 hours ago, DoomGappy said:

There are still 8 slots left, but I really want to see this come together and play it.


Same here. If the project lead decides to allow more than 3 submissions, I'd be happy to claim room 58 or any other open slot if it gets closer to the deadline and more submissions are needed.

However, I've already submitted 3, so I'd love for someone else to jump on this!

Edited by stochastic

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1 hour ago, stochastic said:

Same here. If the project lead decides to allow more than 3 submissions, I'd be happy to claim room 58 or any other open slot if it gets closer to the deadline and more submissions are needed.

However, I've already submitted 3, so I'd love for someone else to jump on this!

Yes, exactly. I also have submitted 3 maps, and I also want other people to submit to this, but I also want to see this finished so bad! 

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6 hours ago, Frank Harper said:

Here`s my second submition, this time for slot #11.


Hi Frank, I have claimed slot #11 already a few days ago:




I have received confirmation by @Halfblind (via DM), but unfortunately the initial post with the slot list hasn't been updated since. Maybe you can just pick one of the other open slots? Thanks a lot.

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44 minutes ago, Grizzly Old B said:

Hi Frank, I have claimed slot #11 already a few days ago

Well, in this case, any free slot will do.

Edited by Frank Harper

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Probably final version of rooms 62 and 63:




Again, 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad is needed as additional texture pack.


Changes to previous version:

  • solved issues with invisible lifts
  • blocking bars raise faster to prevent possibility of softlocking
  • control sectors, hidden switches etc. now hidden on automap
  • some more health, especially on UV
  • some more detailing
  • Important: @Halfblind already did a round of optimization (joining similar sectors, flipping lines etc.) in between. Part of this was shrinking the starting/ending corridors and moving the player start directly into the first room, meaning that you're immediately attacked by enemies when testing the map. This makes it way harder than it would normally be, be aware. Or just cheat.


Feedback welcome!


@Halfblind, if you finalise your common optimisation stuff on the rooms, please don't touch the sectors inside the gap in room 63, as it might break the invisible lifts again. Thanks!

Edited by Grizzly Old B
added important note

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  • 2 weeks later...

Initial version of room 11 (“Box of Boxes”):




In this one I've gone for a crate maze variation plus my first fake room-over-room experiment. You'll need 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad as additional resource. I have tested the room with GZDoom and DSDA-Doom. Player 1 start + weapon/ammo in starting corridor as well as exit linedef in ending corridor will of course have to be removed. Feel free to give the room a try – feedback much appreciated.











Map Overview:





Map Info:


Number: 11
Author: Grizzly Old B
Title: Box of Boxes
Dimensions: 512x512
Tags used: 110-119
Enemy count: 10 (UV, NM), 8 (ITYTD, HNTR, HMP)
Difficulties implemented: yes
Custom textures: 32in24-15_tex_v2


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6 hours ago, Grizzly Old B said:

Initial version of room 11 (“Box of Boxes”):




In this one I've gone for a crate maze variation plus my first fake room-over-room experiment. You'll need 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad as additional resource. I have tested the room with GZDoom and DSDA-Doom. Player 1 start + weapon/ammo in starting corridor as well as exit linedef in ending corridor will of course have to be removed. Feel free to give the room a try – feedback much appreciated.




  Hide contents










Map Overview:


  Hide contents



Map Info:


Number: 11
Author: Grizzly Old B
Title: Box of Boxes
Dimensions: 512x512
Tags used: 110-119
Enemy count: 10 (UV, NM), 8 (ITYTD, HNTR, HMP)
Difficulties implemented: yes
Custom textures: 32in24-15_tex_v2


Looks great!

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Sorry for the late update, as my internet was down for over a week. I did use the time to get caught up on some of Box Doom's backlog. Here are some thoughts:


@DoomGappy, @stochastic @Grizzly Old B I also think that it is a great idea for submitters to request a fourth box. I too would like a fourth spot too namely box 44 as it is now open. We just need @randomsounds01 to approve submissions of a fourth spot. I would also really like to see every spot filled so that I can focus on testing and optimizing every room. I do know that everyone is waiting on a new alpha too and I have been trying to help with that as best as I can.


