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Box Doom - Community Project [Slots Filled]

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@tewgytaylor & @taufan99 A few weeks ago, I noticed that a few interested submitters had fallen through the cracks. This is my way of keeping everyone informed, involved and included, because I know how it feels to be lost in the shuffle.


tewgytaylor any submission would be appreciated, but as for the room allotments and placing them into the final layout that is randomsounds01's job as the project lead. I'm just trying to help out.


taufan99, thanks letting me know. You still have a little time before the deadline, and I am sure we will appreciate your submission when it is ready. Thank you so much for your interest in this project.

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9 hours ago, Halfblind said:

If you haven't been contacted that means that I haven't processed your submission yet. Some submissions also check out perfectly too. I am only optimizing each submission for the following,


  1. Deleting unnecessary sectors.
  2. Removing unnecessary textures.
  3. Merging like sectors (sectors with the same floor and ceiling heights and flats)
  4. Pointing linedefs into their correct orientation.
  5. Changing sector tags to comply with the sector tag allotment rules.
  6. Removing your player 1 starts too.
  7. Also, in some cases, doing some minor texture alignments (I hate doing this part, because it is very time consuming and tedious. If I find a bunch, I will request that you fix these yourself)

If you haven't come to my submissions yet, there is something that needs fixing (again).

Could you please delete those 4 monster-blocking linedefs around the TD (room 13)?
Thank you, and sorry for any inconveniences.


Edited by Djoga

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21 hours ago, Halfblind said:
  • @bsharp who requested box 30 & 31. I haven' seen your room uploaded yet. Box 31 was already taken by @macro instead.

apologies, i hadn't received any confirmation on my requests, but i'll be taking box 30

here's my submission for that then: given the space constraint, it's very short, but i hope it'll do

512x512, stock assets only, no closets or anyth, relatively easy?, only excess mapping is entry/exit doors, difficulty settings not really implemented, tested on prboom+
box 30: "deadly underground slime cave of death"Screenshot_Doom_20231012_213522.png.e98432c6c17a50f90b5286884a9ce51c.png


Edited by bsharp
screenshot (1) added

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I'd take #57. And I have a question.

On 9/4/2023 at 1:22 AM, randomsounds01 said:

If you decide what room you want to use, please use the tags (room number)0-9. E.x. Room 50 would have tags 500-509 and room 25 would have 250-259. (If you don't have a specific room number, you don't need to follow this rule ofc.)

Given this rule, does this mean there is a limit of 10 tags per room?

Edited by Frank Harper

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2 hours ago, Frank Harper said:

I'd take #43. And I have a question.

Given this rule, does this mean there is a limit of 10 tags per room?


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I have not received confirmation, but here is my submission for room #57.

512x512, difficulty levels implemented, stock textures only. Tested in GZDoom. Don`t have any weapon pick-ups, given (persumably) the late slot I'm guessing the player will have most of the arsenal at this point.
Name: Techno rumble
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-pXCqd19MfqsUyn5lEu3SdqjTFVFiU11/view?usp=drive_link




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1 hour ago, Frank Harper said:

here is my submission for room #57

Unfortunately I have already claimed and submitted an entry for room 57. The original post has not updated in a while to reflect which slots are actually open. 

@randomsounds01 or @Halfblind can you advise on which slots are still open?

Edited by stochastic

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Honestly, this has happened far too many times. Since the OP isn't maintained with enough regularity, I'd suggest removing the mapper list entirely and have a public google sheet or similar such page pinned at the top AND bottom of the OP so it's able to be updated by both rs01 and halfblind... 😅

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Box 11 submission: BOX11_1.1.zip*

(*update: added difficulty levels)





Has a handful of custom textures. Has a shotgun, rocket launcher and plasma rifle. Seven monsters. Has some floating trash fires (in lieu of a pain elemental /j).

Edited by OliveTree
updated map

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Hello everyone and especially @randomsounds01,


As of 10-15-2023 I have processed and tested through at least 20 submissions already. Some submissions take a little longer to process than others. If you haven't received a PM from me that means that your submission hasn't been processed yet. After processing a submission I've slowly been placing them into a single map file to make it easier to maintain. I think that it is important to fix and optimize each submission now, because it will make it more of a headache if we don't. Randomsounds01 will probably have quite a headache when it comes to actually stitching them together and make them transition well from one room to another.

