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Best monster design in a DooM game.

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Classic OG Hell Knight. It's badass, demonic, without being overly flashily or colorful.
Solid S-Tier in my personal book!

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No one likes John Romero


cacodemon. This is the iconic enemy of doom. 

Especially in the first two games.

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Archvile is cool looks like Skelton but after getting fire extinguished 


How he so clean in this environment ever buy a white car it gets dirty moment drive off the lot 


Also imagine having microwave hands grab a pizza pocket n go

Edited by Clippy

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my personal favorite monster designs are the arachnotron and nightmare imp from doom 64. 64 has some of my favorite design in all of the doom games... except for its cacodemon of course.




Edited by 0x00
"it's" typo

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Arcvhile. He's a healer and a killer, a runner and a flamer. He is scary, mean, and becomes the top priority whenever he's in the room. He's iconic in all senses. 

Edited by jo2ukegappy

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I really really liked the monster design, vanilla and replacement, in Jamal Jones. The same can go for Rowdy Rudy, Ray Mohawk and the rest of the Doom Kid Universe, but Jamal Jones really felt like it hit a sweet spot.

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My personal favorite was always the Doom 1/2 baron of hell. Sort of like a traditional, archetypal demon but with more style and coolness. It's iconic enough that if you see a picture of one, you know it's not just some generic demon artwork. It's a baron of hell. Or hell knight, basically the same thing.

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Classic: Pinky, Cacodemon, Hell Noble, Pain Elemental, Archvile, Cyberdemon


Doom 64: Imp, Nightmare Imp, Pinky, Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, Cyberdemon


Doom 3: Imp, Vulgar, Maggot, Wraith, Pinky, Trite, Hell Knight, Revenant, Fatso, Archvile, Vagary, Guardian of Hell, Hell Hunters, Cyberdemon


Doom 2016: Hell Knight, Revenant, Summoner


Doom Eternal: Prowler, Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, Archvile, Gladiator, Doom Hunter, Marauder


Bonus: Nightmare Spectre from PSX

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