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Ultimate Doom or Doom 1


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My only issue with ultimate doom episode 4 is the storyline is sort of dumb and really breaks the tone that episode 3 left off on. That ending got me excited to play Doom 2. Episode 4’s ending just felt like a joke, but the end screen was cool. 

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20 hours ago, Randyghgu said:
On 9/27/2023 at 6:33 PM, Lucius Wooding said:

Why not share your opinion first while you're at it?

I would rather not, as I wouldn't want this conversation to be biased.


20 hours ago, Randyghgu said:
On 9/27/2023 at 6:32 PM, Graf Zahl said:

Ultimate Doom has an entirely new episode plus all of Doom 1. Is there anything to discuss?


Nope not really.


Such disrespect, people like you should be banned from society.

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Ultimate Doom is obviously gooder. It has one whole more episode! (And support for Doom 2 zippy doors and all that jazz!) But I've always felt like it was kinda sellotaped onto the original product, so to speak. This might be a bit of a pedantic point, but have you noticed how the credits screen doesn't show after the end of DEMO3 (the third demo showing E3M5) like it does after DEMO1 and DEMO2? That's because it originally was supposed to wrap back round to the title screen. But Ultimate Doom shows up, and is like 'oh btw, here's this extra DEMO4'. An utterly trivial observation I'm aware, but pretty jarring once you notice it. Like the arrow in the FedEx logo, or how your tongue doesn't really have a default position in your mouth. Similarly, the way Episode 3 ends with 'THE END!' and Episode 4 ends with 'oh btw, this stuff happened w/ the spider mastermind'. Followed by the exact same image from the ending of the last episode with a new pic of Doomguy pritt-sticked on top. I could give more examples of how Episode 4 felt like not much more than just an afterthought, but I wouldn't want anyone here to think I was THAT much into picking nits.


As I've grown older though, I've realised: who cares? It WAS kind of an afterthought in the nicest sense of the word, a cool extra bonus for the retail version of the game. Plus a cute freebie for those who went the original edgy send-us-some-money-in-an-envelope way of getting the full Doom experience back in the day, contrary to what PC Zone magazine would have you believe with its 'thy cash consumed' hysteria. The differences were like 12.5% annoying for me when playing through all the doom 1 wads that expected you to have only 3 episodes on Maximum Doom. But really, who plays those any more? Certainly not me. Honest.

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On 9/29/2023 at 6:44 AM, AbeAwesome said:



Such disrespect, people like you should be banned from society.

Bit much?

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On 9/27/2023 at 6:29 PM, Randyghgu said:

Overall, I wanna hear your opinion/voice on Ultimate Doom verses Doom 1. 


Ok ready, set, go!


I started playing Doom in 1994 (first v. 1.2 shareware and later the full game on v. 1.666), so I still refer to the first Doom as "Doom 1."

In fact, I didn't play the version of E1M1 with the switch that opens the secret door out to the mega-armor secret until 2016. That was when I bought a new version of Doom 1, because one of the 3.5" floppies I had was corrupted after 20+ years of not being used. I understand that Romero added that for improved "flow" during deathmatch, but, personally, I think it messes up E1M1.

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10 hours ago, NoWits said:

The differences were like 12.5% annoying for me when playing through all the doom 1 wads that expected you to have only 3 episodes on Maximum Doom. But really, who plays those any more? Certainly not me. Honest.


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I mean, if you just focus on the sheer number of levels, then Ultimate Doom clearly wins.


But, if you want me to pick which one I think is the better overall package, then I'm going to say regular Doom 1 - the three episodes all feel like a single cohesive whole. And for reasons that are probably obvious, Episode 4 feels like an extra set of levels that were tacked on at a later date as an afterthought.

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Ultimate Doom. 


"Thy Flesh Consumed" does not disappoint much for an additional episode for the first Doom.


And it's the second time I get to meet the Spider Mastermind (though I wish the original Doom I/II had just one more worthier boss than that and the Cyberdemon, besides the Icon of Sin). 

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