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NM-Lite Contest: Scythe 2


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Maps completed: 21

Dead at: 48:58

Kills on MAP22: 91/92

This was superbly fun, I loved it so much! Definitely gonna do this more with other classic megawads.



Didn't know the map well, got lost with no health and monsters respawning all around me. Knowing the maps through-and-through is extremely important with respawn.


@Pseudonaut We could include your run if we ever run Scythe :). Of course you're still welcome to participate in this one.



Edited by Plut

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Maps completed: 11

Dead at: 29:03

Kills on MAP12: 21/75




This was a fun idea. I never really play on nightmare or ITYTD, so I had no idea know what to expect. It helped that I knew Scythe 2 well enough not to get lost (but not well enough to know all the important secrets, let alone being able to find them in the middle of all the chaos).



Apparently, barrels are my mortal enemy this month.


I didn't know you could survive the map 5 crusher exit, which made the second episode a breeze.


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Dead on map 19 at 35:29, kills were 21/66.




Dead to my own rocket in the face, no less!! Agh. That was good fun, and there's a few embarrassing moments of me forgetting where to go lol (map07 was shameful). 

Edited by RonnieJamesDiner
Wrong time

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Dead on map 24 at 51 minutes or so. Don't know Scythe 2 all too well, so there were a lot of failed trick attempts and other nonsense. Overall, though, tried to play at a decent pace. 24 is the first map where that seemed unviable. :^) Went through map 31, could not get the secret exit there. Very fun gameplay style overall for a challenge like this. :D


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Dead on map 27 around 33 minutes due to cockiness.  The map felt really empty until it didn't, and then I forgot to use the free BFG.  Too bad, really wanted to finish.  Also forgot you're supposed to take the secret exit on 15 to avoid losing weapons, but it didn't really matter I guess.


Edited by kmc

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dead on map 8 because I didn't know where to go (I've played Scythe 2 before, but didn't remember a lot of the progression). An absolute miraculous save at the end of map 4, very lucky not to die there.

A fun concept! Compared to Ironman/Ironeagle, it (to its benefit) forces much more aggressive play, but definitely also more significantly favours foreknowledge.


Edited by Horus

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Dead: Map14 (Good at Doom)

Arrived at: 45:54

Time of Death: 49:03

Kills: 25/62

Demo: nmlite-scythe2-NoisyVelvet.zip


I've only played a little of Scythe 2, so figuring out where to go almost tripped me up a few times.  Thankfully, the levels flow really nice.  The pyramid level with a billion imps was fun...  My wrists were cramping up a bit so I'm glad I died there.

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Was a bit of an idiot, thinking the blast damage would be better. Oh well.


Dead on MAP09 with 69*/132 kills, 21:39.




Was very uncomfortable playing like this, faster projectiles (not to mention respawns) even on the easiest difficulty make me shit bricks. I'm a very slow and cautious player, used to the "normal" behaviour and the predictability each fireball and enemy position has. Here, I had to play recklessly, take a fair amount of risks, because monsters respawn on their original locations, not where you killed them, so I had to resort to throwing hypothetical dices every corner not knowing what I see. This all coupled with not knowing this WAD very well (though having played it as Ironman practice last year - a fun fact is I died to the very same level). But, if this becomes a thing, I'll submit a run every month. Maybe I'll become a quicker player? :P


* - played with prB+, which calculates kills differently, so the number of respawned kills may be a bit larger. Not by a lot, because I didn't have the chance to kill many respawned monsters.

