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I'm building my own megawad - ( Showcase of Custom Enemies & Decorations from Realm667)


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Hello, forum!


P.S. (EDITED) based on some of the responses of y'all, i want to remark these right from the get go:

1. This is not a mod that i am doing meant to be installed (while ilat this point it would 100% work based on copy paste for most of you), this is a megawad im working on meant to be played.

2. ALL OF THESE ACTORS ARE FROM REALM667. All the credits goes to authors and you can find these on the repository to use for yourself.

3. This thread is a basically kind of a showcase, and if you'll look at point 2., none of this stuff is created by me in this thread.

4. In this phase of my megawad i am just only adding actors, before map creation.


So after long time learning, trials & errors, i finally managed to standardize the custom actors from Realm667 into my wad (both enemies & decorations)..

I have documented every SpawnID, so when loading, there are no conflicts, errors or yellow warning messages..


So they are finally alive! Sure some of them could use some postprocessing & tweaking, but they are working together now! So what do you guys think about my collection of




Zombies - 




Pinky Demon-


Lost Souls -

Edited by chikokevo

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These are all taken from https://www.realm667.com/en/ and all you've done is successfully implement them into your WAD. And on that I congratulate you, but your post makes it sound like you created all the art assets so I would recommend you clearly state all you've done is implement them...


So what are we evaluating exactly?


Or am I missing something?

Edited by Wo0p

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/16/2023 at 10:03 PM, Wo0p said:

These are all taken from https://www.realm667.com/en/ and all you've done is successfully implement them into your WAD. And on that I congratulate you, but your post makes it sound like you created all the art assets so I would recommend you clearly state all you've done is implement them...


So what are we evaluating exactly?


Or am I missing something?


Its in my description on YT..

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  • 5 months later...

This is like opening a restauraunt, but instead of cooking everything yourself, you just buy a bunch of ready meals and microwave them for your clients. Five stars brah.


I would like to order 1 verbose credit lump, got any?

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 4/7/2024 at 6:22 PM, VICE said:

This is like opening a restauraunt, but instead of cooking everything yourself, you just buy a bunch of ready meals and microwave them for your clients. Five stars brah.


I would like to order 1 verbose credit lump, got any?

What do you mean?

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That question looks genuine and reading through this thread again makes it seem like you really don't see the issue, so let's break it down:


1. The first sentence alludes to the fact that the work of integrating so many different components of other people's work in this ''pile on'' way, is not considered interesting or meaningful on its own merit, aside from maybe as a utility.
This is something almost any gameplay modder can pull off, requires no vision, and requires almost no skill. 
This is made worse by the fact that you felt that simply mentioning that all of these resources are from a particular site is enough for you to claim this as your creation and stamp your own name on.

You accepting a compliment about how the monsters are amazing is hilarious since you had nothing to do with the monsters themselves.

You are not the first one to do this and I'll even go as far as say that your mod is meaningless to anyone else familiar with R667.
Your mod would be titled something like ''Realm667 monster showcase'' if you were really honest about the ratio of your own work that went into this in relation to the works of others that you simply combined, hence, the restauraunt analogy.




2. The second sentnce is a quip about the amount of text your credits list must contain, with the implication that there's a very high chance it doesn't even exist.

Edited by VICE

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On 5/7/2024 at 7:36 PM, VICE said:

That question looks genuine and reading through this thread again makes it seem like you really don't see the issue, so let's break it down:


1. The first sentence alludes to the fact that the work of integrating so many different components of other people's work in this ''pile on'' way, is not considered interesting or meaningful on its own merit, aside from maybe as a utility.
This is something almost any gameplay modder can pull off, requires no vision, and requires almost no skill. 
This is made worse by the fact that you felt that simply mentioning that all of these resources are from a particular site is enough for you to claim this as your creation and stamp your own name on.

You accepting a compliment about how the monsters are amazing is hilarious since you had nothing to do with the monsters themselves.

You are not the first one to do this and I'll even go as far as say that your mod is meaningless to anyone else familiar with R667.
Your mod would be titled something like ''Realm667 monster showcase'' if you were really honest about the ratio of your own work that went into this in relation to the works of others that you simply combined, hence, the restauraunt analogy.




2. The second sentnce is a quip about the amount of text your credits list must contain, with the implication that there's a very high chance it doesn't even exist.


Well this is not a mod, im building my owm megawad. Once i have all the stuff in it that I want to have, i will start making maps and etc. Just putting it all together the way I like it.🤷


I have also made another thread about specialFX, you can even check the title, nowhere it ever said that i have made these myself - 



Its not a mod, never ever said it was a mod, IDK where you got that from and i am not going to realease that under pretext that there is something unique.. there are bunch of more complex mods out there, like prject brutality or etc.. the end result will be playable megawad.


As for the credits, regarding things from Real667 its literlly in the title, description. I dont think there is any other way to emphasize that these sprites are from repository.


I guess i get your point i will update the thread to be more clear.



Edited by chikokevo

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The impression your post gave off was very different (see dasho's post), but if you're going to actually make maps and design them with these monsters in mind, then that changes things, yeah, and you can disregard most of my critique.


Just keep in mind that integrating the entirety of the repository is still problematic.

You can, technically,  do that, but the idea is to use a select few that fit a theme, or a setting you're going with.

If everyone pulls everything they can, the repository monsters lose their novelty. More isn't always better, and quality trumps quantity. 

To each their own, though. Try to place them intelligently when you design your maps. 


A lot of people are actually already familiar with the monsters you're using... Often from the context of someone else deciding to use every single resource they can get from R667, so the initial gut reaction of someone who has seen these before many times is going to be similar.

And like I said, that credits lump ought to turn out to be verbose AF.

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