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Map Name: Caceo and Caciet: A Tragic Love Story

Author: Horus

Music: N/A

Resources: Stock

Format: Doom

Comments: This draft was made a few years ago in my early days of mapping. Part way through, my laptop was damaged in an accident and needed repair. Fortunately it was reparable, but I lost interest in pursuing this map any further. The only change I made was to make it exitable. There is a HOM which I kept in in the spirit of the project.






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Map Name: TeleError.wad

Author: Alaxzandarz

Music: N/A

Resources: Doom 2 + patch edits

Format: Boom

Comments: The beginning for the second map in one of my oldest project, the other maps were never even started.





Edit: the map actually has three patch edits (the brown and green vine patch alone and the metal background from the gargoyle switches alone)

Edited by Alaxzandarz

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Map Name: testlarge1.zip

Author: besus

Music: door.mid

Resources: cc4-tex (not included) + a few solid colour flats (included)

Format: boom

Comments: was my first attempt at a magnum opus kinda thing with blue + gothic theme like swtw, slightly dimensions 03 inspired. this map has laid dormant for like a year, doubt ill ever finish it. currently has 2 is functioning fight (an extra fight is inaccessible without idclip), all very movement centric. had avj dehacked and had sprite replacements, tho deh didnt do anything and wasnt inside the wad anyway, and i removed the sprite changes. music was placeholder old composition that i forgot was even in the wad and it kinda sucks. changed some tp line to exit. i doubt this map will ever see the light of day, but then learned of this project.






(Disclaimer: sprite changes in screenshots are removed and 2 of them isnt accessible, just inside the map)


Edited by besus

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Map Name: Myhouse.wad(NOTSCARY).wad

Author: mousecreature

Music: N/A

Resources: Doom 2 + OTEX + custom

Format: Boom

Comments: I made this wad to cover two things at once, the first being messing around with custom textures and the depth you can have with layering, and the second was to recreate my own house (apartment) in a way that was fun to zip around. Originally, the first area was supposed to lead into the house area but this wasn't implemented so I added a teleporter so they're both accesible. There was also supposed to be a large secondary fight once the switch is flipped but I never ended up adding it.






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Map Name: "Blood Floor, IDK" (folder name was chosen before I landed on a theme)

Author: spineapple tea

Resources: Doom 2 + custom sky

Format: Limit removing

Comments: Originally a Scythe 2 inspired speedmap that would be really big and sprawling and hard and yadayada. Instead I forgot about it for a few months and then BOOM! this project appears and I can finally look at it again (probably the most complete of the maps I have rotting in the "my projects" folder). Almost certainly impossible to UV max without punching a cyberdemon without berserk for however long that'll take. Only thing I've added for this release has been an exit teleporter with zero requirements to reach. I was thinking of finishing and then compiling a lot of my unfinished maps into one compilation WAD but whatever, maybe one day.





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Man I am sooooo excited for this concept, I love it! I am actually intrigued to play the full set some day if I can manage the time.


I rarely get too far into a map before I finish it but in this case I designed something that just felt too big and clunky. I did a completely more sleek vision of this map in Cliptucky Fried Special map 29 from scratch : https://doomwiki.org/wiki/MAP29:_Twin_Paradox_(32_piece_Cliptucky_Fried_Chicken!)


So this was something I thought would never work but made it work in a different way much later -


So I think I followed your vision: I scoured my computer for this old file I knew was TP.wad .. couldn't find - looked on an external drive. No dice. Finally went through e-mails as I message myself backups and found it from december  30 2020!!! New years I threw this in the trash and started doing other shit


Map Name: TWIN PARADOX 1st Try

Author: Clippy Clippington

Resources: one custom texture and 2 flats - properly named & already has Plutonia Map 25 music incld: Contemplate (Hellish Godzilla)

Format: Limit Removing

Comments: Oops I put that above









OK so I found the file right? I added an exit behind a red and blue door as I felt that where it should be. BUT the keys were unreachable so I lowered the platforms as seen in above shot. Yellow key pointless tho. I did place some monsters but little resources. not much here just big enviorment .You can survive to next map but not enough here to get all kills I think


Thanks for this chance to have this work not be wasted and put into a really cool sounding project bud


The files:


Original as found: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fJnV5q0mZD9WwFdqd4Wzd0NGPX5K0zS_/view?usp=sharing


My exit addon & key pillar lowerings: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CWwZFNlwzuLlPQiTeL7rR9M7q8qveSs3/view?usp=sharing

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Im going to submit my first mao ever because there is a cool area where the mechanic is cool and I worked on it. The final fight is completely unbalanced and unregulated, so I will just stop it from happening with some invisible walls. It has some very big textures, is that a problem? 

