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Hi guys! I'm back!

This is the fourth map I made, called "Internals". I also recently changed from GZDoom to LZDoom and I think I made the right choice.

Just download the .wad file below and run it with Doom II.

There's a secret as always!

I'll come back here and add a YouTube video of it. (Edit: The video is now uploaded)

Edit 2: This map has now had some bugfixes. One problem was that secret was counted twice and that the ammo at the end of the map was way too hard to reach.










Edited by Drum

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Kudos on 4th map. It's a pretty straightforward short and flat open door and shoot monster kind of thing. 


Now that your four maps in and got the super basics down don't be afraid to experiment with height variation; steps - surprises, monster closets ~ tricks and traps and finding ways to make it a little more adventurous


Good job on your future maps bud! 




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21 minutes ago, Clippy said:

Kudos on 4th map. It's a pretty straightforward short and flat open door and shoot monster kind of thing. 


Now that your four maps in and got the super basics down don't be afraid to experiment with height variation; steps - surprises, monster closets ~ tricks and traps and finding ways to make it a little more adventurous


Good job on your future maps bud! 




Hi! Thx for playing my map. I also fixed the secret and the ammo pickup at the end.

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