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Why doesn't Doom II's Hell levels don't feel that hell-ish?

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Like compared to Doom 1's hell levels, Barely any Doom 2 levels feel 100% hell-ish like only a few seem hell-ish

every thing after map20 feels like earth stuff sucked into a hell pocket dimension, similar to deimos where normal stuff was corrupted by hell but still recognisable as not hell 

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I assume it has something to do with not all that many hell textures being made and Sandy Petersen essentially having zero eye most of the time when it came to visuals (Spirit World being somewhat of an exception but at the same time, there were several derelictions of taste there, but at least it tried to be helllish. The Chasm? Catacombs. Nirvana??? Even the Living End and Icon of Sin weren't really if we're gonna be strict about it.


Kind of got away from my point but basically, there wasn't much time devoted to making new textures and for whatever reason, no one wanted to spend much time with the Doom 1 textures I guess. I still want to blame Sandy but he didn't realistically have much  control over what textures could be used.

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