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Ruined District [limit-removing]

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Ah, I saw the post right as it went up and didn't see the 3D version, and looked around for 3D effects as I played. Pretty sure this wasn't the 3D effect you meant!



Anyhow nice map, great detailing, layout, doomcute, etc. Extremely easy though, I got the megasphere secret shortly after this screenshot and I don't think I went below 100 health for the rest of the map, and that's without finding all the secrets until I went hunting at the end. You *definitely* don't need a BFG here :p Ultimately the visuals and layout made it so that I didn't mind at all, it was still fun to explore, but you've got a lot of room to add danger (especially with how generous your secrets are) if you wanted, or for next time.


Too bad about the actual 3D stuff, that's a nice trick but, like you said, not compatible at all. It shows up properly in SLADE's 3D mode though! :p

Edited by plums

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Thank you very much, @plums! The first thing I thought looking at your screenshot was "How the hell did that happen?", but then I checked the monster count and instantly figured it out. That HK was never supposed to get there! Guess I'll never cut corners when making monster closets again. Will fix that as soon as I get home.


I reduced the monster count for HNTR and HMP but didn't test either of them, as I suck at finding balance for difficulties other than UV (which you will probably find more satisfying difficulty-wise, even with the megasphere, plus the HK will teleport properly, haha).




Edited by JonExMachina

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55 minutes ago, plums said:

Extremely easy though


Did we play the same map? It's not Sunlust, but when I read "extremely easy" my thoughts are "very early Doom 2 map", of which this is definitely not. There are a whole bunch of mid-tier monsters, as well as a couple of traps that could easily wreck your health if something goes wrong.


Very enjoyable and a well designed level, I just wouldn't call it extremely easy.


Edit: Ah, I think while I played on UV, you didn't. That makes sense!

Edited by Degree23

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@Degree23  @JonExMachina Whooooops! I played in DSDA-Doom (which I don't use too often) because I wanted to use GL rendering, and while I thought it should default to UV for whatever reason it set me on HMP! I'll give it another shot later on UV and see what I think.


Now that I think of it I also probably played on MBF21 compatibility which may have affected the monster teleport.

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Very cool. Really nice detailing, and definitely one of the more fun city maps I've played. Highlight for me was the red fire room. Perfect use of lighting, shadowed enemies against the fire, cramped space, turret revs, and delayed entry of the cacos. Excellent fight. It killed me on my first attempt because I tried to escape and instead let the vile into the room :-).


I got soft-locked on my second attempt. If you press the switch to leave the red key area too quickly after crossing the linedef where the plasma is it won't lower. Managed to beat it on my third attempt, but missed the final secret (I'm dumb, its hinted at well).


For the 3d effect I assume you mean the use of floating mid textures? It renders fine in dsda-doom software mode for me. It's a fairly commonly used technique, so it should render correctly in most ports.   


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I do love city levels and this one did not disappoint. I wouldnt exactly call it easy but I was able to blind uv max it with no saves... I got fairly lucky on a couple of the tougher traps, inside the red door building and the blue key fight. The rest of the combat wasnt too scary but it felt like a good mix. The secrets were again a highlight of your map and if I had found more of them earlier the map would then have been easy, but thats how it should be. Thanks for sharing this, I had a ton of fun with it 😃

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Great map for both city-scape fans and doomcute fans (it is FULL of city-themed doomcute stuff). Captures a city-like scale very competently without going into the territory of being a sprawl of endless cube-shaped rooms. Big fan of the red fire room that ryiron mentioned, along with the courtyard fight.


-dsdademo, v0.26.2 for playback - ruindist_maribo.zip

17 minutes ago, ryiron said:

I got soft-locked on my second attempt. If you press the switch to leave the red key area too quickly after crossing the linedef where the plasma is it won't lower. Managed to beat it on my third attempt, but missed the final secret (I'm dumb, its hinted at well).

This also happened to me in my playthrough, it might be worth revealing a switch that can lower the original entrance platform back down if you can't fix it otherwise.

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Played it on HMP on Woof 11.3.0.

I did liked the doomcute stuff though, and I liked the door opening at the end, reminds one of the maps from Requiem.

It seems I have the same thing issue with the Hell Knight on top of the platform as Plums did. But I'm not sure if that was intentional.

For the BFG secret, maybe replace it with a plasma rifle and perhaps for the megasphere secret, replace it with a soulsphere?

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55 minutes ago, S3M_XM said:

It seems I have the same thing issue with the Hell Knight on top of the platform as Plums did. But I'm not sure if that was intentional.

Yep, I had the same issue.


Great map again :) Loved the doomcute! Great balancing once again. The pacing, secrets and fights were all very good. Looking forward to your third map.

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Nice looking and playing map. I like the mood that the custom music conveyed and the difficulty was fair. Plenty of secrets too, which I haven't found all of. I like your way of mapping a little city block like this. Certainly a style you can keep up for future works, should you feel inspired to make more city-esque stuff. Or you could try your hands at other themes. Whatever floats your boat.


