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I spent 1.5 hours making a mid-tex pumpkin but my eyes are a little strained.  Are we allowed to split up the 6 hours and take breaks, or will the pineapple police hunt me down?





Edited by NoisyVelvet

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5 minutes ago, NoisyVelvet said:

I spent 1.5 hours making a mid-tex pumpkin but my eyes are a little strained.  Are we allowed to split up the 6 hours and take breaks, or will the pineapple police hunt me down?


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Your mapping time can be nonconsecutive, so yes you can split up your mapping time.

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 Map Name: Arrival

Author: Silhouette 93

Music: Outnumbered-Jimmy

Sky: SKYAA_01 from resource pack

Difficulty settings: Yes

Build time: 6 hours

Comments: I had a lot of fun making this, and the resource pack is awesome. Thanks to everyone involved :)








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TT4 - EG01_v36B_360min.rar


Map Name: [Bogus Backcountry]

Author: [ Egregor ]

Music: [ N/A for now]

Sky: [ N/A for now]

Difficulty Settings: [ N/A for now ]

Build Time: [ 6 hours plus a few minutes to get the balance right ]

Comments: [This is my first map of three for this event, but I struggled the most with it. It's still a bit raw, but I haven't added a detail pass yet!]

Screenshots: [N/A for now]

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Map Name: [ Scared in Small Town Square ]

Author: [ Egregor ]

Music: [ N/A for now ]

Sky: [ N/A for now ]

Difficulty Settings: [ N/A for now ]

Build Time: [ 6 hours ]

Comments: [This is the second of three maps. I feel like it turned out really well. It's the middle child.]

Screenshots: [N/A for now]


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Map Name: [ AREA 69 - Nevada Research Facility ]

Author: [ Egregor ]

Music: [ Song + Author ]

Sky: [ N/A for now ]

Difficulty Settings: [ N/A for now ]

Build Time: [ 6 hours plus a few extra minutes to get the lighting added ]

Comments: [This is the third level I made for this event. It was the easiest to make and I feel it has the best 'narrative' and overall vibe of any of the levels. The name was inspired by a sign in the texture pack.]

Screenshots: [ N/A for now ]

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Map Name: Ol' Caves
Author: Chuckles_troll
Music: "Je n'étais pas au courant de id" by Tristan Clark
Sky: SKYTT49
Difficulty Settings: (haven't added it yet)
Build Time: ~4.6 hours layout
Comments: My first doom speedmap and my 2nd map I had more ideas initially
but i procrastinated too much so it's very linear and you can easily tell that
I had no more ideas after the 2nd area.



Edited by Chuckles_troll
forgot to add topdownscreenshot

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Map Name: Secrets Revealed

Author: Scionox

Music: "Fate of the Damned" from Blood

Sky: SKYTT40 and UFOSK 0 from pack(sky transfer)

Difficulty Settings: Implemented

Build Time: 6 hours for map + didnt count how many hours for polish

Comments: Puzzle horror with some platforming




Download: SecretsRevealed.zip((Incl. Pre-polish version)



Also done some updates to Unidentified Parking Lot and Abducted, download here: MapUpdate.zip

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For all intents and purposes, this event is closed! We're in the 20s with maps, and Blue should be compiling what we have soon. Bookend maps will be finished and added soon, and we'll be working on fixes to the texture pack. We'll keep you updated! Thanks for everyone who contributed, and I very much look forward to playing through this set!

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Map Name: Moo 2 It
Author: Peccatum Mihzamiz
Music: 'Un Ease' by Peccatum Mihzamiz, and 'Epitome 2'  by Blut Aus Nord
Sky: via sky transfers
Difficulty Settings: Yes, including lots of extra stuff for co-op Coop
Starts: Yes Build Time: 1.5 hours for the sketch and 11 hours detailing.
Comments: *raises his glass to the Casalis*. I wrote a musical track just for this map. My fifth Doom composition ever (depending on how you count) and I'm really happy with it!




Download link

Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz
added correct music titles

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Don't mind me, nothing to see here!


Map Name: Attack of the Giant Heads

Author: NecrumWarrior

Music: Dread Factory by MFG38

Sky: Included eclipse texture by Muumi, with sky transfer

Difficulty Settings: Partially implemented

Build Time: 4 hours

Comments: Aliens don't always come from space. Under the shade of the eclipse, a small town is assaulted by giant heads from another dimension!

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zgywg0fhi3xzss9bfufa8/BIGHEAD.wad?rlkey=btqegi83u2ra8qvwcsyoe47nd&dl=0






Much detail work to be done on this one. But I got the layout all finished and functional.

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Hey folks! Got a beta here! Over the next few weeks maps will be updated to fix any found bugs, add some visual polish, and to ensure beatability/balance. Three maps do not have MIDIs yet and some levels need sky transfers added. A UMAPINFO has not been implemented as of BETA 1. 3 maps need to be finished: one is mine.


