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What are some of the most weirdest Doom Wads you ever played

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A long time ago, when I wasn't even on Doomworld, I found a very weird (and somewhat "illegal" I'm pretty sure) Doom II post on ModDB, the post by itself was weird AF, I don't know if it was on purpose or if it was intentionnel, but the author was talking about creepy stuff and how life was bad to him, basically. The WAD was certainly MBF21 format (I wasn't really aware of such things at that time) or something like that, and the WAD by itself contained no real gameplay, it was just very dark and simple designed rooms with sometimes light sources, you had to turn around to find your way. The weird part is that sometimes unsuspected pictures were popping on your screen, it was very fast, they stayed like 0,10 secondes or less so ? Impossible to study them.


Again, I didn't knew about SLADE and everything, so my method was basically to spam my screenshot button with the hope of capturing the moment where the picture was appearing. I tried 1, 3, 6 times, and then I got one and discovered that those pictures were basically gore photos… By all of things I certainly wasn't expecting that, and tried to finish the map eventually, without being able to because at the end there was a full black maze where the automap was completely broken. 

This one was very weird stuff to me. Beyond that, I don't know the deal behind all of this, but anyway this was very mean to do such a thing.


I'm still curious to this day what was behind all of this, but I do hope the respond is very simple, and a clown, a malicious person was behind it.

I never really tried to find the wad page again, even though I bookmarked it on my old computer in case of.

Edited by Bri0che

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2 hours ago, Bri0che said:

A long time ago, when I wasn't even on Doomworld, I found a very weird (and somewhat "illegal" I'm pretty sure) Doom II post on ModDB, the post by itself was weird AF, I don't know if it was on purpose or if it was intentionnel, but the author was talking about creepy stuff and how life was bad to him, basically. The WAD was certainly MBF21 format (I wasn't really aware of such things at that time) or something like that, and the WAD by itself contained no real gameplay, it was just very dark and simple designed rooms with sometimes light sources, you had to turn around to find your way. The weird part is that sometimes unsuspected pictures were popping on your screen, it was very fast, they stayed like 0,10 secondes or less so ? Impossible to study them.


Again, I didn't knew about SLADE and everything, so my method was basically to spam my screenshot button with the hope of capturing the moment where the picture was appearing. I tried 1, 3, 6 times, and then I got one and discovered that those pictures were basically gore photos… By all of things I certainly wasn't expecting that, and tried to finish the map eventually, without being able to because at the end there was a full black maze where the automap was completely broken. 

This one was very weird stuff to me. Beyond that, I don't know the deal behind all of this, but anyway this was very mean to do such a thing.


I'm still curious to this day what was behind all of this, but I do hope the respond is very simple, and a clown, a malicious person was behind it.

I never really tried to find the wad page again, even though I bookmarked it on my old computer in case of.


A parody of Sad Satan from the sound of it.

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