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What are your mild and major headcanons about doom 1 and 2 about anything?

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for example: my headcanon is that doom 2 levels are interprated like this:
Map01- a under construction space port the UAC were making before demons invaded

Map02- Doomguy goes into a sewer to avoid heavy demons lurking above, the red key building felt into the sewer due to faulty ceiling

Map03- Doomguy enters the outside of a water treatment plant near the sewer

Map04 - Doomguy enters the inner facilty

Map05 - Doomguy Exits to the final sewer

Map06 Doomguy goes into a factory that leads to outside

Map07 Doomguy visits a outpost in hell

Map08 Doomguy goes into a oil drilling facilty near a space port

Map09 Doomguy Enters the oil drilling zone

Map10 Doomguy enters the refueling base connected to the oil drill

Map11 Doomguy enters the launch pad facility and must turn on the switch to help the space pod of humanity escape the earth

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Since I have no idea what Map14 is meant to be, I kinda imagine it as a sort of recreational park water place thingy... really no idea what it is tho lol

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1 minute ago, Craneo said:

Since I have no idea what Map14 is meant to be, I kinda imagine it as a sort of recreational park water place thingy... really no idea what it is tho lol

I always interped it as some kinda historical tourist trap akin to the Alamo or somethin

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Doomguy go's to sleep and has a hallucinogenic fever-dream. ( d o O m...d OooOOm 2, Final dOoooOOOoo...64...ZZzzZz..)


Doomguy wakes up the following day and go's back to his day job.

Edited by OniriA

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This is more "developer lore" than in-game lore, but I always imagined that MAP14 and MAP26 were swapped at some point, since they both feel thematically out of place in their respective slots. There's no shred of evidence of this in the Doom 2 beta wad, though, so at this point I've resigned the idea to being a a silly old fairy tale lodged in the Xaserbrain. :P

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It's all canon.

DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 64, Doom 3, DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal all exist in the same timeline; and any discrepancies between them are easily explained as the effect undue stress has on short-term memory from the various protagonists (three of them by my count). They were in different places at roughly the same time, but remember things very differently. A lot of shit went down, you wouldn't have the best recall of events either.

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I consider there to be a timeline split after Doom (+ Sigil) and Doom II. There's the "canon" timeline that's comprised of Doom 64, 2016 and Eternal, and then there's what I call the "classic" timeline, where Final Doom and No Rest for the Living take place. I also like to think that Doom Zero takes place between 64 and 2016, mostly because of how it ends. Also Plutonia 2 and TNT 2: Devilution are in my "classic" timeline canon.


Doom 3 is a retelling of the first game, so it's just Doom 1 again. I've heard some argue that it isn't and is just the UAC Mars event from another perspective, but that doesn't really make much sense in terms of storytelling. I do like the idea of stories of the same events from a different perspective like in the Half-Life 1 expansions, and I would kind of consider No End in Sight to fall into that category for me.

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3 minutes ago, Herr Dethnout said:

Doomguy is a drugs addict...


That will explain everything.

It was aaaall a dreeeaaam

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3 hours ago, Xaser said:

This is more "developer lore" than in-game lore, but I always imagined that MAP14 and MAP26 were swapped at some point, since they both feel thematically out of place in their respective slots. There's no shred of evidence of this in the Doom 2 beta wad, though, so at this point I've resigned the idea to being a a silly old fairy tale lodged in the Xaserbrain. :P

MAP14 was originally a Hell map in the MAP24 slot. MAP26 was always a Hell map though (originally was in the MAP27 slot), or if it wasn't then it became a Hell map much earlier on in development. So you're half correct.


The prototype you're referring to is a snapshot from the exact date they had re-arranged the level order to match more closely with the final game, so that's why you didn't see it there.

2 hours ago, Jayextee said:

It's all canon.

DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 64, Doom 3, DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal all exist in the same timeline; and any discrepancies between them are easily explained as the effect undue stress has on short-term memory from the various protagonists (three of them by my count). They were in different places at roughly the same time, but remember things very differently. A lot of shit went down, you wouldn't have the best recall of events either.

...no mention of Final Doom? :(


My personal interpretation is that 1, 2, 64, 4, and Eternal are the same protagonist. 3 and Final Doom's two campaigns all have separate protagonists. Final Doom happened at the same time as 64, Doom 3 is a completely different timeline altogether.

Edited by Individualised

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28 minutes ago, OpenRift said:

I consider there to be a timeline split after Doom (+ Sigil) and Doom II. There's the "canon" timeline that's comprised of Doom 64, 2016 and Eternal, and then there's what I call the "classic" timeline, where Final Doom and No Rest for the Living take place. I also like to think that Doom Zero takes place between 64 and 2016, mostly because of how it ends. Also Plutonia 2 and TNT 2: Devilution are in my "classic" timeline canon.


Doom 3 is a retelling of the first game, so it's just Doom 1 again. I've heard some argue that it isn't and is just the UAC Mars event from another perspective, but that doesn't really make much sense in terms of storytelling. I do like the idea of stories of the same events from a different perspective like in the Half-Life 1 expansions, and I would kind of consider No End in Sight to fall into that category for me.

I like to think doom 3 was in the 2016 timeline 

some edvidence supports this because doom 2016 takes place in the 2100s like doom 3

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  • The zombification process is so violent the resulting zombies are held toghether in part by their armor/uniforms, that's why the first two former human types have low health, why the chaingunner falls apart in its regular death animation, and how all zombies are covered in blood and vomit.
  • Doomguy never left hell, he's trapped there and doomed to fight for eternity, the demons made him believe he was "too tough for hell to contain" and unbeknownst to him, send him to a mock up version of Earth, the IOS was just a construct to make him believe he killed the ruler of hell.

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My wildest headcannons?


  • Doomguy don't died at the end of Episode 1 because of his full strengh, killing all the imps with only he fists.
  • TNT Final Doom it's Cannon to Doomguy story, but Plutonia it's another marine that survived on Deimos.
  • DoomGuy in 64 it's fully aware now that if he die, everything he done will be for nothing, and that pushes fear in him, to become a Hell Slayer.
  • Doom 3 happens again in the SAME universe, the ones that made the station available from years ago and cleaned it make them crazy, and tried to learn about the hell power, we could say a old Bretuger could be part of this time, and make something with that energy (Mostly something like Black Mesa Lamda Team).
  • Doom 3 MarineGuy it's just the right man in the wrong place, and suffers now PTSD.
  • DOOM 3 Sarge killed himself with the Demon Heart and that power gave the Demons a last chance to get the DoomGuy in his tomb.
  • UAC removed all of the DoomGuy stuff like killing the Spider-Master Mind, saving the last chance of Earth in Doom 2, when they know he completed the mission but never returned, giving more power in the eyes of the future to the UAC. 

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4 hours ago, Craneo said:

Since I have no idea what Map14 is meant to be, I kinda imagine it as a sort of recreational park water place thingy... really no idea what it is tho lol

Considering how it is part of the episode that takes place in the city, my guess that it must be a rundown district that has been flooded.

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4 minutes ago, T-Rex said:

Considering how it is part of the episode that takes place in the city, my guess that it must be a rundown district that has been flooded.

what's a rundown district?

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12 minutes ago, Johnny Cruelty said:

what's a rundown district?

I mean a district that ended up being in ruins thanks to the demons that invaded Earth.

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10 minutes ago, T-Rex said:

I mean a district that ended up being in ruins thanks to the demons that invaded Earth.

yeah to be fair, MAP14 does seem like some kinda park with it's bridges and railing and stairs


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If I remember right, there’s a scene in the tv show Barry where he shoots at someone in an apartment at very close range, but he somehow misses or the gun misfires or something, and they both stop and look stunned at each other for a moment. I imagine some puzzling malfunction like that has happened when a shot whiffs due to the blockmap. 

