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NaNoWADMo 2023 - The month-long mapping challenge!

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Additional update to the second 

Doom As well

And for Fun I added an Intercom so the Antagonist of 'Doom As well' a tribute to the Doom2 IWAD taunts the player the closer they get to the Boss. The Dialogue assumes the player is not using the Freedoom IWAD so whichever IWAD the player uses they will have one side quest catered to the art style, and one side quest that will be weird and chaotic and silly














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I have this idea where each map is small but has a punch, in fact I might use the same sector shapes each map.

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Okay, i've made some progress this week, i started making map 6 and 8, and i don't think they would take so much time to make (specially map 6), so i think i'm good

Map 32 keeps driving me crazy.

As for now, i posted one of the maps i made for this project as a form of "teaser", is the first one i started to work on.


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Update on our project. 7 maps of E2 are beatable and 2 maps are in the works. There's also been a small amount of E3 work.
However, both of us have been pretty burnt out for the past week or so, and we'll probably stay burnt out for the remainder of this month. What we have made so far isn't at all in a state that I want to release, so we probably aren't going to have anything released by the end of October.
Still, it's cool that we made rough drafts of 16 maps (in addition to 4 unfinished maps) in just 3 weeks! I'm already a better mapper than I was a month ago.


Next NaNoWADMo we're planning to do something that's a bit more feasible to actually complete in a month, with Scythe-esque small maps.

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On 10/22/2023 at 10:35 PM, Plerb said:

Next NaNoWADMo we're planning to do something that's a bit more feasible to actually complete in a month, with Scythe-esque small maps.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. xD


I think I grossly underestimated how much of my time would be wrapped up with game balance for my current project. Being busier than usual IRL this month (on top of doing the daily YouTubes) certainly didn't help. I'm still making steady forward progress and am hoping to have two maps done by the end of the month. The "liminal space suburb" (as one of my commenters put it) is more or less done, barring the final monster placements.

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I think im MOSTLY out of energy for the remainder of the month. So the next few days are probably gonna be mostly for tweaks and getting feedback from a couple of people. Heres some shots I don't think I posted here yet.



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Well, I did say 2 maps, and 2 maps are almost finished. This makes it 8 maps in my megawad thus far. Picture from one of them. Starting a third map ...


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Three days before the month ends, perfect time to make the last update.



Map 5, 8, and 32 are fully completed. Map 6 is halfway done, and... i hadn't started map 7.

I've been also experimenting even more with dehacked, now both shotguns have an increased rate of fire, and the lost souls are as aggressive as their doom 64 counterparts.

And i have the titlepic done:


Yeah... not thay good tbh


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as of right now I'm doing one level as a demo but ill be adding more levels. I will do 10 levels. for fun. maybe ill might do a supercharge update level set. once vanilla  gameplay set is done. IRL stuff is in the way.. 

Edited by beansguy

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Moon Hill in Doom 1! Close enough. Believe it or not, somehow there's only 30 visplanes in this whole screenshot.


A different time-sensitive project took up my attention the last couple of days, so I don't know if I'll finish the episode this month after all. But I'll certainly get real close!

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The end of the month is here so I'll share my progress! My goal was to map everyday, work on my contributions for other community projects, and to just all-around get more experience mapping (I hope my criteria fits even though I've worked on some of these maps before October - though I made significant progress on all of them this month).

I started mapping for the first time back in July and I've been fully immersed in it since. Maybe one day I'll create a full megaWAD... but for now I'm having a blast mapping for community efforts and interacting with more of the Doom community!

Here are some screenshots with links to the respective projects:














Edited by stochastic

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To be brief, my NaNoWADMo attempt was a complete non-starter, though I did sow the seeds to make some interesting projects in the near future that I have a good chance of actually making. I also playtested some good stuff for other people. (like cannonball's first link below!) So I don't consider it a total failure.

Edited by plums

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Well at least I got the two solo projects I was working on into the public domain;




I hopefully should be able to fully finished these before the end of the year.


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Well, i guess i failed, although if it wasn't for the pression i've put in myself i think i wouldn't have 80% of my wad finished.

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Happy Halloween Yall! here is the published work of how much i got done in a Month. Very fun and starting right away on more! 



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It's time for my submission. I was busy making maps for many community projects, so I had little time (one week before the deadline!) to make something for this challenge. Thus, I made only one map.


