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Have any of you actually modified the source code of Doom before?


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Self explanatory. I want to hear if anyone messed with the code and I think it would be a nice catalog of experiments with the doom engine's codebase.

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As a matter of fact I did. And I came about a very unique discovery while doing so.


A certain file caught my curiosity but was in an encrypted (now defunct ancient) format. I randomly decided to open it in mspaint instead and what I saw was unbelievable and will likely be shocking. 




Edited by OniriA

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I did, a long time ago.  I think I used prboom as a base.  All I remember adding was a projectile spread shot similar to an ethereal crossbow as a weapon action, and I had tried to make it possible to go over/under things and include upright spears that hurt if you fell on top of them but not if you bumped them from the side, but it was buggy and you tended to get stuck in them (why they said "fuck it" and didn't let things go over/under each other I guess.)  Never released it or got anywhere near finishing whatever mod I was trying to make (if I even had a coherent plan in the first place or if I was just screwing around).

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45 minutes ago, OniriA said:

As a matter of fact I did. And I came about a very unique discovery while doing so.


A certain file caught my curiosity but was in an encrypted (now defunct ancient) format. I randomly decided to open it in mspaint instead and what I saw was unbelievable and will likely be shocking. 


  Reveal hidden contents


LMAO man this is hilarious wow.

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I'd say that due to the accessibility Doom offers without the need to alter the source code is the main reason there aren't as many mods with actual source code changes that compile their own executable. This was not the case for Wolfenstein 3D, which is why many mods that predate ECWolf came with their own EXE was due to the changes made to the source code to add new features. 

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Not Doom, but I was once upset with Heretic's fullscreen HUD. It only shows health and artifacts, neglecting certain minor things like how much ammo you have, how much armor, or which keys. (Of course, vanilla Doom's doesn't show anything...) So I patched the HUD-drawing function in Crispy Heretic to be actually playable. A simple fix, but very welcome.



Edited by Spie812

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More than a decade ago, I started messing around with the Doom source code, just for fun and because there were a few features in Odamex that I wanted to see that weren't in.


Today, I have a job in game development and my name in the credits of several games that I loved growing up.  Messing with Doom's source code literally changed my life trajectory.  0/10 would not recommend. 😛

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6 minutes ago, LexiMax said:

More than a decade ago, I started messing around with the Doom source code, just for fun and because there were a few features in Odamex that I wanted to see that weren't in.


Today, I have a job in game development and my name in the credits of several games that I loved growing up.  Messing with Doom's source code literally changed my life trajectory.  0/10 would not recommend. 😛

That's actually funny. As for me, Doom has helped me get through some traumatic things in my life to an extent. I have personally tinkered with the source code to do things like mess with the animation frames of various weapons, attempt to fix some bugs while failing in that endeavor miserably, and successfully fixing a bug in the source code because why not.

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I modified mbf 2.04 and boom 2.02 in 2018. The changes were simple: end game at map24, make sky2 appear at map21, make rocket guys drop rockets, make fast shotguys drop shotguns, get map07 stuff get triggered on map11 as well. Text screens after map19 and 24.

I didn't get to implement all the gameplay features I wanted back then, but now I have all powers to add them within a one day: return ghost monsters, add waggling floors, make fast shotguys use A_FastChase.


This spring I edited crispy heretic so that it matched crispy doom in features like boom animated, switches, mbf sky transfers


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On 9/23/2023 at 9:17 PM, CAM-7EA said:

I'd say that due to the accessibility Doom offers without the need to alter the source code is the main reason there aren't as many mods with actual source code changes that compile their own executable. This was not the case for Wolfenstein 3D, which is why many mods that predate ECWolf came with their own EXE was due to the changes made to the source code to add new features. 


an idle thought I had a while ago is that while people have made commercial games from total conversions, using both advanced GZDoom features (Supplice) and vanilla DEHacked tricks (REKKR), so far as I know no one's used the luxury of open source to make a game out of the code itself, the way Hexen/Heretic/Strife were.  I guess with everything GZDoom offers it would just be redundant, but I still feel like it would be interesting for novelty's sake

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On 9/23/2023 at 6:46 PM, coderamen said:

Self explanatory. I want to hear if anyone messed with the code and I think it would be a nice catalog of experiments with the doom engine's codebase.

i should, the actual doom source code is available now and i kinda wanna fuck with it

what's stopped me from modifying actual doom source code in the first place to make funny gameplay stuff is the fact i would've had to pick a windows based doom source port to start with, and the problem with that is that i'd have to play nice with the fact dehacked exists.

Edited by Obsidian Plague

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A few months ago I tried porting MBF21 to Crispy Doom. About halfway through the process I realized that I was basically just turning it into something like Woof, so I lost my motivation.


It was a cool experience though... I got the Vesper weapons mod to work, and while testing it against other source ports I found a bug in Woof's implementation of one of the functions. I submitted a pull request to fix it. Turns out the same bug was also present in Doom Retro.


It was just a tiny bug fix, but it felt really satisfying to have contributed (for the first time) to a major source port of what is probably my favorite video game of all time, and to know that other people will benefit from it too!

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