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8 minutes ago, jo2ukegappy said:

It has some very big textures, is that a problem? 

Big textures are fine as long as they work on our target port; If their dimensions are divisible by 4 they’ll work (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 246, 528… so on). Boom uses some coding erm… um… I’m not even gonna try to explain it cause I don’t even know myself really. 

Edited by BluePineapple72

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Ok, I'll brush it up a bit, nothing too fancy, and then I'll check the textures and submit it. It's a fairly medium level map so feel free to assign a slot if you feel like it's good enough.

Edited by jo2ukegappy

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Perfect timing, I suppose.

Map Name: Midnight Sun

Author: Lina

Resources: Community Trunk texture pack, mainly using GothicDM and CC4; also uses some greenwar2 and some custom textures.
MIDI: Dial-up for murder - _ ______ _ ___ _____ ___

Format: Limit removing

Comments: This was intended for the 29 slot of CT, but I decided to pull it because its scope's gotten away from me, I'm too invested in other projects to finish it, and I still don't have the efficiency or planning skills to manage a map of this scale and level of investment.
It's a big, slaughter-lite escalating to slaughter map, but I never got around to the big slaughter-y bits. What's in the map is about 40ish% of the intended fights and progression. The map is mostly linear, with two branching paths after picking up the plasma, that're supposed to meet in the middle. The path on the left has three of four planned fights implemented, the path on the right is vestigial. I tried to patch up the softlocks, and added an exit. No points for guessing what map and wad I was trying to ape.





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Why exactly 32 maps? Why secret exits? UMAPINFO is straight-up the correct choice for a grab-bag project like this. Set a deadline, collect however many submissions you get, and let 'er rip.

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Map Name: Clover.wad

Author: Jo2ukeGappy

Resources: Doom 2 + 4 custom sprites for big walls. 

Format: Boom

Comments: This was my first wad ever. I have worked on it for close to two years, and so the ideas changed a lot. First, I wanted the central area to have pillars that would lower with enemies, and then, after the battle ended, the player would go up on them as an elevator and press a switch on the ceiling. I couldn't really accomplish that idea, so I just did the next best thing: Hollow pillars.

Oddities: Some buttons are never used, some things don't quite make as much sense. There is a listerine bottle somewhere. Or poison? I don't quite know. I still really like it. This map is what I used to learn the basics of mapping, and even though it's no masterpiece, I think it's pretty good for a beginner. I really invested into the atmosphere, so I hope people have fun with it. I reckon I could change the layout of the final battle a bit and make it more interesting, but I guess the way the map is now, it totally fits in with this project. 


Download: clover.7z













Edited by jo2ukegappy

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Map Name: CyberstalkingV2

Author: Solmyr.

Music: N/A

Resources: 18 custom textures and 6 flats from various authors, there's a credit lump inside the wad.

Format: Doom 2

Comments: Originally this map was supposed to be the 11th map for my still born NanoWadMo megawad Genocite, unfortunately the proyect was scrapped. It was designed around the idea of getting stalked/hunted down by several cyberdemons while other monsters act as meat shields and/or force the player to move forward.








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Map Name: intercep3_rando5

Author: Moustachio

Resources: Doom 2 + custom textures + Boom SWITCHES lump for one custom switch texture

Format: Boom

Comments: I often create random little level starts in the editor. Most never see the light of day, and a select few become finished maps. This level start was created on August 24, 2021, and I meant for it to be a potential Hell level for some prototype of Interception III. Ultimately, I did scrap that iteration of the project. This level start is pretty nifty, throwing us right into a heavy brawl in a hellish castle. And of course, it ends pretty much right after the brawl is over. The end of the dark hallway had one exit linedef placed at the end of it, but otherwise it has been untouched since August 25, 2021 according to the original file's metadata.


Download: intercep3_rando5.zip






Edited by Moustachio

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Map Name: ↑

Author: akolai

Resources: stuff nicked from fcff

Format: boom (rename the wad to something normal if you're not using a recent version of dsda or it won't work)

Comments: made on a whim to mess with basic shapes




Download: normalwadname.zip

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Sure, I'll get in on this. I just so happened to be looking through my old stuff the other day.


