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Pack-O-Daemon! A helper for your Doom's directory pk3 mod

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What is this?
It's a small tool that helps you to pack your directory based doom project in a single zip.

It makes your life easier with the structure of your files, and best of all, in a nice looking GUI.

Literally just clicks away before playing your project.

What it does?

  • Zippes directories containing doom data into pk3 packages.
  • Versionifies the packages inmediatly.
  • Zippes all the created pk3 files for your project in one single zip file.
  • It can skip the zipping process for some of the project parts, for faster builds.
  • If the project part contains acs library files, this program will compile them all before zipping.
  • Runs your project, with the given settings and outputs the game result once you close the game.
  • Also logs the progress made on the build process if you need to check for errors. (Such as ACS Compilation errors.)
  • New string replacer system!, now add dynamic data after each versioning!

Why this?

  • For the people who likes to work in their local directory using the file explorer.
  • Allows you to use third party programs directly. (Audacity, Photoshop, Notepad++, Sublime Text, you name it)
  • Smack some git repository in there to save your progress in your project.
  • You like Slade, but you're kind of alergic to the text editor, or, yo find tedious to re-compile every acs file, everytime you make a change.

How to use it?

  • Get the pack-o-daemon.exe, and place it on your root folder. (where the doom project resides)

The directory structure should be somethin' like this:
-- pack-o-daemon.exe
-- /src
----- whatever-files-you-got.txt

  • Run it, that will create the project.json file where you can change the settings for the pack-o-demon.


  • Open pack-o-daemon.exe again, and everything should be set for the typical use.
  • If you change something from the project.ini file, and you have the executable running, restart it.


Github: https://github.com/Samuzero15/pack-o-daemon
Also on Itch.Io for some reason!: https://samuzero15.itch.io/pack-o-daemon

Edited by Samuzero15

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  • 1 month later...

I like this, reminds me of Webpack but for DOOM. Now if there was support for Github Actions releases could be built and distributed purely on github.

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9 hours ago, kalensar said:

I'm not able to use this program but its also redundant to my uses. Just personal preference since I archive and build manually for better performance specifically.


For anyone else, heres the best helper I've ever had for reference purposes rather than relying on other peoples examples.




Understandable, just wanted to share a way to work in doom mods in a more dynamic way, did'nt done it for being the best way anyway.


Still, thanks for the feedback!

Edited by Samuzero15

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14 hours ago, Lemon King said:

I like this, reminds me of Webpack but for DOOM. Now if there was support for Github Actions releases could be built and distributed purely on github.

Like executing the pack-o-daemon scripts but without using the program and relying on the internet?


Or you mean like building and distributing the executeable files?


Please explain a bit.

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3 hours ago, Samuzero15 said:

Like executing the pack-o-daemon scripts but without using the program and relying on the internet?


Or you mean like building and distributing the executeable files?


Please explain a bit.


I manually build the pk3s because I have been doing it for quite awhile and have it basically memorized. I use Zdoom wiki for reference when I forget something or need to figure something out. Slade is the most reliable way to build the files, wads or pk3, because you can do it all manually, and need to do it manually in many cases.


And no, I cannot use your program mainly because I don't use Windows, and its not a very intuitive interface even when I fired it up with WINE.

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Yeah, I have a linux-ish wheel just for calling it through terminal with just a "pack_o_daemon" command, so you can call it through console, that version is experimental tho.

In case you want to give it another try, this might help.

Edited by Samuzero15

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10 hours ago, Samuzero15 said:

Like executing the pack-o-daemon scripts but without using the program and relying on the internet?


Or you mean like building and distributing the executeable files?


Please explain a bit.

Running pack-o-deamon via Github Actions so it all happens serverside, when say something such as a commit, tag, or a nightly is triggered.


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