After I go through each submission the first time, I will need to go back and make sure everyone's tags are correct based upon their box number and remove, minus the voodoo dolls all the player 1 starts. Taking about voodoo dolls, how does the engine know what player 1 start to use for the voodoo or the player? I've had limited experience with voodoo dolls so this would be really important to know for everyone.


Here is my most updated list of submission requests, I do think that it is time to go back and update this too. There have been a few more requests that are not listed on the list, but I will go back and update it next week, I promise. I don't have access to editing the OP, so I can't update it there. Edit: I updated the list to the best of my knowledge. I still need to hammer out, double slot billings though.



1. @RandomSounds01 'Intro to BD'

2. @RandomSounds01 'The Tekbase'

3. @BUYXRAYS 'Tribute to Gantlet'

4. @Proxy-MIDI ‘What a Jerk’

5. @Raith138 'Bastion of Blood' 

6. @No-Man Baugh 'The Owning'

7. @DynamiteKaitorn

8. @Matt Eldrydge

9. @jo2ukegappy 'Fountain of Youth'

10. @MrBlaskovitz ‘Support’

11. @Grizzly Old B

12. @Craneo

13. @Djoga 'Hazardous'

14. @Djoga 'Drop Dead'

15. @glue_sniffer ‘Take Cover’

16. @Cutman 999 ‘Greenbox’

17. @DaBigNerd

18. @Jakub Majewski

19. @Cutman 999 ‘Mailbox’

20. @MrBlaskovitz ‘Support2’

21. @xdude_gamer ‘Elements a la Float’

22. @scientifikgenius

23. @taufan999

24. @taufan999

25. @Slaughter 'Hell Hole'

26. @Jo2ukegappy 'Mosh Pit'

27. @No-Man Baugh ‘The Shrine of The One’

28. @tewgytaylor

29. @macro 'Library of Bael'

30. @bsharp

31. @macro 'Burn'

32. @SmolGhost 'goofy maze'

33. @Halfblind AKA BlindChaos ‘Tik-Tak-Tek’

34. @Halfblind AKA BlindChaos ‘Tik-Tak-Tek

35. @SteveTheSpaceJanitor 'Have a rest (room)'

36. @Dragonfly 'Prism'

37. @xdude_gamer ‘Bridge to Hell’

38. @Djoga 'Queuerockshow'

39. @DankMetal ‘Evil Reincarnate’

40. @DankMetal ‘Something Satanic This Way Comes’

41. @Ad Nauseam

42. @SmolGhost 'Facility'

43. @Scionox ‘Caco-King’

44. Open

45. @scientifikgenius

46. @xdude_gamer 'Techbase Armory'

47. @xdude_gamer 'Firing Squad'

48. Open

49. Open

50. @Wavy

51. @SmolGhost

52. @No-Man Baugh ‘A Bridge Too Tan’

53. @Raith138

54. @Raith138

55. @crug

56. @Chariot Rider

57. @stochastic ‘Vile Luxury’ @Frank Harper

58. Open

59. @BlazedMaps

60. @Slaughter ‘Return to Cell 666’

61. @BlazedMaps

62. @Grizzly Old B “The Vista”

63. @Grizzly Old B “The Gap”

64. @Jakub Majewski

65. @NiGHTS108 'N3DA'

66. @tornado potato 'Demonic Elevator'

67. Open

68. @NiGHTS108 'Not Scary, Didn't Cry'

69. @Halfblind AKA BlindChaos ‘Flesh & Blood’

70. @BlazedMaps @NiGHTS108 'Urinal of Deities'

71. @stochastic 'The Blue Room'

72. @stochastic 'The Red Room'

73. @taufan999

74. @jo2ukegappy - 'Trial by fire'

75. @LSC Lasico 'Amania Volcano'

76. @LSC Lasico 'Amania Research Complex'

77. @LSC Lasico 'Amania Protectorate'

78. @crug

79. @crug



Participants who haven’t claimed or assigned a spot:




@Scionox (requested 3 boxes ‘It watches’ ‘Fiery Surprise’)

@BlazedMaps (requested 3 boxes 59, 62 and 70)




@Dragonfly I do have a google sheet that I made to help keep track of the submissions, but it requires everyone to fill out a Google form to populate. If you haven't filled out the form, I highly encourage everyone to do so. Here are links to the form and the spreadsheet.