Map Name: Infiltration.wad (infiltration_unfin.zip)

Author: Blexor

Resources: stock

Format: Limit-Removing

Comments: This was to be the first map of a planned one-episode wad I'd wanted to make. The concept was pretty basic: Have the player break into some kind of research facility and find an elevator leading downward. Each of the maps which followed would have been another floor of the complex (Kind of like a shorter, worse Going Down, now that I think about it). Of course there would have to be some kind of nasty secret waiting down at the very bottom. I didn't get very far on this idea as obviously I didn't even finish the first level, but supposing that I had, this wad was to be my way of "breaking in" to the Doom mapping scene (Working for community projects was definitely the way to go, instead). That said, I still have a fondness for the idea and might like to get back to it someday. I've certainly thought about the concept a lot more since the days when I was making this map.

As far as I can tell, I never got around to making that soulsphere secret in the mountains obtainable. It's just there to taunt you (the secret for it is also double-tagged, I see. Way to go, genius). The other secret, meanwhile, was apparently so good that I re-used it basically verbatim in my map for Jamal Jones. I think I worked on that map right afterward which might explain why this guy got sidelined.

Anyway, I hope this is interesting to someone. Some of the imps that teleport into the towers get stuck. Kill me.





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Aw, come on, you need to keep this open to unlimited slots. And maybe let people select MIDIs.


Actually, thinking about it, this might be great as a kind of yearly event - a wad full of things that people started work on over the year, but never got around to finishing.

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This is a fun project.




Map Name: The Docks

Author: EANB

Resources: CC4 

Format: Boom

Comments: This is the unfinished 4th map of Starshine. There's no real exit, no purpose for the keys or any kind of natural flow, the fights are unbalanced, there are some HOMs and you can fall into the abyss in a couple of places but it's surprisingly presentable. I wanted to end this with you getting into some kind of spaceship but my attempts at modeling one were feeble.


I'll add a disclaimer that the Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon fights here were heavily remodeled and cannibalized for map 10 of Glaive 3, but most of the map is unseen (if this isn't okay, I have a couple of other maps I could submit).


I've only added an exit linedef after the yellow door (there's unfortunately no purpose to the entire left side of the map), a way back onto the level if you fall off, and an invulnerability and a bunch of cells so you can reasonably kill everything in the map.







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Here's something if there's still room.


Map Name: Blood Bankruptcy

Map Slot: MAP23 (but I'm okay with this going wherever)

Author: Large Cat

Resources: None, everything is from Doom 2 IWAD (except the music)

MIDI: Unfinished version of "Square River" by Large Cat

Format: Vanilla

Comments: This was my first attempt at a line-limited map, with only 128 lines available. I clearly didn't know how to budget or save lines, so I ran out of material well before I wanted the map to end and started over from scratch (that second attempt became MAP23 in 128 Lines 64 Things). I pretty much just tacked an exit switch onto a partial final room that was also sending me over the 64 thing limit. I also included an unfinished version of the midi that went with my successful attempt at this limitation.






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24 minutes ago, BeachThunder said:

Aw, come on, you need to keep this open to unlimited slots. And maybe let people select MIDIs.


Actually, thinking about it, this might be great as a kind of yearly event - a wad full of things that people started work on over the year, but never got around to finishing.


2 hours ago, Xaser said:

Why exactly 32 maps? Why secret exits? UMAPINFO is straight-up the correct choice for a grab-bag project like this. Set a deadline, collect however many submissions you get, and let 'er rip.

The initial intention for this wad was to serve as a sort of “wad exhibit” for a museum in Hot Soapy Water (linked above). 32 is a very classic doom number, so the wad would sort of present itself as a false wad in some way, as a vestige of what could’ve been. 

Although, with how much interest this thread is generating, I do see quite a lot of potential in this idea in being something broader than what I had initially planned (especially doing it again). 

I’ll stew on it as I sleep (I’ll also need to check the maplist in the morning). When I wake I’ll reevaluate and decide if I want to expand this to something beyond 32 maps and into a deadline specific project of “whatever is sent to me in that time”

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Map Name: forFun005

Author: Jark

Music: None

Resources: None (Doom 2)

Format: Vanilla

Comments: One in a series of 'sketches' that I spontaneously made and as quickly dropped / forgot. One thing I wanted to practice with this map was lighting specifically, and what I could get away with in Vanilla in terms of said lighting.







Download: forFun005.zip

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If people made more than one unfinished map, it's ok to join them into one or just have one specific map? I have some stuff unfinished in my PC (as well as into USB stick) and this looks like the perfect place to put them.

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