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This is a good idea for a project. Most of my unfinished maps are arguable finished just not play tested and way too lame to put out solo so they're staying in my horribly unfinished organized folders. These two though didn't get past a single room in terms of building.

Map Name: IDK, Hope you like punching archviles
Author: NOOT
Resources: OTEX
Format: Boom Complevel 9
Comments: I slapped on an exit sign into the half finished trap at the end of this. I have hastily removed all of OTEX from the wad using SLADE's nice new texture maintenance features which I think froze the slime. Oops.
Map Name: The most lighting detail nootsynootsy has ever put in a map
Author: NOOT
Resources: None
Format: Boom Complevel 9
Comments: For an old CP that never got off the ground, I have neglected to turn it into a proper map for 2 years despite a few tries, I can't find the version that has like 1 extra room in the form of an unfinished linedef bridge near the start. That would have added to the unfinished feeling probably.



Edited by Nootsy-Nootsy
cooler name and screenies

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Map Name: Metal Base


Author: Man With a Gun


Resources: None, stock textures except for skybox.


Format: Boom (complevel 9)


Comments: A map started in 2016 and was pretty much a test of my skills in usage of stock textures and some boom tricks, it didn't go far as you can see here but i had fun making it and it was some helpful experience for my future maps. Good old days when i had shitty mini-laptop that barerly could run Doom Builder 2 and mapping mostly for myself :^)


Difficulties: All implemented.







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We're up to 41 now, yippee!


If anyone has any unfinished midis they'd like to shoot me for the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC thangs post em here. I'll have a compilation out with current maps in the next few days.


Here maplist:

MAP01 - Metastasis II - BluePineapple72

MAP02 - Caceo and Caciet - Horus

MAP03 - Omega Project 2019 - DynamiteKaitorn

MAP04 - TeleError - Alaxzandarz

MAP05 - testlarge1 - besus

MAP06 - MyHouse.wad(NOTSCARY).wad - mousecreature

MAP07 - Blood Floor, IDK - spineapple tea

MAP08 - TWIN PARADOX 1st Try - Clippy

MAP09 - Midnight Sun - Lina

MAP10 - RevHoarder - raddicted

MAP11 - Clover.wad - jo2ukegappy

MAP12 - CyberstalkingV2 - Solmyr

MAP13 - intercep3_rando5 - Moustachio

MAP14 - funny slaugh map #3867 - randomsounds01

MAP15 - ↑ - akolai

MAP16 - Infiltration.wad - Blexor

MAP17 - The Docks - EANB

MAP18 - Blood Bankruptcy - Large Cat

MAP19 - forFun005 - Jark

MAP20 - Half & Half - BeachThunder


MAP22 - gibstart1.wad - s4f3s3x

MAP23 - map.wad - El Inferno

MAP24 - Temple of the Frog King - PinkFlamingo

MAP25 - Topside Pornstar - Maribo

MAP26 - Sleepwalking - Maribo

MAP27 - Volcanic Bulls - Chuckles_troll

MAP28 - Gateway Laboratory - Sesamia

MAP29 - Speedmap 30.08.2027 - Scypek

MAP30 - Imp CityNoisy - Velvet

MAP31 - BitMap - Walter

MAP32 - The Swamp below Legendary SpaceNoisy - Velvet

MAP33 - secondspeedmap - NoisyVelvet

MAP34 - Bear's Lament - Death Bear

MAP35 - World Anomaly - knifeworld

MAP36 - Machine Anomaly - knifeworld

MAP37 - Down in the Hole - LoatharMDPhD

MAP38 - Poligonal - LoatharMDPhD

MAP39 - IDK, Hope you like punching archviles - NOOT

MAP40 - The most lighting detail nootsynootsy has ever put in a map - NOOT

MAP41 - Metal Base - Man With a Gun

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MAP NAME: Iconoclash

AUTHOR: BluePineapple72



MUSIC: Versus - Fookerton

COMMENTS: Originally intended as my Boss Battle Bonanza submission. I was going to be the one who finally made a good icon of sin map. I added a rocket launcher so you could kill the icon. I also filled the missing textures.