MAP01 Intro Map (unfinished) @Death Bear

MAP02 They Watch @raddicted

MAP03 All Your PUSS are Belong to Us @DynamiteKaitorn

MAP04 To Serve Man @DFF

MAP05 Beef Impact @muumi

MAP06 Forest Factory @CBM

MAP07 Unidentified Parking Lot @Scionox

MAP08 Beyond the Event Horizon @LateNightPerson

MAP09 Circles part 1 Death Bear

MAP10 Circles part 2 Death Bear

MAP11 Circles part 3 Death Bear

MAP12 Launch Base Muumi

MAP13 Gas Station @LGmaire

MAP14 Swamp Things @Blexor

MAP15 Home Invaders @NecrumWarrior

MAP16 Abducted Scionox

MAP17 The Phantasmic Operahouse Late Night Person

MAP18 96 Quite Bitter Beings @myolden

MAP19 Arrival @Silhouette 03

MAP20 Bogus Backcountry @Egregor

MAP21 Scared in Small Town Square Egregor

MAP22 AREA 69 - Nevada Research Facility Egregor

MAP23 I Saw Drones @SirPootis

MAP24 The Exhibit - A Worrisome Warlock

MAP25 Ol' Caves @Chuckles_troll

MAP26 Secrets Revealed Scionox

MAP27 Moo 2 It @Peccatum Mihzamiz

MAP28 Attack of the Giant Heads NecrumWarrior

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TT4 - EG01_detail_v24B_240min.rar



Map Name: [ Bogus Backcountry ] (v2 update)

Author: [ Egregor ]

Music: [ 7 from Elder Scrolls - Arena ]


Difficulty Settings: [ YES (and co-op player starts too! ]

Build Time: [ 6 hours + 4 hours of detail ]

Comments: [This level feels much closer to my original vision now! As per usual, my concept was larger than the time-frame so I had to do quite a bit of detail to get it feeling fleshed out, though the overall structure and game-play remain similar to speed-mapped version]



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TT4-3_detail_v06C_060min.rar (v3 - 11/13/21)



Map Name: [ AREA 69 - Nevada Research Facility ] (v3 - 11/13/21)

Author: [ Egregor ]

Music: [ 9 from Elder Scrolls - Arena ]

Sky: [ MAPINFO; SKYAA_03 ]

Difficulty Settings: [ YES (and co-op player starts too! ]

Build Time: [ 6 hours + 1 hours of detail ]

Comments: v3 resolves mapper's file mix-up upload error




Edited by Egregor

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TT4-2_detail_v013B_120min.rar (v3 11/13/21)



Map Name: [ Scared in Small Town Square ] (v3 11/13/21)

Author: [ Egregor ]

Music: [ 10-2 from Elder Scrolls - Arena ]


Difficulty Settings: [ YES (and co-op player starts too! ]

Build Time: [ 6 hours + 2 hours of detail ]

Comments: v3 resolves mapper's file mix-up upload error, for this level as well




Edited by Egregor

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Small update for "Swamp Things": t&t@ws_blex_v2.zip


-Map no longer takes place inside of a kaleidoscope (sky transfers added).

-Grounded a few Unidentified Flying Overgrowths.

-Archvile hidey-holes made slightly more obvious.

-Chaingunner perches can now be lowered from inside the above-mentioned hidey-holes.

-A certain ayy lmao's secret raygun is now placed on a lighted sector to make it stand out a bit more.

-And possibly something else that I forgot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

TT4 - EG01_RC1_v01.rar



-made each spaceship enemies unique (x3) [play-test feedback]

-removed strobe [play-test feedback]
-made weapons more visable (x4)
-abandon buildings roof height brought down (x6)
-sky transfer added
-auto map cleaned

-MIDI saved into .wad as "D_RUNNIN" (7 from Elder Scrolls - Arena)

Edited by Egregor

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  • 1 month later...

There appears to be a issue with the exit on map 28, where entering the red portal at the end only exits the level if i enter it at a very specific angle at the right edge of it, i played it in dsda doom and tested both prboom+ and boom complevels and the problem is still there, i played beta 2.2 of the wad   .  This might allready be known but i figured i'd write it here just in case :) Love the wad btw

Edited by natashanightmare

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33 minutes ago, natashanightmare said:

There appears to be a issue with the exit on map 28, where entering the red portal at the end only exits the level if i enter it at a very specific angle at the right edge of it, i played it in dsda doom and tested both prboom+ and boom complevels and the problem is still there, i played beta 2.2 of the wad   .  This might allready be known but i figured i'd write it here just in case :) Love the wad btw

Crazy! I never had any issue with that but it should be as easy as adding a little more space behind the portal. 

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34 minutes ago, NecrumWarrior said:

Crazy! I never had any issue with that but it should be as easy as adding a little more space behind the portal. 

I tried the map again and it seems like entering the portal does nothing and instead i have to press use in front of it, is this intended? if so there is no bug and i'm sorry for false alarm. I also found a softlock on map 15 where walking through the window inside the ufo and falling down to the ground makes it so i can't get back into the ufo. and in map 29 there is a area with a rocket launcher and some health bonuses that i can't exit after entering these 2 i am more certain are bugs. In map 1 i have to press use to use the teleport pad by the arachnotron in the field, unsure if this is intended. Best regards :)

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1 hour ago, natashanightmare said:

I tried the map again and it seems like entering the portal does nothing and instead i have to press use in front of it, is this intended? if so there is no bug and i'm sorry for false alarm. I also found a softlock on map 15 where walking through the window inside the ufo and falling down to the ground makes it so i can't get back into the ufo. and in map 29 there is a area with a rocket launcher and some health bonuses that i can't exit after entering these 2 i am more certain are bugs. In map 1 i have to press use to use the teleport pad by the arachnotron in the field, unsure if this is intended. Best regards :)

The exit is definitely unintended. I actually just saw that it's set to S1 instead of W1 as I was editing it. Not sure how that happened.

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