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Hellish Forest

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*Originally this map was meant to be used in a bigger WAD I'm developing, however I realized it

didn't really fit in, so now I'm uploading it right now. Sorry for the lack of diversity in weapons :P


This is a single map WAD in which you go through a forest in, you guessed it, Hell. A blood lake flowing through it,

burnt trees, rocky walls, demons teleporting in to ambush you, everything you'd expect in a forest. With limited

ammo and health packs, and tight but manageable spaces, it's not going to be easy getting through. (This is just

to make the map sound cool, it's not actually that difficult, probably only a 6/10 on the difficulty scale)


Game: Doom 2


Source Port: GZdoom


Editors: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade


Jump and Freelook: On












Edited by Murderous Owl
Needed to fix the blood lake not doing damage and changed one of the secrets

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I forgot to record a first play demo. :(


I really dig the Shores of Hell vibe this level has. If there hadn't been two Hell Knights at the end it could have fooled me as a Doom 1 map. I was sadly not able to figure out where the secrets were but I am kind of a dummy about secrets.

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8 hours ago, NecrumWarrior said:

I forgot to record a first play demo. :(


I really dig the Shores of Hell vibe this level has. If there hadn't been two Hell Knights at the end it could have fooled me as a Doom 1 map. I was sadly not able to figure out where the secrets were but I am kind of a dummy about secrets.

Hey, thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it! When it comes to making the theme of a map I feel like most of my levels are Doom 1 styled with additional enemies from Doom 2, since, personally, I feel like Doom 1 was more memorable. Also, sorry that the secrets were too hard to find, I tend to make secrets way too easy or difficult to find, so sorry you couldn't find them. Plus I'll admit the items in the secrets and the secret areas themselves aren't really that interesting so you aren't really missing out on much, just some healthkits and ammo, and dumb refrence

Edited by Murderous Owl

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I did notice that the blood lake at the end does not damage the player like I assume it is supposed, given that the streams do damage and there are two haz suits at the end. 

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4 hours ago, NecrumWarrior said:

I did notice that the blood lake at the end does not damage the player like I assume it is supposed, given that the streams do damage and there are two haz suits at the end. 

I must've not noticed that while testing, I'll go back in and fix it, thanks for letting me know about it!

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