@Frank Harper Grizzly Old B did request box 11, but because your room is hell themed it can be moved to box 48, 49 or 58 as those are still open. I just don't know their door orientations at the moment.

Just to let everyone know, out of the first 20 boxes, I am still waiting for @Jakub Majewski's submissions. He originally requested boxes 8 and 18, but box 8 has already been submitted by another mapper and approved, so I am waiting for his box 18 submission.

Here is the most updated list of submission requests. I moved @DynamiteKaitorn request to box 07 and then @Matt Eldrydge request to box 08 because they flowed better texture wise and also played better that way.


1. @RandomSounds01 'Intro to BD'

2. @RandomSounds01 'The Tekbase'

3. @BUYXRAYS 'Tribute to Gantlet'

4. @Proxy-MIDI ‘What a Jerk’

5. @Raith138 'Bastion of Blood' 

6. @No-Man Baugh 'The Owning'

7. @DynamiteKaitorn

8. @Matt Eldrydge

9. @jo2ukegappy 'Fountain of Youth'

10. @MrBlaskovitz ‘Support’

11. @Grizzly Old B

12. @Craneo

13. @Djoga 'Hazardous'

14. @Djoga 'Drop Dead'

15. @glue_sniffer ‘Take Cover’

16. @Cutman 999 ‘Greenbox’

17. @DaBigNerd

18. @Jakub Majewski

19. @Cutman 999 ‘Mailbox’

20. @MrBlaskovitz ‘Support2’

21. @xdude_gamer ‘Elements a la Float’

22. @scientifikgenius

23. @taufan999

24. @taufan999

25. @Slaughter 'Hell Hole'

26. @Jo2ukegappy 'Mosh Pit'

27. @No-Man Baugh ‘The Shrine of The One’

28. @tewgytaylor

29. @macro 'Library of Bael'

30. @bsharp

31. @macro 'Burn'

32. @SmolGhost 'goofy maze'

33. @Halfblind AKA BlindChaos ‘Tik-Tak-Tek’

34. @Halfblind AKA BlindChaos ‘Tik-Tak-Tek

35. @SteveTheSpaceJanitor 'Have a rest (room)'

36. @Dragonfly 'Prism'

37. @xdude_gamer ‘Bridge to Hell’

38. @Djoga 'Queuerockshow'

39. @DankMetal ‘Evil Reincarnate’

40. @DankMetal ‘Something Satanic This Way Comes’

41. @Ad Nauseam

42. @SmolGhost 'Facility'

43. @Scionox ‘Caco-King’

44. Open

45. @scientifikgenius

46. @xdude_gamer 'Techbase Armory'

47. @xdude_gamer 'Firing Squad'

48. Open

49. Open

50. @Wavy

51. @SmolGhost

52. @No-Man Baugh ‘A Bridge Too Tan’

53. @Raith138

54. @Raith138

55. @crug

56. @Chariot Rider

57. @stochastic ‘Vile Luxury’ @Frank Harper

58. Open

59. @BlazedMaps

60. @Slaughter ‘Return to Cell 666’

61. @BlazedMaps

62. @Grizzly Old B “The Vista”

63. @Grizzly Old B “The Gap”

64. @Jakub Majewski

65. @NiGHTS108 'N3DA'

66. @tornado potato 'Demonic Elevator'

67. Open

68. @NiGHTS108 'Not Scary, Didn't Cry'

69. @Halfblind AKA BlindChaos ‘Flesh & Blood’

70. @BlazedMaps @NiGHTS108 'Urinal of Deities'

71. @stochastic 'The Blue Room'

72. @stochastic 'The Red Room'

73. @taufan999

74. @jo2ukegappy - 'Trial by fire'

75. @LSC Lasico 'Amania Volcano'

76. @LSC Lasico 'Amania Research Complex'

77. @LSC Lasico 'Amania Protactorate'

78. @crug

79. @crug



Participants who haven’t claimed or assigned a spot:




@Scionox (requested 3 boxes ‘It watches’ ‘Fiery Surprise’)



For anyone who hasn't filled out my Google Form for their submissions I highly encourage you to do so.
Also here is the updated spreadsheet.


