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Quoth The Raven (Now on idgames!) (27 Limit-Removing Heretic Maps)

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6 hours ago, Peccatum Mihzamiz said:


As the OP states, the resource pack is there as a nice bonus. Feel free to make your maps with them! :D


Also: a final version of this project will be released very soon. I would recommend waiting just a tiny bit more and getting the full shiny version with all kinds of bugfixes and upgrades.

I'll wait, thanks. Please ping me when it's done.

Edit: no need to ping me. Just to be sure I clicked the "follow" button for this thread :P

By the way, are you supposed to use jump in this wad? I think not.

Edited by hereticfan

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55 minutes ago, hereticfan said:

By the way, are you supposed to use jump in this wad? I think not.


This map set was made with no jumping in mind. You are of course welcome to play any way you want, but might break something if you do use jump.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m tapping at your chamber door again, this time to announce we’re on idgames! Thank you SO much to all of our playtesters and bug reporters that helped us get some of this stuff finished up. We also finalized a few of the graphics and the story text, and provided a split wad so music doesn’t repeat in Crispy Heretic. The full version is, of course, still available. Thanks for your support and we hope you have fun!


I feel like we’ve learned a lot and grown as a team with this, and you can look forward to a potential follow up next year sometime.

Edited by Death Bear

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Once upon a midnight dreary, while I worked, bright and ready,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of new wads—

    While I hummed, nearly singing, suddenly there came a pinging,

As of some one gently pinging, pinging at my Doomworld notifications.

“’Tis a new release,” I muttered, “pinging at my Doomworld bell—

            Only this and nothing more.”


Congrats everybody, this was amazing! First time I ever played and mapped for Heretic, and I'm looking forward to working on many more projects!




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I ended up waiting on this a bit, but then finally played through it with the excellent International Heretic. Excellent set overall, only a few duds and even those were more just insubstantial than unfun (E2M8 didn't really take the boss level mechanics into consideration at all, E2M2 is blink-and-you'll-miss-it short). 3rd episode was my favourite, with E3M6 being probably my favourite map of the set with an excellent time-pressure concept.


On 11/20/2023 at 3:04 PM, Death Bear said:

provided a split wad so music doesn’t repeat in Crispy Heretic


Good to have the split music files just in case, but Crispy Heretic has had support for dedicated music for each track for a while now. Inter-Heretic (and Russian Heretic) also support it.


Edited by plums

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After noticing that most of the usual swirling flats don't work in Crispy and International Heretic, I took a look at the ANIMATED lump and realized some speed values are not set to 65536 when they should (e.g. for water or slime), provided you want those flats to have swirling animations.


I've corrected seven entries in total (flathuh4, fltblod3, fltslud3, fltwawa3, redliqu3, x_005, x_011). While I was at it, I also added Not Jabba's six color-fixed textures (ctgold1, ctgold2, ctgold3, ctgold8, skullsb3, skullsb4). Load the attached patch after puss28_qtr.wad.



Edited by NightFright

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