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Nostalgia 2 - now on idgames! [32 Maps] [Doom 2 Format] [Limit Removing]

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46 minutes ago, pampoo79 said:

strikes me as sadistic tbh because to me this is a hint for a hidden exit


Why would you assume there's a secret exit in the first place? It's not map 15 and this is a limit removing WAD. I'm not using UMAPINFO to change the order of the maps, so it's just stock Doom 2 level progression.

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Yeah, have seen dozens of wads thesedays with a nice teleporter near the exit to return to the beginning. I appreciate them myself even if I usually don't go for 100%.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

These two burning barrels in MAP24 can be walked right over if you don't have actors set to be infinitely tall.


Edit (with review!):
Another incredible mapset! Kinda felt like Nostalgia 1 but a little harder, which is exactly what I hoped for. Aside from the bug above, the whole experience was rock-solid and very fun!


Edited by gemini0
added review

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Let's get started! Today are presented:

Map01: Low End Insight

Map02: Toxicity

Map03: Pravus










Traditionally, the megawad begins with technical bases, but with the cc4-tex texture pack, even traditional-looking maps look different. I would say they are less familiar and more solid.





Already on the third map of the first Nostalgia we encountered hellknights and cacodemons, but the sequel went even further! Mancubus at the end of the map will remind us that the continuation, according to the law of the genre, should be more difficult than the first part! ;))

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Today are presented: 


Map04: Innervision

Map05: Engines of Hate

Map06: Vicarious











The last map in the techbasic episode is only the sixth in the entire megawad but it already breaks the record for the number of secrets set in the first part of Nostalgia! And there is a noticeable difference in difficulty - the last room (which I captured in the video's preview) of the map may well give the first twenty maps of the Nostalgia a head start on it! However, it seemed to me that in this megawad the episodes would be separated from each other by dead exits too and there was no need to take care of equipment but, to my surprise, I turned out to be wrong. To be honest, I like that kind of integrity more.


By the way, I replaced the music on this map so that all 32 maps have 32 different soundtracks. Instead of "Urchin" from Arrival (which can be heard on MAP26) I have set the "Lunar Outpost" from Descent.

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Today are presented:

Map07: Exile

Map08: In Sickness and Death

Map09: Workhorse







The map that opens the castle episode doesn't reduce the level of intensity of battles set by the ending of the previous one. We're waiting for a short dynamic arena fight, in which it won't be easy to breathe from the ever-increasing stream of fairly large monsters until the very end.





Another short battle arena but now it's densely filled with secrets and harmless slime.





My favorite map in the second episode is a big dark gloomy castle. Wandering around it, exploring it and killing local inhabitants, I completely immerse myself in the atmosphere of Community Chest 4... By the way, this map is the absolute record holder in the megawad of both the number of monsters and the number of secrets - and it surprises me a little that megawad breaks both of these records at such an early stage!

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Posted (edited)

Today are presented: 


Map10: Bloodline

Map11: Dead Heart in a Dead World

Map12: Nocturnal





It's nice that we continue to walk around the undoubted castles which at the same time differ markedly from each other in exterior. Here we have a rather confusing castle made of light beige brick, on the left half of which I wandered for quite a long time... I was being confused a bit by colored doors ;))





The most difficult map in the castle episode, on which we will have to survive at least two extremely meaty battles. Of course, we have enough ammunition to destroy monsters, but there may be problems with the space for maneuvers... Also this map is very bright and beautiful visually and. to be honest, the whole second episode completely prevails over the first one in terms of visual! By the way, the bright green sky suits it very much better.







The shortest and the darkest episode begins with the brightest map that is presented in it. Here the black rocks and the same black water are at least covered with colored vines and moss... Fortunately, megawad continues to hold the bar of battles' complexity and we simply won't have time to get bored here ;)

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Today are presented:

Map13: Sink Into the Underground
Map14: Fault and Fracture

Map15: Descending











The third episode ends with a map that is lighter and more detalized than the previous two. In addition, three monsters appear here at once which we couldn't meet in the megawad before! 

