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DECOTEX - a texture resource for mappers [v1.3.4]


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A new update is on it's way with new texture edits, specifically a few more Build Edits, Raven Edits, some originals, a new painting (which has a personal story with me kinda. as it has a urban legend that terrified me as a child) and now some Half-Life/Valve texture ports/edits!




Edited by Craneo
by later today I mean NOW!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The more I learn about Craneo Textures, the more I claim that he is the Best at developing New Textures for "DOOM"! And it hurts more from the fact that I don't notice WAD's who would use them.


Simply... Why? He made THREE Cool Graphic Mods: "Wolfenstein 3D Texture Pack", "Patch64" and "Doom 3 for Doom Texture Replacer" (Although the latter is worth refining. Skyboxes are disappearing.). And I haven't seen WAD's anywhere that anyone has used Projects from Craneo or just haven't met yet. And he definitely deserves it! When I wrote about Graphic Mods and Texture Packs HERE (In Russian), I paid a lot of attention to Craneo Projects. I have nothing against OTEX Textures, but, damn, there are so many Texture Packs, and only a Couple of Creators use them.


If someone is going to create Levels for "DOOM" in the Build Engine style, then you should definitely take DECOTEX Craneo. They're Awesome!

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I don't know how this slipped by me last month, but this all looks both awesome and hilarious. I do hope to see some projects in the future make good use of the cool shit I see on display here.

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Another DecoTex update, this one adds graffiti midtext based on the ones Demios and I did for Obsidian (not the same exact ones, as most of these are more serious and Doom paletted), as well as a custom recreation of the Half-Life 2 ammo crates (includes all 4 vanilla ammotypes and a empty base for custom ammotypes)
EDIT: I noticed the ammoboxes were too big, so I shrunk them, still kept the big ones tho in case anyone wants to use them, also included a few Holy-themed textures and one prop, not too sure about these but well.

LINK: DECOTEX_V1.3.1.rar

Edited by Craneo

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I'm gonna upload a new update in a bit, has some more Raven, Build and Valve texture edits!

More WILL be added in the future, too!

I will update the credits in the main thread too so it doesn't lag behind the credits inside of the pk3 releases.

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  • 3 months later...
5 hours ago, Notsee said:

Neat how can I use the graffiti won't it replace the wall texture 

middle texture, similar to stuff like midbars or the vine textures, just set to be very close to the walls.

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  • 2 months later...

small bump, cuz an update is in the works... mostly props focused, also some already existing assets getting updated with better versions...




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ok the update is out, there is no changelog cuz I did not think what I was adding (lol) plus there is a lot of new stuff in general plus some updates to already existing assets, I'll be updating the credits too when I update the OP too https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dnmjH5hes8VO5Uisrfn7ogfkPpjsEMSK/view?usp=sharing

before I forget, this update also includes the map I've used to showcase some of these textures, so that you guys can get a better idea of how to use the textures yourselves...

Edited by Craneo

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