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Map Name: Sropical Ttorm

Author: NiGHTS108

Music: Cross-Eyed Mary by Jethro Tull

Resources: PRCP2 textures and OTEX sky (included)

Format: Boom

Comments: I got a REAL old one here, at least for me personally, the unused first map of a wad I've been working on for the better part of three years at this point called Stress, a 10 map """"""speedmap"""""" project I've spent most of the """"""dev cycle"""""" for so far procrastinating on, it hasn't released as I upload this map and probably won't for at LEAST a few months after Unfinished.wad releases. Anyway to cut to the chase, I made this map around October 2021, chipped away at it, and then went back and forth on what exactly the second half of this map would be like before just deciding the whole thing just wasn't working in around December I believe? This map was so booty butt ass cheeks that I, with my 10 months of mapping wisdom, decided to completely discard it. Enjoy!






(update: oops forgot the midi)

Edited by NiGHTS108

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Map Name: Clogged

Author: BeachThunder

Music: -

Resources: Vanilla Doom II

Format: Vanilla

Comments: Another map. This one's from January 2019. I was intending on doing something more with this, but I guess that just never happened. A lot of the enemies don't do anything because they're placed way too close together, hence the name :)

UNFINISHED.wad update: There was previously no way to exit the level, so I added in an exit teleporter.





Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/Clogged.wad

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Map Name: Castle in petra

Author: mousecreature

Music: N/A

Resources: Doom 2

Format: Boom

Comments: This one's in a much more unfinished state than the previous wad I submitted, I intended to finish or rework this one but it could still be fun to play so here it is with all its HOM's and weird texture issues.






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6 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:

If anyone has any unfinished midis they'd like to shoot me for the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC thangs post em here.


Is it still cool if it's unfinished because I realized partway through I don't really know what music is? I think it's still listenable though, and I think I found a couple that do a good job capturing the feeling of exploring a scrapyard of abandoned ideas.

Unmusiced finish.zip

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Map Name: Subway or Lounge?

Author: Walter

Music: Sonic Advance 2 - Hot Crater Zone (tried to find a midi that sounded more than the original from Auger Zenith, i remember it was a Sonic theme remix)

Resources: Doom 2

Format: Limit Removing

Comments: Much more complex than my first submission, it's a big open map originally intended for Auger Zenith, but never finished. Before that it was a simple room made for testing fake 3D structures using midtex.






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51 minutes ago, Scypek2 said:


Is it still cool if it's unfinished because I realized partway through I don't really know what music is? I think it's still listenable though, and I think I found a couple that do a good job capturing the feeling of exploring a scrapyard of abandoned ideas.

Unmusiced finish.zip

These are perfect

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3 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Map Name: Subway or Lounge?

Author: Walter

Music: Sonic Advance 2 - Hot Crater Zone (tried to find a midi that sounded more than the original from Auger Zenith, i remember it was a Sonic theme remix)

Resources: Doom 2

Format: Limit Removing

Comments: Much more complex than my first submission, it's a big open map originally intended for Auger Zenith, but never finished. Before that it was a simple room made for testing fake 3D structures using midtex.


  Hide contents




For folks playing along at home - this is MAP10

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I dug through my hard drive and found something that would fit here. The map is probably about 4 or 5 years old. Of course it doesn't reflect my current mapping skill.

Name: Monumentum
Author: DRON12261
Music: None

Resources: No (Doom2.wad)
Format: Boom
Tested: prBoom+, Doom Retro, Nugget Doom (actually there is nothing much to break on the map, so it should work everywhere).

Passes probably in less than a minute.

All I've added here is just an option to exit the level.

Called Monumentum most likely because I wanted to realize then some monumental large and tall buildings in the manner of brutalism. But it looks like I started making starting locations and never got to the heart of the map.