Here is also my most updated BoxDoomGrid. Again, this is not representative of the layout in anyway. This is just a way that I visually keep track of what have tested so far.


Additionally, here is another mapping pro tip.

Pro Tip Level: 2 out of 5

Pro Tip Name: Applying Correct Sidedefs to Linedefs


During testing and optimization of a couple of rooms for Box Doom I found that a few mappers have incorrectly placed their sidedef textures into the wrong sides of the linedef's. Here is an example:


Notice how every box is taken by a texture. This is the incorrect way of placing textures onto a linedef. Here is a screenshot of the same dialogue box with all textures removed.



Notice how only one box has a "!" warning mark. This is the only box that needs to be assigned a texture. Minus some exceptions to this rule, like when 1. you are applying a mid-texture for transparent water or grates or 2. placing lower textures behind rising floors and lowering ceilings, there is no reason why you would need to place a sidedef texture on all sides of a linedef. Here is a screenshot of the correct texture placement in this example.



I do know that in older ports, especially in older versions of GZDoom there was noticeable seams where flats and sidedefs meet, but this issue has since been fixed in the last decade or so. I am assuming that the latest versions of Boom have also fixed these issues. I am not too familiar with how the vanilla engine and ports render the environment but most of the time they don't have visible seams if you have placed a texture on only the visible facing sides. By placing texture on only the visible facing sides it would also take less time and be more efficient because you are not placing textures on any hidden surfaces. I've been studying Doom map design for over a decade, so this is just my two cents. If you have any questions about this topic, please let me know.

Edited by Halfblind

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19 minutes ago, Halfblind said:


@DoomGappy, @stochastic @Grizzly Old B I also think that it is a great idea for submitters to request a fourth box. I too would like a fourth spot too namely box 44 as it is now open. We just need @randomsounds01 to approve submissions of a fourth spot. I would also really like to see every spot filled so that I can focus on testing and optimizing every room. I do know that everyone is waiting on a new alpha too and I have been trying to help with that as best as I can.

So we're down to 5 open slots? Also, Halfblind, not to abuse your patience, but shouldn't you request @randomsounds01 to put together the WAD? I think you deserve that and the credit for doing so as a huge proponent and helper of this project. It wouldn't be the same without you. I think other members will agree. Assuming form the conversations we had, you are also a very patient person who took your time to explain all the problems and difficulties with everyone's map. You're even guiding some young doomers in this thread on proper texture placement. I've grown to respect and admire what you've done for the project very much.

Edited by DoomGappy

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@DoomGappy, Thanks I appreciate it. I will keep uploading files and updating @randomsounds01 the best that I can. Honestly, I think that he is doing great too, and I feel that he is eagerly waiting for everyone's submissions too. Outside of the open slots, I still haven't seen or received 3 other requested room submissions either, but I'll keep that updated as I go. This project has been a great learning experience for us all. There have been a few new things that I have learned as well. 

Additionally, I would move @Scionox's unclaimed "It Watches" box to Box 80 and then place @BUYXRAYS exit room right after. That is just my opinion, because I think it would be hilarious to tease players with the BFG, then finally get it at the very end and they never get to use it. The player gets teased by it a few times beforehand too. That is hilarious because this is not a slaughter map by any means.


Also, randomsounds01 might be changing the overall layout a little as to include a central hub area making the map flow better which would make the map have better progression. Can't wait to see what he has in mind, to be honest.

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3 minutes ago, Halfblind said:

@DoomGappy, Thanks I appreciate it. I will keep uploading files and updating @randomsounds01 the best that I can. Honestly, I think that he is doing great too, and I feel that he is eagerly waiting for everyone's submissions too. Outside of the open slots, I still haven't seen or received 3 other requested room submissions either, but I'll keep that updated as I go. This project has been a great learning experience for us all. There have been a few new things that I have learned as well. 

Additionally, I would move @Scionox's unclaimed "It Watches" box to Box 80 and then place @BUYXRAYS exit room right after. That is just my opinion, because I think it would be hilarious to tease players with the BFG, then finally get it at the very end and they never get to use it. The player gets teased by it a few times beforehand too. That is hilarious because this is not a slaughter map by any means.


