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NaNoWADMo 2023 - The month-long mapping challenge!

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Started working on Hastur. Yesterday I set up my exit portal and the start of the boss room. I also set up that boss by modifying the Archvile in Dehacked and colorizing its sprite to be yellow. I was going to call it The King in Yellow, but I've decided to go with the more Doom-like title of The Yellow Bastard (And also a nod to Sin City). I am thinking about making Hell Knights yellow as well, or at least making Hell Knights and Barons bleed yellow. Not sure yet.



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9 hours ago, StarSpun5000 said:

Oh man I really want to participate this year, but I would like to make a small request. Very close to the end of September, I had an idea for an ambush that I HAD to create in doom builder before I forgot it. I would've written it down and saved it for Nanowadmo, but I admittedly forgot that Nanowadmo was going to happen. All I have so far is this one small battle and that's really it. Would it be okay if I used that as a starting point in my Nanowadmo project? If not then that's okay, I'd be willing to start on a new thing, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask! 

That's fine!

6 hours ago, Surreily said:

Hi, can I be signed up please if it's not too late?

Sure, I've added you to the list.

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My idea is set and I've already started progressing on it -- I will be delving into the limitless bounds of MBF21 format in a single map by the name of "Power Struggle" comprised of 4-5 sections. There's also some new tools I'm going to be messing around with and so far I've been having an absolute blast learning everything.  My goal by the end of October is to have the map fully playable, with co-op starts and its own dedicated DM arena for those who are so inclined.


Looking forward to keeping you guys posted! I'll try to send progress updates throughout the month

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Some improvements on the boss room:



And moving on from the boss room to expand:



This is where the real mapping begins

I also did some tinkering with the palette for better yellows. And I made the Archvile yellow, and he is now The Yellow Bastard.


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I plan to publish regular updates (and maybe some dev streams once in a while?) to my YouTube thingie. Here's one from Sunday that outlines the premise of my project, as well as discusses the gameplay changes that I have in place so far:



tl;dw (since I'm not exactly known for my brevity ;P) I feel like slaughtermaps would be more fun amongst a wider audience if the player were more powerful and the enemies were a bit less spongier. Additionally, slaughter tends to be strongly associated with BFG spam, so one of the primary objectives is to uplift the weapons to the point where they are all useful, and to greatly increase the utility (and speed!) of weapon swapping. Enemies have noticeably less health than before, with a few new ones added in to help fill out the roster a bit more.


Right now I actually have things to the point where the BFG is the least fun weapon to use in most situations, which I feel is a huge win. I have plans to pump it up as well, but I plan for it to be a highly situational weapon.


I'm not ready to show off any levels juuuust yet, but I did take some time to sketch some stuff out and develop a general outline. My project outline is perhaps a bit on the optimistic side, but I do tend to work better under pressure. :)


Fingers crossed and stuff aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Also, this is gonna be an MBF21 thing using MTrop's fantastic DoomMake build system (not to mention OTEX and plenty of Realm667 goodies). When things stabilize a bit I'll probably make my git repo public for anyone who wants to take a closer look.

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Hope I'm not late to participate. Got a late idea for a small project that I could potentially churn out this year.

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So, I decided to finally delve into UDMF mapping & decided to use a PSX hud with D64 textures.

The flexibility UDMF has is insane! I'm also learning scripting a bit & it's actually quite fun.


NOTE: I have no plans to make something big out of this. It's just me learning & practicing UDMF but after October is over, I'll have this saved somewhere & who knows, maybe it will be a thing in the future.







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sign me up, gonna try and finish the first episode of my megawad and post it here, already have some maps done.




map 1



map 2





map 3




map 6



and yes i am using the darkening 2 texture pack. it has a great concrete/industrial look to it.

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First 10 days progress, got the first actual part of the level with a good base. Not sure if I'll finish it on time though but hey, this is pretty cool I think






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Progress on our Ultimate Doom wad has been going pretty smoothly. All maps in Episode 1 have roughed out layouts, but there's still lots of work to do with detailing, secret hiding, and thing placing. Only E1M2 is almost done in those regards. Episode 2 has 5 beatable maps so far and 2 more maps in the works.


