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Skulltag release TOMORROW!!!

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I'll hump your leg if I can have it today. And as a bonus, it won't involve any imps.

*sees Scuba Steve turn around and walk away, completely crushed with disapointment*

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Trasher][ said:
I'll hump your leg if I can have it today. And as a bonus, it won't involve any imps.

*sees Scuba Steve turn around and walk away, completely crushed with disapointment*

It'll be released to everyone at the same time

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I'll try to be there, on IRC.
Unless the release is like 5 minutes before midnight, US time.

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Trasher][ said:
*sees Scuba Steve turn around and walk away, completely crushed with disapointment*

What the?! You make ONE image of the Doomguy banging an Imp and that's all everyone thinks of. Nobody remembers all the art and weapons I've done... *sigh*

/me goes off and bangs an Imp

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Scuba Steve said:

What the?! You make ONE image of the Doomguy banging an Imp and that's all everyone thinks of. Nobody remembers all the art and weapons I've done... *sigh*

/me goes off and bangs an Imp


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Scuba Steve said:

What the?! You make ONE image of the Doomguy banging an Imp and that's all everyone thinks of.

That's not all we think about.

We also think about the flying nutsack and the cockodemon :)

(I think maybe only #skulltag people have seen those images)

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Ah! New maps, new bots, new possibilities. I for one eagerly await this new version. Let us all be thankfull to the creative beings who were so kind to give us this piece of interactive art.

On your knees, infidel!

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YEAH!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! :D

......Unfortunatly, I won't be able to download it... :( I'm using a different computer right now. My Dooming Computer's Internet is fucked up again...

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