Also, randomsounds01 might be changing the overall layout a little as to include a central hub area making the map flow better which would make the map have better progression. Can't wait to see what he has in mind, to be honest.

Of course, I have no idea of how the communication between you guys has been in private. Sorry if I overstepped a boundary here, but I just think you deserve at least a highlighted mention once the project is released. Anyways, thanks to all for the hard work you've put in, and I can't wait to play it!

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@DoomGappy we also need to make a special mention to @Djoga because he helped me fix and troubleshoot some issues, I was having with Box 69. As for my PMs with randomsounds01, every time I upload a new date stamped folder in my Google Drive, I send him the link to the new folder. After testing and optimizing each submission, I have also been sending PMs to everyone involved and getting their approval before uploading them to the project lead. I'm still waiting for a bunch to get approved though.

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@Halfblind if it wouldnt be too much of a trouble, please rename box 77 "Amania protactorate" into "Amania anomaly", I just changed my mind on the name.

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Can you put me back in before the window of opportunity closes? I've got another idea for a box.

I chose #49, but any box will do.

Also, I said my box would be 512x512, but in reality it's going to be more like 256x512.



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2 hours ago, Grizzly Old B said:

In case there will be a fourth box option, I'd like to claim #48, thanks!

In case this happens, I'll pick any slot. I'll try to not use marble and blood this time around. 

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2 minutes ago, DoomGappy said:

In case this happens, I'll pick any slot. I'll try to not use marble and blood this time around. 


What about ice and lava for a change?

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Just now, Grizzly Old B said:


What about ice and lava for a change?

Sound like a very cool combination. I'll do it in your honor, friend. 

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@Hydrus, @Grizzly Old B, @stochastic and everyone else. Please refer to the OP for the most updated list of submitters as this list has been updated. @randomsounds01 updated the list with all submitters and open spots filled in. There are currently no open spots available. Thanks for submitting to the project, we appreciate it. Even though the deadline is on December 1st we are still open for revisions, edits and tweaks after the deadline is reached.


Finally, if you haven't seen a PM from me, that means that I haven't gotten around to testing and optimizing your room yet, please be patient. If you have received one and haven't approved my edits, please feel free reply to my PM's thanks, I would really appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my completed submission, just in case one of the other mappers doesn't finish.

You can make the middle of the map shorter to make it fit with the other maps.



Redid the google form, now that the room's not just a concept anymore.

Edited by Hydrus
New info

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Initial version of bonus room (“Spiral of Death”):




I just couldn't stop and made another one! (Four rooms seem to be my thing somehow ...) @randomsounds01, feel free to use it in case someone else drops out or doesn't get finished in time. Or if you want to include secret boxes 81 and 82, like secret levels 31 and 32 in a “normal” megawad. If it doesn't get included, I'll save it for putting it into another level maybe.


This one is a bit more abstract in design. On UV it has an archvile trap at the end. The BFG is just there to bait you, it shouldn't be possible to get it. (Maybe with SR50, didn't try.) You'll need 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad as additional resource. I have tested the room with GZDoom and DSDA-Doom. Player 1 start + weapon/ammo in starting corridor as well as exit linedef in ending corridor will of course have to be removed. Feel free to give the room a try – feedback much appreciated.












Map Overview:





Map Info:


Number: xx
Author: Grizzly Old B
Title: Spiral of Death
Dimensions: 512x512
Tags used: 1-10
Enemy count: 8 (HMP, UV, NM), 6 (ITYTD, HNTR)
Difficulties implemented: yes
Custom textures: 32in24-15_tex_v2

Edited by Grizzly Old B

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Just a quick updated: I am currently waiting for the following room submissions. I desperately need box 18 by @Jakub Majewski and box 41 by @Ad Nauseam before I can continue with my testing and optimizations. These are at the top of my priority list. I tried sending @Ad Nauseam a PM but their account is not accepting messages for some reason. Please help me resolve this issue thanks.

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26 minutes ago, Halfblind said:

Please help me resolve this issue thanks.


Jakub Majewski is on the Doom Wiki. There's a link to his personal website with his email address there.

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