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Halo2 or Doom3?


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assuming you have an xbox, have played the prequels to both games, and have seen screens/video from each game which game are u more excited about? yeah, i know halo2 may be released up to a year after doom3, but that just means better graphics

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Is this another "Doom 3 vs some other game" thread that I see?

I can't stand these threads for the sole reason that they have a risk of turning into burning fires.

However, I'll let it stick around for a while and see where the discussion goes.

What do I think? Since I don't have an Xbox and therefore isn't particularly familiar with Halo, I'll just keep my mouth shut about which game is the better, but since I'm one of the bigger Doom fanatics around here, it is obvious which concept I prefer.

Can't say much about gameplay though, since I haven't tried Halo.

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God, I hate these threads. "WILL U BUY DEWM 3 OR THIS GAME". WE'RE ON A FUCKING DOOM FORUM. I think that 90% of the people on here with Doom 3 capable system will buy it.

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BBG said:

I think that 90% of the people on here with Doom 3 capable system will buy it.

Or warez it...
/me runs

Actually there are some games that I refuse to warez. That includes the DooMs, plus the AvP series.

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Rotting Corpse said:


1.Its doom.
2.I dont have a xbox.
3.I have a realy fast comp.
4.Fps are better on computer.
5.Halo got boring fast.
6.Its doom.

'Nuff said.

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Assmaster said:

Or warez it...
/me runs

/me runs faster

Anyway, Yea, some games you gotta buy.... Doom 3 will be one of em for me, but if I can get it like a week before it's in the shops, am I going to be able to resist? I already have cash socked away to buy it tho.

Back to the discussion - Halo was blah. I had fun with it in 2 player co-op mode on the first couple of levels, but it got really repetitive. And I don't own an Xbox anyway.

Oh, and Coopersville - Both Halo2 and Doom3 are guaranteed to be on XBox...

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Doom 3
Its doom.
halo got boreing really fast, enemies suck, guns suck plus weapon sounds were to weak.
Doom is the king and always will be :-P

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halo got boreing really fast, enemies suck, guns suck plus weapon sounds were to weak.

Thank Micro$oft for that. They made Bungee cut the game in half because production was going too slow.

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Obviously Doom3 because we all have fast enough computers to run it. Consoles just clone coomputers (but for the TV version) year after year. Halo2? prolly only a bit better than the first and just the same with multiplayer, otherwise nothing new. Oh yeah, plus its DOOM

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When I first saw stuff from halo I was amazed. Because it looked great. It had a cool concept, cool settings, everything was cool about it. And I got so mad when they told me that they are going to release halo on the x box first, all because of micro$soft

I still want to buy it for the pc tho.. if its a better version then the x-box one. But if they are going to simply port over the x-box version, then I am NOT gonnah buy it. Not even warez it becauese its not worth the hassle.

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I'll buy Doom 3 even if it turns out to be shit (which I can't see how it should be - the only id game that I ever thought was downright bad was Q3A, so sue me).

And I'll do that for the simple reason that it's Doom - the concept alone is awesome beyond comprehension (to me that is).

As for Halo, I never buy a game unless I've tried it before or unless it's the next installation of a game series I know is awesome. (I bought RtCW even without trying an sp demo of it beforehand because of that) and since I do not own an XBox, I haven't been in that convenient position of trying the game.

Point me to a pc demo of it one day and I'll try it out.

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I haven't played Halo, but judging from some of the other games talked about 'round here, like Quake and Half-Life, Halo probably sucks.
DOOM III forever!
Flame me bad, I dare ya.

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BNA! said:

Halo2 or Doom3 ?

Halo2 AND Doom3 !


Who knows. Considering the gap between release dates maybe the only sensible option is to get both.

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Well, Halo2 sort of puts emphasis on landscapes, and landscape centered gameplay. Landscapes are one area that Doom3 doesn't really push in, so it will be interesting to see how Halo2 uses the new technology for this type of gameplay. For one thing, the slow gameplay that allows you to appreciate Doom3's art really can'y be pulled off when your speeding along in that Halo buggy thing. I haven't played Halo, myself-- all my financial engergies are focused on TombRaider: Angel Of Darkness and Doom3.

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An X-Box... Hell no (I dont support billy gates), Any way, Halo cant hold a candle to doom. Doom will destroy any computer game you put it against (probably because its been around for close to 10 years)!!!
But hey this is just my opinion, so take it or leave it...
Halo still deserves respect as for the fact it was a good game!

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I`ll get Halo2 whenever it comes out as PC version.My computer should be able to handle it because it will probably be upgraded for DOOM III already = )

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There is no way the gay halo format will be able to match doom3. Its like playing duck hunt, when you have super mario bros. Everyone wants the real thing baby

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Stealthy Ivan said:

An X-Box... Hell no (I dont support billy gates), Any way, Halo cant hold a candle to doom. Doom will destroy any computer game you put it against (probably because its been around for close to 10 years)!!!
But hey this is just my opinion...

No my friends, these are facts... I don't give a fuck where any of you learned the concept of fact vs. opinion, but Doom destroying any other computer game is a fact, I've seen it happen.

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Halo2 has nothing over DoomIII. A year after DoomIII's release I can only imagine the cool shit that will be made for it, a year after Halo2's release it will be won and forgotten completely.

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Use3D said:

Halo2 has nothing over DoomIII. A year after DoomIII's release I can only imagine the cool shit that will be made for it, a year after Halo2's release it will be won and forgotten completely.

Yeah, I think that is true.

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The_Aeromaster said:

No my friends, these are facts... I don't give a fuck where any of you learned the concept of fact vs. opinion, but Doom destroying any other computer game is a fact, I've seen it happen.

The game is not complete yet and I still see lots of people saying that "Game X will probably be better than Doom 3". There are claims that Far Cry's engine is better than Doom 3's and that Duke Nukem Forever probably will be more fun - things I won't comment on until both these games and Doom 3 stand completed.

Could you point out these "fathomless facts" of yours for me?

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