I've made it through on my first try, so have a demo recording of that. To be played back in ZDoom 2.8.1.


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7 hours ago, ryiron said:

Very cool. Really nice detailing, and definitely one of the more fun city maps I've played. Highlight for me was the red fire room. Perfect use of lighting, shadowed enemies against the fire, cramped space, turret revs, and delayed entry of the cacos. Excellent fight. It killed me on my first attempt because I tried to escape and instead let the vile into the room :-).


I got soft-locked on my second attempt. If you press the switch to leave the red key area too quickly after crossing the linedef where the plasma is it won't lower. Managed to beat it on my third attempt, but missed the final secret (I'm dumb, its hinted at well).


For the 3d effect I assume you mean the use of floating mid textures? It renders fine in dsda-doom software mode for me. It's a fairly commonly used technique, so it should render correctly in most ports.   


Thank you very much for playing and for the demos, ryiron! Really sorry for getting you softlocked. Today I learned I can't move a sector's floor while its ceiling is moving. :P I moved the linedef to that switch further back, so now it's impossible for the player to reach the switch before its ceiling finishes raising. This is an example of the 3D effect I mentioned.



7 hours ago, Insaneprophet said:

I do love city levels and this one did not disappoint. I wouldnt exactly call it easy but I was able to blind uv max it with no saves... I got fairly lucky on a couple of the tougher traps, inside the red door building and the blue key fight. The rest of the combat wasnt too scary but it felt like a good mix. The secrets were again a highlight of your map and if I had found more of them earlier the map would then have been easy, but thats how it should be. Thanks for sharing this, I had a ton of fun with it 😃

Thank you very much, Insaneprophet! Really glad you enjoyed the secrets this time. :D

6 hours ago, Maribo said:

Great map for both city-scape fans and doomcute fans (it is FULL of city-themed doomcute stuff). Captures a city-like scale very competently without going into the territory of being a sprawl of endless cube-shaped rooms. Big fan of the red fire room that ryiron mentioned, along with the courtyard fight.


-dsdademo, v0.26.2 for playback - ruindist_maribo.zip

This also happened to me in my playthrough, it might be worth revealing a switch that can lower the original entrance platform back down if you can't fix it otherwise.

Thank you very much for playing and for the demo, Maribo! Sorry for softlocking you! Thankfully it was very easy to fix it. As always, it was a joy watching you play, especially seeing how deliberate you are in the big fights.

4 hours ago, S3M_XM said:

Played it on HMP on Woof 11.3.0.

I did liked the doomcute stuff though, and I liked the door opening at the end, reminds one of the maps from Requiem.

It seems I have the same thing issue with the Hell Knight on top of the platform as Plums did. But I'm not sure if that was intentional.

For the BFG secret, maybe replace it with a plasma rifle and perhaps for the megasphere secret, replace it with a soulsphere?

Thank you very much, S3M_XM! Haven't played Requiem yet, but I'll get there soon (currently playing a ton of wads released in 95). The Hell Knight was definitely not intentional, and I fixed the teleporter so that won't happen anymore. Thank you for the suggestions on both secrets! (Edit: Yeah, I followed both of them and removed a soulsphere from another secret. Thanks again!)

3 hours ago, TheCyberDruid said:

Yep, I had the same issue.


Great map again :) Loved the doomcute! Great balancing once again. The pacing, secrets and fights were all very good. Looking forward to your third map.

Thank you very much for playing, TheCyberDruid, and my apologies for softlocking you! My third and fourth maps were posted before the second. Here are the links to their threads, if you want to check them:




1 hour ago, DrRock said:

Nice looking and playing map. I like the mood that the custom music conveyed and the difficulty was fair. Plenty of secrets too, which I haven't found all of. I like your way of mapping a little city block like this. Certainly a style you can keep up for future works, should you feel inspired to make more city-esque stuff. Or you could try your hands at other themes. Whatever floats your boat.


I've made it through on my first try, so have a demo recording of that. To be played back in ZDoom 2.8.1.


Thank you very much for playing and for the demo, DrRock! I'll definitely try making more city maps in the future. Right now, I'm trying to get out of my techbasey comfort zone and make a hell-themed map. It's kinda hard to make something that looks nice using only Doom II's hell textures, but surely not impossible with a smart combination of marble and wood.

Edited by JonExMachina

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OK, replayed the map on UV and while it was on the easier side, I rescind my comment about it being extremely easy. However far more impactful than the difficulty was that I chose to avoid all secrets on my 2nd playthrough. (Even skipped the hotdog stand health -- no vegetarian options!) On my first playthrough I chose the right moment to grab the invulnerability -- the lift going up past the red key door -- and it trivialized that fight on HMP (I guess on UV it might not last the whole encounter, but still lets you deal with most of it), while the BFG was way more than enough for all the other big fights. Some people have already made suggestions about changing the secrets, I don't know if you have plans to update this map further, but it's something to keep in mind for the future.