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3 hours ago, Individualised said:

MAP14 was originally a Hell map in the MAP24 slot. MAP26 was always a Hell map though (originally was in the MAP27 slot), or if it wasn't then it became a Hell map much earlier on in development. So you're half correct.


Is there a different Doom 2 alpha/beta version floating around? I haven't seen the one you're referring to -- if there's more sneaky pre-release stuff, that's cool. :D

Edited by Xaser

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28 minutes ago, Xaser said:


Is there a different Doom 2 alpha/beta version floating around? I haven't seen the one you're referring to -- if there's more sneaky pre-release stuff, that's cool. :D

Unfortunately not (we have many prototype executables, but only partial .WAD data for one prototype from July, and we don't even have the executable for that one, so the closest you can get is playing it through the executable for an early August prototype). We know the level order from before that July 29th prototype though based on some leftover files in Romero's source data release:


The last few level slots (29 and above) seem to be a scratchpad area and are not representative of an intended level order, so no The Spirit World was not meant to be the final level.


You were kinda right about one of the Hell levels originally being in the City episode in place of The Inmost Dens being in the Hell episode, just not the right level; Bloodfalls was originally a city level, and even by the July prototype they still hadn't changed much of the texturing, so you can see how that might have looked.

Edited by Individualised

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Map 29: undeground corrupted altar with hole that leads right to hell where icon of sin is located. First sight of imposing somewhat ancient 'pyramid like' way to the portal. The name "Living End", I always viewed it as THE way to hell deep underground of corrupted earth. And as some people said the levels are probably not in order, it could've been nice threshold to hell themed levels.

Edit: Also Green hair was a hot new trend of fashion at that time in the far future.

Edited by INfront95

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If we're on DOOM 2, then Map 30: "Icon of sin"

DOOMGuy literally fights a former game developer with his head decapitated and his whole body transofmed into the supposed Icon of Sin!

The Icon of Sin literally pulls some of it's flesh apart through some machinery to spawn Demons for DOOMGuy to get killed by, while due to some weird malfunction when transforming into the icon of sin, the head got fractured, and instead of patching it up, it's just a big hole with everything full of Blood

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The "demons" depicted are only demonic in the figurative sense, in actuality they're a malevolent alien race that uses our collective fears against us, the timeless enemy is seen through different lens depending on what they are at war with, in our case human. They subvert technology (arachnotron/spiderdemon, revenant, fatso, cyberdemon) and use it against us. "Hell" is not literally hell, but another dimension, and comprises of multiple pocket dimensions, typically of a chaotic nature, which explains the wildly varying reports of its appearance (IWADs and PWADs are canon in this sense).

Icons of Sin are created to establish a war machine and serve as the focal point for invasions and invasion management, such as the armies being literally pumped forth from it and teleported around through rifts tearing through the fabric of reality.

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-hell in doom 2 is very barren as a result of us having wrecked its shit in the first game, or else is literally just some underground region of earth, or else is a different dimension altogether from hell in doom 1

-the reason the demons look different in each main doom game following doom 2 is because they're being reconstructed from their own corpses. this is implied by the redesigns in doom 64 and the presence of the mother demon. and if doom 64 is canon, we can assume something similar is going on between 64 and doom 2016, and likewise between 2016 and eternal.

-cacodemons are named as such (bad-spirits) because they're bad at being demons, ie the demon fixtures (cruelty, sadism, mercilessness) are not their strong suits. they're too mellow to fully commit to those things and prefer to jus float around and lazily attack whatever happens to be nearby. they probably get very poor performance reviews from the demonic overlords

-the doom marine fucks and knows what sex is. the doom slayer doesnt fuck and doesnt know what sex is. doom 3 marine doesnt fuck but knows what sex is. doom RPG marine fucks, but doesn't know what sex is

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