>Google Form


Here is my most updated file containing every submission that I started processing. I had to outsource to Dropbox because my DW attachment space has reached full capacity.


>Dropbox Link


Edit: Also, I thought that based upon the rules in the OP that we are not allowed to use Pain Elementals. I have found a couple of rooms that use them, so I don't know if everyone has actually read through the rules.


In other news, I have also been making a couple of 10242 sized maps for ZDoom based upon my box 33&34 submissions. All the details are not yet finalized. Because the rooms are small and highly detailed these maps will be focused on switch hunting puzzles and not so focused on combat. Here is a short YT priview, please enjoy.


Edited by Halfblind

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Sorry for the double post, but here are a few double-booked slots that still need to be ironed out. If we can get these worked out @randomsounds01 and those that are mentioned below that would be great. Please refer to my last post above to know what slots are still available, thank you.

Also, OliveTree wanted Box11, but they also wanted Box44 after they noticed Box 11 was taken. Then they then submitted their WAD titled for Box11 anyways. 


Edit: If I count every slot that was requested and minus the slots that are open, there are actually no slots available anymore. There are actually more requests than there were slots available. As for actual submitted WADs that is another story for another time.

Edited by Halfblind

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22 minutes ago, Halfblind said:

OliveTree wanted Box11, but they also wanted Box44 after they noticed Box 11 was taken

It was pointed out that Box 11 was taken before I took it and the person who previously requested that slot said they'd sit it out and allow the project to become better organized before picking a new slot for themself. I did indeed offer to take 44 and this was @Moustachio's response:

On 9/17/2023 at 9:34 PM, Moustachio said:

It's really okay, I think random just needs a little time to figure it all out. I'll just wait until everything has settled so I know which slots are open for real.


So I've been operating under the assumption that I'm still contributing box11.



To clarify, me "claiming" Box 44 was this:

On 9/17/2023 at 9:30 PM, OliveTree said:

if you want 11 i can take another !!!! 44 for instance is fine by me

So that is all to say if Moustachio is currently still planning on submitting Box11, it's immaterial to me whether my submission is placed in the 11th or 44th slot.


I'd also like to add: theres an issue with the submission I sent above (its in the wrong mapping format lol), so I have to remake it anyway.

Edited by OliveTree

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23 minutes ago, Halfblind said:

Sorry for the double post, but here are a few double-booked slots that still need to be ironed out. If we can get these worked out @randomsounds01 and those that are mentioned below that would be great. Please refer to my last post above to know what slots are still available, thank you.

Also, OliveTree wanted Box11, but they also wanted Box44 after they noticed Box 11 was taken. Then they then submitted their WAD titled for Box11 anyways. 


Edit: If I count every slot that was requested and minus the slots that are open, there are actually no slots available anymore. There are actually more requests than there were slots available. As for actual submitted WADs that is another story for another time.


Oh, wow, I didn't know that other people had asked for slot 09. Has anybody else submitted a map for it?

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11 minutes ago, OliveTree said:

So I've been operating under the assumption that I'm still contributing box11.

I'll put you down for Box11 and then put @Moustachio as a backup. Thanks for clarifying this, I appreciate it.


8 minutes ago, jo2ukegappy said:

Oh, wow, I didn't know that other people had asked for slot 09. Has anybody else submitted a map for it?

Even though others have requested Box09, I don't see any other submitted WADs for it other than yours. I still don't know if they are still wanting that slot though. @DynamiteKaitorn wanted that slot after Box08 was taken, but then they submitted a Box08 submission anyways.

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8 minutes ago, DogsRNice said:

This looks like it would be a lot of fun to participate in, ill have to think of something to make

You might wanna hold off for now, as according to halfblind (whose been doing god's work sorting out the chaos of this project):


If I count every slot that was requested and minus the slots that are open, there are actually no slots available anymore. There are actually more requests than there were slots available. As for actual submitted WADs that is another story for another time.


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9 hours ago, Halfblind said:

Sorry for the double post, but here are a few double-booked slots that still need to be ironed out. If we can get these worked out @randomsounds01 and those that are mentioned below that would be great. Please refer to my last post above to know what slots are still available, thank you.

Also, OliveTree wanted Box11, but they also wanted Box44 after they noticed Box 11 was taken. Then they then submitted their WAD titled for Box11 anyways. 