Edited by NaZa

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dead on map10, 18/71 monsters dead / 17:48 on clock at point of death


  map  stat    dead     time  total  sec
MAP01  EXIT   12/29  1:56+11   1:56  155
MAP02  EXIT   15/42  1:37+25   3:33  116
MAP03  EXIT   24/57  2:35+12   6:08  196
MAP04  EXIT   16/34  2:35+04   8:43  144
MAP05  DEAD   13/26  1:58+02   8:43   97
MAP05  EXIT   14/26  2:01+19  10:44   97
MAP06  EXIT    5/16  1:09+00  11:53   63
MAP07  EXIT    9/15  2:16+34  14:09   75
MAP08  EXIT    6/78  2:13+34  16:22   87
MAP09  EXIT  48/132  1:26+24  17:48   64
MAP10  DEAD   18/71  1:44+09  17:48  125
MAP10  QUIT   17/71  1:49+14  17:48  125


On NM-Lite: I rarely play using fast monsters. Mostly I dislike it but I've enjoyed doing super old 1994 wads like WADPAK1A UV-Fast. I never play respawn because it violates my sense of completion. You never feel an area is clear and can be moved on from. So both of them together is right out, and it is with a certain trepidation that I approach this challenge. But with half damage maybe it won't be a total catastrophe? And I suppose the whole point is to play differently from usual. I tried warming up by playing some of Doom2 NM-Lite, then my own maps from cchest2/3 (in which I got horribly murdered, very quickly), before starting this recording.

On Scythe2: Well, it's been a long time since I played this famous wad, and I forgot where all the shortcuts are, and was actually embarrassingly lost several times. A far cry from the good old days when I used to impress people on Odamex co-op by skipping half the maps.

  • 2: at least I got the key jump, didn't even try the super secret megasphere
  • 6: I missed the key jump or forgot how to do it and panicked
  • 8: the glide was harder than I remember
  • 10: I was horribly lost, and shed too much health while running in circles. Still the super shotgun was the wrong choice of weapon to try to force through the imp horde at the bottom of the lift.

Nevertheless I do not feel I have acquitted myself too poorly. If you had said beforehand that I would reach MAP10, I would have taken it.

Thanks to 4shockblast for a fun idea and Plut for hosting. No hard feelings over booby-trapped teleporters, I hope? :)




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The new NM-Lite contest topic is here! The results for this one will be up tomorrow as you can still submit runs until the end of this day.

@RjY, thanks for the amazing write-up!

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| Place | Name                | Maps completed | Totaltime | Time of death | Kills at the last map |
| 1     | kmc                 | 26             | 31:46     | 33:47         | 43/200                |
| 2     | 4shockblast         | 23             | 50:20     | 51:13         | 53/635                |
| 3     | AnimaZero           | 22             | 38:58     | 42:00         | 193/495               |
| 4     | Asbadagba           | 21             | 40:05     | 43:28         | 107/92                |
| 5     | Plut                | 21             | 45:48     | 48:58         | 91/92                 |
| 6     | Pierrot             | 21             | 73:41     | 78:07         | 99/92                 |
| 7     | RonnieJamesDiner    | 18             | 34:02     | 35:28         | 21/66                 |
| 8     | NoisyVelvet         | 13             | 45:54     | 49:04         | 25/62                 |
| 9     | SCF                 | 11             | 27:50     | 29:00         | 21/75                 |
| 10    | RjY                 | 9              | 17:48     | 19:32         | 46/71                 |
| 11    | NaZa                | 8              | 20:23     | 21:39         | 69/132                |
| 12    | Andromeda           | 7              | 12:00     | 12:54         | 7/78                  |
| 13    | Horus               | 7              | 18:40     | 24:55         | 110/78                |
| 14    | SilentD00mer        | 3              | 7:34      | 8:40          | 17/34                 |
| 15    | LadyMistDragon      | 3              | 8:39      | 10:35         | 25/34                 |
| 16    | DuckReconMajor      | 3              | 12:05     | 14:43         | 25/34                 |
| 17    | Pseudonaut          | 3              | 12:18     | 17:54         | 89/34                 |
| 18    | mancubian_candidate | 1              | 1:53      | 3:06          | 20/42                 |

Congratulations to kmc, 4shockblast and AnimaZero, and thanks everyone for participating! All the demos are here - nmlite-scythe2.zip. Everyone is invited to participate in Speed of Doom NM-Lite.

Edited by Plut

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I have participated as well, but forgot to post here...sorry.


- Dead Map 03


* Pressing Play will start the run



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