Here are some screenshots of areas that are more on the complete side, from E1M1 and E1M2:



This project imports textures from Doom 2, TNT, Plutonia, lostres by Xaser and NaturalTvventy, and there's a handful of custom textures as well.

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Okay, i hadn't made an update in 2 weeks, so i think it's time.

  • Map 5 is nearly complete, i need to implement difficulty settings and i have to playtest it more. The layout and other arbitrary things are completed.
  • I haven't started map 6, 7 and 8, yet.
  • Map 9 is fully completed. Tested in every way, every source port i'm aiming for, in every difficulty, without secrets, even with fast monsters. I like to test my maps in an extensive way, lol.
  • Map 10 it's almost done.
  • Map 32 it's driving me crazy, idk why i've choosen E2M8 from Wolf 3d to make a recreation as a doom 2 secret level.

I'm also making my first dehacked file, it's very simple tho, it replaces the chaingun and and the chainsaw with their respective doom 64 counterparts.

Edited by DankMetal

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I'm picking up a long abandoned project that I started back in 2019. I got back to it a year later to try and finish it, but I got caught up in feature creep and wasn't able to finish everything. This time I'm trying to avoid the temptation to make a bunch of new levels and just finish what I have. That means playtesting and trying to finish a bit of custom graphics and music.


I still may have bit off more than I can chew...trying to make 8 original songs is like making a whole album, and I don't know anything about music composition. Still, I'm going to press on and try to come up with something by the end of this month.






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Here's what I have of my map so far. My plan was to create a red lava cave map mainly using otex in boom format. I'm really happy with what I have so far. (Those first two pictures are the ambush I started with, significantly more detailed then when I began tho) I havent implemented the sky yet, I plan to do that at the end.




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We're halfway through! Just over two weeks left. I love what I'm seeing so far. Keep mapping and remember to hydrate!


On 10/14/2023 at 5:03 PM, BigBeanDotGov said:

it this anything

Yes, it looks to be some sort of Blood Zone.

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Update from me;

Objective 1 is currently being playtested in private and hopefully I should have an release candidate before the end of the month.

Objective 2 has another map (Map09) completed...


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Just an FYI: the public Discord invite has been removed temporarily because we were getting raided. If you'd like to join in the meantime, DM me here for a link.

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update: got map 4 done and a decent amount of map 5 done

On 10/9/2023 at 12:46 AM, stupid (tsocheff) said:

sign me up, gonna try and finish the first episode of my megawad and post it here, already have some maps done.




map 1



map 2





map 3




map 6



and yes i am using the darkening 2 texture pack. it has a great concrete/industrial look to it.


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I have a second (and probably last) update for NostraDM - my project from NaNoWADMo 2021. It is ready and available to play right now - just in time for Halloween! It took way longer than I thought it would to make it, but I am very proud to finally shove it into the world! 

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Demon health has been lowered to match, but you'll still have to be careful with your ammo.

Yangshuo Invasion: the first mapset created specifically for Bite-Sized Threat, with a few extra gameplay modifications of its own to go with it! It's been long in the making (not even accounting for the fact that I came up with the basic concept about 10 years ago), but I finally found the inspiration to really pick it up again.

Edited by Scypek2

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One week to go! I'm hoping to release the first 3 levels of a 11 level long game I'm making On Halloween. Appropriately the theme of my Game is horror movies and cult movies in general. So Far The Hub world is complete which is a 3 screen movie theater. The first 2 optional side quests will make up the bulk of the first level. A Tribute to the Doom2 IWAD is complete and the  Tribute to the Freedoom2 IWAD is halfway done with planed content. Here are some screenshot of what's their so far


the Ghoulidge Corner Theater

The game will take place here during a Midnight horror movie marathon. Some levels will be movie trailers, others full movies, some will be Intermissions where the player can take on optional side quests in the other 2 movie screens other then the main one













Edited by Yagacaw

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Additional update to the first

Freedoom: The Movie

This is a side quest that assumes the player is using the freedoom IWAD to play the game. Its a Cosmic horror film noir detective story with first person narration. 













Edited by Yagacaw

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