I also got softlocked at the same spot others did. You *can* have ceilings and floors move at the same time in Boom compatibility and above, just not for vanilla/limit-removing.


Also the blue key doors to the exit are switches that have no tags and break everything if you use them. Your layout makes it so this is extremely unlikely to happen since they open correctly by walking towards them out the other blue key door, but thought I'd mention it anyhow. (An unlucky player could still press on where the linedef is once they've opened.)


edit: Also, realized you made the music yourself, good job! It's a very nice tune.

Edited by plums

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Thank you so much for giving it another go, @plums! Really happy to know your second playthrough was more fun and impactful. I'll keep updating the map as long as I think of stuff that can be improved. Since so many of you aren't having too much trouble with it, I'll probably make it tougher on UV and lower difficulties, but I definitely don't want to turn it into a grind. Still undecided on whether I'll compile my maps into a mapset or upload them individually to idgames, as my other maps are bigger and longer than this one, and I don't want to make a tiresome package.


Oh, that's good to know! I'll move on to Boom and UDMF eventually, but it feels quite nice when I get something "fancy" to work in the vanilla format.


Oops! I should've assigned some random unused tag to that linedef! I didn't want players to get suspicious of that door if they tried to use it before getting the blue key and got no "needs blue key" message and ended up making a very basic mistake. Sadly I'm in the middle of my shift and can't fix it now, but I'll definitely do it in... let me check... 8 hours (Edit: Fixed!). But only after trying using that linedef once for a good laugh. Thanks for pointing that out, by the way!


Thanks for the feedback on the song as well! It's a tune from almost 10 years ago, when I was just an Opeth fan in his early twenties. Some of my future maps will likely feature more songs from that time (I wrote about 20 of them, though I don't know how well MIDI blast beats would fit with Doom).

Edited by JonExMachina

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As far as difficulty, I think it's fine if you tone down the secrets like other people have suggested. A lighter challenge suits this style of map well IMO.


And map in whatever format you feel like! Limit-removing maps are my favourite personally.

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This was a really neat city map. The monster balancing seemed to be fantastic as well, the music was really fitting and the dark areas were cool.


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Heyyy, @Biodegradable! As always, thank you very much for playing and for the video. It seems you had more fun with this map than with the other ones, which honestly feels great, and I couldn't help but chuckle whenever you commented on the doomcute and took screenshots (that secret area you missed had some you'd really like, btw). That door texture you mentioned is a stock door texture, I just split the linedef and repeated the texture's middle section a few times.


I like both ketchup and mustard, by the way, but if you held a gun to my head, I'd say mustard.


Thank you so much for playing and for the video (and both its former and current descriptions, which brought a smile to my face), @LadyMistDragon! Much like with Bio, you seemed to have had a better time with this map than my other ones. Really glad you liked the song as well! :D


Thank you very much for playing and for the video, @Riclo500! I don't know how Project Brutality sorts all the extra monsters to compensate for the extra firepower, but judging by your video I'd say it did a pretty good job.

Edited by JonExMachina

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This is a really good time man! I especially like the hot dog stand and other Doom cute. Also had a fun time finding a lot of fun hidden secrets and gems 


Sorry about those stairs LOL 


Good times really glad @Biodegradable recommended this one 



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4 hours ago, Clippy said:

This is a really good time man! I especially like the hot dog stand and other Doom cute. Also had a fun time finding a lot of fun hidden secrets and gems 


Sorry about those stairs LOL 


Good times really glad @Biodegradable recommended this one 

Thank you so much for the playing, making a video and giving valuable feedback, Clippy! I laughed quite a bit listening to you guys (thank you @Biodegradablefor all the reassuring words halfway through the video, btw, I really appreciate it), and I'm really glad you had a good time with the map. Thank you for pointing out the "edge of the universe" (lol), the misaligned crate texture, the easily skippable SSG trap and the "pointless archvile" (which I fully agree with, by the way). All of those things are fixed now, and I made a few extra changes in order to make the map slightly spicier in a few sections.


Hilarious thumbnail, btw. Dark Pulse beside a TV was just *chef's kiss*

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53 minutes ago, JonExMachina said:

Thank you so much for the playing, making a video and giving valuable feedback, Clippy! I laughed quite a bit listening to you guys (thank you @Biodegradablefor all the reassuring words halfway through the video, btw, I really appreciate it), and I'm really glad you had a good time with the map. Thank you for pointing out the "edge of the universe" (lol), the misaligned crate texture, the easily skippable SSG trap and the "pointless archvile" (which I fully agree with, by the way). All of those things are fixed now, and I made a few extra changes in order to make the map slightly spicier in a few sections.


Hilarious thumbnail, btw. Dark Pulse beside a TV was just *chef's kiss*


We had a good time playing this and I'm very happy you had a good time with the video too. So nice to hear my playthrough helped you out and led to some positive changes on an already pretty great map


Good Times buddy thanks for entertaining map!! Keep it up!

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