Edit: If I count every slot that was requested and minus the slots that are open, there are actually no slots available anymore. There are actually more requests than there were slots available. As for actual submitted WADs that is another story for another time.

ah, it's been double-booked? when i submitted my map i meant for it to be box 30, hence the file name
also, given i'd already submitted before hydrus requested the slot, would this mean i keep the boxslot?
if not, i'm fine to move to another vacant corner space if that's possible (given the number of requests, i'm really hoping it can)

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@bsharp you requested Box30 first, so it's rightfully yours. @Hydrus should be encouraged to request a different open slot so they can be included too. bsharp your box has been submitted, processed and optimized, so I really don't want this changed. I don't know how randomsounds01 is managing the slot allotments, but I think it should be first come first serve. This way it makes everything fair.

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Hi @Halfblind, I'd like to claim two rooms for this project. I understand that due to double claims, in theory there are no more available slots, but I think I'll take the risk and “rely on” not everyone submitting a room in the end. And if my rooms really don't find slots, I'll maybe just use them as a starting point for a standalone map.


My question is: I downloaded your BOXDoomGrid.wad from your DropBox link above, and it seemingly doesn't resemble the original grid from page 1 anymore. I have no idea which room has which number and how the rooms are connected to each other in terms of: which directions are the entry and exit doors facing. Did I miss anything here? Can you provide some guidance? Thanks a lot in advance!

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@Grizzly Old B Thanks for your interest in the project. Please refer to the original layout in the OP as I don't maintain that. The final map layout is maintained, as it should be by randomsounds01. Because there has been a lot of confusion as to who gets each box, I have taken some initiative to help keep track of that myself. I have also been testing each room out to see if they check out and I have been optimizing them too. The file that you downloaded; is only a visual representation of what rooms I have processed so far. It is in no regards to the actual map layout. Sorry for the confusion. But if you are interested here is a guide to what numbers I have placed them in.





Edited by Halfblind

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3 hours ago, Halfblind said:
3 hours ago, Halfblind said:

but I think it should be first come first serve. This way it makes everything fair.



I'm in the same boat with room 57. I want everyone who is interested in this project to be able to contribute, and I don't mean to be a stickler or be greedy, but I submitted all my slots a month ago and have spent a lot of time optimizing them myself (uploaded in this post)

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2 hours ago, Grizzly Old B said:

I have no idea which room has which number and how the rooms are connected to each other in terms of: which directions are the entry and exit doors facing.


Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to clear something up about the original box layout photo posted in the OP before you contribute: starting at 59, the numbering is off by 1. Start counting at 50 to see what I mean.

Edited by stochastic

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2 minutes ago, stochastic said:


Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to clear something up about the original box layout photo posted in the OP before you contribute: starting at 59, the numbering is off by 1. Start counting at 50 to see what I mean. This has and will probably lead to more confusion in the future until it's fixed.


Thank you, will keep in mind.

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Sorry if this is inconvenient, but I've made some edits.


- Built off of Halfblind's sector optimised edits so those are still there.

- I forgot sky transfers exist, so I've given all of my rooms custom skies which do not effect any other rooms.

- Rotated and mirrored Box 68 so the entrance and exit point in the right directions.

- Added difficulties to Box 68 and rebalanced it slightly.



Edited by NiGHTS108

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20 hours ago, Halfblind said:

Sorry for the double post, but here are a few double-booked slots that still need to be ironed out. If we can get these worked out @randomsounds01 and those that are mentioned below that would be great. Please refer to my last post above to know what slots are still available, thank you.


I went ahead and preemptively filled out the form, if DynamiteKaitorn has no objections my box can remain in slot 07 but if not, feel free to put it somewhere else. I'm a bit confused and kinda busy today so I do apologize if I messed something up.

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9 hours ago, Grizzly Old B said:

The default room size is 512x512 now?

The standard room sizes are still 2562, 3842 and 5122. Most people just so happened to make 5122 sized rooms.


9 hours ago, stochastic said:

I'm in the same boat with room 57.

you requested Box57 first, so it's rightfully yours. @Frank Harper should be encouraged to request a different open slot.

you have already submitted your rooms and have already been working with me to optimize them. In my lists I always place the first requester first. That way there is no confusion. Whoever is listed second should be encouraged to request a different slot.

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I had requested box 60 for mine, but realistically my room could go into any unclaimed space that has corner connections.  Hopefully there is somewhere it can end up

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