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Map Name:  Macelleria Naive (PILOT)

Author:  s4f3s3x

Resources:  DOOM1-2.WAD

Format:  Vanilla Doom 2

Comments:  First try at mapping ever. Two corridors and two rooms. Looks good at 320x200.






Download >> 


Edited by s4f3s3x

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Map Name: Tribute To Slugfest 9 (slug9tr.wad)

Author: RjY, inspired by Shamus Young (RIP, a fellow I'd always hoped would be the next old school mapper to make a return after Doom's popularity boost as a retro game)

Date: October/November 2002

Resources: stock doom2

Format: doom2, limit-breaking Boom (I didn't know about or pay any attention to complevels back then)

Music: I don't play with the game music on, so technically there is none (in more recent years I have taken to using silent midis such as the one The Green Herring made for me for cchest3). I just tell people to listen to the music they like the best.


I loved the walking-in-the-void atmosphere of Slugfest map09, and knocking imps off towers from huge distances with the rocket launcher (although perhaps not so much the ledgerunning). But I always wanted the map to be a lot bigger and go on for a lot longer and for the ledges and walkways to not be so flat. So when I finally found an editor I didn't immediately hate, I tried to make the map.

But I was way too ambitious, and made a space that was too big to handle. Indeed it triggered a sign overflow in R_PointToAngle so if you looked in the wrong direction you'd see phantom walls everywhere. (Do not expect to see this any more, it has long since been fixed by all the relevant source ports.) And I reckoned without the tedious, repetitive aspects of mapping, which you don't find out until you actually try it, but which eventually wore me down to capitulance and loss of interest.






Edited by RjY
fixed expired link

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Download:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dq6rOy_T9GwKl9sWLxFnXBhNd7pyv31X/view?usp=sharing


Map Name:  Waiting

Author:  Sesamia

Resources:  Uses some Doom 1 textures

Format:  Limit Removing

Comments:  An unfinished map that was made in 2013.  Intended to be part of a series of maps, but I got bored and stopped working on them.


This is definitely the least finished of the three that I've uploaded.






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On 9/19/2023 at 12:15 AM, RjY said:





One tiny detailed location in the middle of a great plain expanse. The perfect abandoned project aesthetic!



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Submissions are closed! Here is the final maplist: (for those counting at home, we had one mapper pull a map from the project)