And honestly, I'm kind of proud of myself since I haven't attempted to speedmap something and make something decent. Read the text file before playing. Feedback is really appreciated.


Edit: Did an oopsie with the conveyor belt that supposed to trigger an ambush after the player picks up the red key - now it should work.



Edited by Heretic926

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Am I going to have a finished map by the end of this? No, but that's okay. I'm still very happy with what I do have! I plan on calling this red lava cavern level, phlogisticated.




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It's not looking terrific - I had plenty of time, I used up a whole bunch of leftover vacation days, and ended up with... exactly three new maps. But I've also made a big cool map for a NaNoWADMo-unrelated project, and the three I've made for NaNoWADMo were for a project that's been sitting on a backburner for what felt like ages. Now I feel like its completion is really within reach! My project is 60% done, and I get the feeling the remaining 3 maps shouldn't take long.

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Been fun putting this together, now the work starts for refinement and finalization... and perhaps playtesting.
All regular maps are *now* completable.

I still need to complete the secret map, but if anyone would like to check it out and give it a test drive, go with what you feel.

Comp Level 21, tested in DSDA DOOM 0.26
DeeNanoWadmo Episode 1 - working title.


Edited by DeetOpianSky
Corrections/Update uploaded to drive.

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It's always funny the amount of "I totally procrastinated too hard" this month stories arise on this thread.

Anyway, I totally procrastinated too hard. I do have a solid third of my project or so that I've finished, I did seek to only do 6 maps anyway which makes 2 maps that I've finished. Having said that however I have indeed participated in two other NaNoWADMo projects run by my friends, a single guest map for them both. Which projects? I dare not spoil on this thread for they contain way better maps than anything in my own project.

Edited by NiGHTS108

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5 minutes ago, NiGHTS108 said:

It's always funny the amount of "I totally procrastinated too hard" this month stories arise on this thread.

Anyway, I totally procrastinated too hard. I do have a solid third of my project or so that I've finished, I did seek to only do 6 maps anyway which makes 2 maps that I've finished. Having said that however I have indeed participated in two other NaNoWADMo projects run by my friends, a single guest map for them both. Which projects? I dare not spoil on this thread for they contain way better maps than anything in my own project.

Caught some of your mapping strims, looks like it's going to be awesome.

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Okay, postmortem time! I kinda did one in video form on Sunday, but I might as well summarize it here.


Basically, I took on too much given my fairly slow mapping pace, coupled with this being a busy month IRL for me (family wedding, friends visiting, doing some home furnishings, etc.). Even so, I ended up with one map that's practically complete, barring population (still working on that one!) and a complete shell that I'm currently working on texturing. That, plus a gameplay mod that shows promise. That's still noticeably faster than I'd ever mapped anything, so I guess I'm learning to be more efficient, or something.


I knew I wasn't going to be able to "complete" this project, but I was hoping that I'd have a bit more to show for it. Even so, that's two maps that I didn't have on the 30th of September! I plan to continue to develop this, as well as show off my progress in regular video updates (a playlist—including four weekly updates from this month—can be found here, for those interested in following along). I feel that the concept shows promise, at least, and I do plan to release the resource pack separately for anyone who wants to design maps around it. Might be kind of a niche thing, but it'll be there if anyone wants it. :)


The main takeaway for me is that I should have started with a simpler project, given that I'm new to time-constrained projects. Maybe a single larger map or trio of smaller, less ambitious maps for starters. Designing a series with three distinct parts, coupled with a gameplay mod, is a bit…ambitious. The gameplay mod proved to be a bit of a misstep. I mistakenly believed that it was Good Enough™ and would only need minimal polish and maybe a few bestiary additions, but that proved to be wildly inaccurate. Speaking of which, I'd like to give a huge thanks to @Scypek2 for planting the seed in my mind that perhaps my initial ballistic weapons were a bit too samey.

So, I think that's it for now. I'm going to take a few days to relax and try to catch up on my usual upload schedule. After that, I think I might dive back into the gameplay mod. I still need to come up with a BFG replacement, after all.

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<<<Work In Progress NaNoWADMo 2023 Project Download Here>>>


Decided to do something a little less strenuous this year for NaNoWADMo 2023 - A nine map prequel to Machete. I currently have 6 / 9 maps "finished" (they'll probably need to be balanced out more.


Requires a Boom source port (Complevel 9). UV only for the time being. As always, all levels have been designed for pistol starts.

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