Firstly, these are space alien troopers, which are a cosmetic replacement for the traditional Wolfenstein SS and with which both secret levels in the megawad are connected in one way or another. @myolden, if you whenever decide to make projects in the spirit of Nostalgia, then I would ask you to use them more often because their presence is much easier to explain and they fit into the spirit of Doom better than Nazis ;)) Secondly, these are arachnotrons - they meet us at the exit to MAP16 and from that moment on they will turn into quite ordinary opponents. And thirdly, these are the spectres. To be honest, I expected to meet them more often in this episode but in the Nostalgia 2 they remain in the rank of guest monsters and we will only come across a couple of times in the whole game (even we will meet aliens on three times!) I still want to know the reasons for this...

Now secret levels are waiting for us!

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Posted (edited)

Today are presented: 

Map31: Ancient Covenant

Map32: Quantum Mystic







The action of the first secret map takes place on an alien spaceship, which somehow ended up in caves. Despite its small size, the map manages to impress with interior and seriously strain by heated combat. In every room we will encounter either archviles or large healthy monsters or both at the same time. So it is absolutely not recommended to rush forward quickly... By the way, also because there really is something to see here and there won't be another such map in the megawad!





And this map is an almost direct reference to a map with a similar number from Scythe 2, except that the starting level from the second part of Nostalgia is taken as the basis and not from the first. Due to an error in specifying the landing point on the spaceship we find ourselves on an alternative version of the well-known Map01: Low End Insight. It is undoubtedly infernal and extremely densely populated... 

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Posted (edited)

Today are presented: 

Map16: Blood and Thunder

Map17: Ember to Inferno

Map18: Tonight in Flames










Apparently, the fourth episode is visually closest to the most traditional hellish interior that was set by the first Doom back in the last millennium. We will see everywhere spilled lava, blood-red stone and gray rocks as if dusted with ash from which we will almost physically feel the unbearable heat... Also the maps in this episode are quite consistent with their form and almost from the very beginning don't give us time to swing.





And this map seemed to me one of the most dynamic and hard in the entire megawad! It is generally not recommended to stay in one place almost right up to its very end - fewer fireballs will hit you!

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Posted (edited)

Today are presented: 

Map19: Fault Lines

Map20: Purification by Fire

Map21: Going Through Hell





In short, the floor is lava! But, fortunately, there are so many radiation suits scattered on the map that it is unlikely that there will be a need to put them all on.





The final map of the episode is also the largest in it and the longest in the entire megawad. It can be called the quintessence of all the previous maps of the episode and carries all the characteristic features of a traditional Hell multiplied by her physical size. In general, a good finish of the episode!







Since I generally really love cities in Doom, my favorite episode in Nostalgia 2 is starting now! Of course, it's much shorter than the similar one in the first Nostalgia but that doesn't change my attitude towards it. We will enjoy the city views and explore all the houses as much as possible!


According to my observations, the intensity of battles in the city is noticeably lower than in the infernal caves - which is also encouraging.

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Today are presented:

Map22: Funeralopolis

Map23: Never Purify

Map24: Eighth Lock





This map is most similar in exterior to the urban episode from the first Nostalgia. There are paintings depicting the sky from megawad in addition to traditional refrigerators with items.





This part of the city is thoroughly flooded with harmless blood and there will definitely be no less of it after our adventures. Moreover, there is a high probability that we ourselves won't leave here without getting injured - the battles here are quite meaty, and they take place mainly in a confined space.





On this map we need to enter the prison building, go through it and exit it, simultaneously exploring each of the many cells, rooms, secret rooms and nooks. However, it's easier to say this than to do it - even spectres (for the second and last time!) will come out to stop us!


In general, I am getting more and more impressed with the city as the most beautiful part of the megawad!

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