MAP01 - Metastasis II - BluePineapple72

MAP02 - Caceo and Caciet - Horus

MAP03 - Omega Project 2019 - DynamiteKaitorn

MAP04 - TeleError - Alaxzandarz

MAP05 - testlarge1 - besus

MAP06 - MyHouse.wad(NOTSCARY).wad - mousecreature

MAP07 - Blood Floor, IDK - spineapple tea

MAP08 - TWIN PARADOX 1st Try - Clippy

MAP09 - Midnight Sun - Lina

MAP10 - RevHoarder - raddicted

MAP11 - Clover.wad - jo2ukegappy

MAP12 - CyberstalkingV2 - Solmyr

MAP13 - intercep3_rando5 - Moustachio

MAP14 - funny slaugh map #3867 - randomsounds01

MAP15 - ↑ - akolai

MAP16 - Infiltration.wad - Blexor

MAP17 - The Docks - EANB

MAP18 - Blood Bankruptcy - Large Cat

MAP19 - forFun005 - Jark

MAP20 - Half & Half - BeachThunder


MAP22 - gibstart1.wads - 4f3s3x

MAP23 - map.wad - El Inferno

MAP24 - Temple of the Frog King - PinkFlamingo

MAP25 - Topside Pornstar - Maribo

MAP26 - Sleepwalking - Maribo

MAP27 - Volcanic Bulls - Chuckles_troll

MAP28 - Speedmap 30.08.2027 - Scypek

MAP29 - Imp City - NoisyVelvet

MAP30 - BitMap - Walter

MAP31 - The Swamp below Legendary Space - NoisyVelvet

MAP32 - secondspeedmap - NoisyVelvet

MAP33 - Bear's Lament - Death Bear

MAP34 - World Anomaly - knifeworld

MAP35 - Machine Anomaly - knifeworld

MAP36 - Down in the Hole - LoatharMDPhD

MAP37 - Poligonal - LoatharMDPhD

MAP38 - IDK, Hope you like punching archviles - NOOT

MAP39 - The most lighting detail nootsynootsy has ever put in a map - NOOT

MAP40 - Metal Base - Man With a Gun

MAP41 - Iconoclash - BluePineapple72

MAP42 - Sropical Ttorm - NiGHTS108

MAP43 - Clogged - BeachThunder

MAP44 - Castle in Petra - mousecreature

MAP45 - Subway or Lounge? - Walter

MAP46 - Momentum - DRON12261

MAP47 - Macelleria Naive (PILOT) - s4f3s3x

MAP48 - Mellow - Sesamia

MAP49 - Tribute To Slugfest 9 (slug9tr.wad) - RjY

MAP50 - Waiting - Sesamia


I'll have a compilation within the week. Gonna be busy these next few days but it shouldn't take too long for RC1 to be released. Main time chunk is gonna be in compiling resources and making sure there aren't any bad overlaps.


Edit: I have the opportunity to do the funniest thing with this wad

Edited by BluePineapple72

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2 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:

MAP49 - Tribute To Slugfest 9 (slug9tr.wad) - RjY


Heh. The parenthetical postfix was not intended as part of the actual title :). I apologise for the confusion.



Edit: I have the opportunity to do the funniest thing with this wad

I think Mockery TC beat you to that by about 25 years ;).

Edited by RjY

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2 hours ago, RjY said:

The parenthetical postfix was not intended as part of the actual title :)


And conversely "by me of course" is in fact a part of my own map's title. I don't know why I felt the need to include it in the filename, but I sure did.

Edited by Scypek2

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21 minutes ago, Insaneprophet said:

Itll be a damn shame if this isnt named something about Doom Blue Balled (An Unfinished Wad)

That'd be an interesting name for the wad if I finish it

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7 minutes ago, BluePineapple72 said:

That'd be an interesting name for the wad if I finish it

Should've hosted this project in March and just not actually compile it, as an April Fools joke - an ironic twist.

Edited by NoisyVelvet

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Did want to post an update and be clear that I am actually intending on finishing this. I haven't had the chance really to sit down and work on this, mainly because I'm recovering from a stomach bug and have been focusing on other things. Fret not though, RC1 will be out shortly

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  • 2 weeks later...

@BluePineapple72  Random thought for a possible similar future project for you if you have time in the future..  (Since you are good at coordinating projects)

Collect unfinished maps from the community, pass them around to volunteers or back to different map submitter to be populated, decorated, enlarged, etc. then, when finished, compiled into a mapset. 

Sort of a community collaboration.  Sometimes a mapper runs out of ideas (mappers block) for their own maps but may have some great ideas given a different map to finish.  Small one room unfinished maps could be chained together with hallways or teleports etc. to form a larger map.  I am certain that there are enough unfinished maps left out there to create this project.  It could turn into a rather abstract set of maps.

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Just now, Searcher said:

@BluePineapple72  Random thought for a possible similar future project for you if you have time in the future..  (Since you are good at coordinating projects)

Collect unfinished maps from the community, pass them around to volunteers or back to different map submitter to be populated, decorated, enlarged, etc. then, when finished, compiled into a mapset. 

Sort of a community collaboration.  Sometimes a mapper runs out of ideas (mappers block) for their own maps but may have some great ideas given a different map to finish.  Small one room unfinished maps could be chained together with hallways or teleports etc. to form a larger map.  I am certain that there are enough unfinished maps left out there to create this project.  It could turn into a rather abstract set of maps.


Yes! I've had several ideas for how to reuse/reduce/recycle old maps, and similar ideas have been brought up a few times in my discord. If unfinished.wad does pretty well and there is interest for more events in the future, I may run a limited 32-map wad of "Leftovers" of unfinished or abandoned maps that other mappers can sign onto to complete. One day. I'll need to finish Unfinished first of course.

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