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Go to sleep

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A new version of this wad that's better was made, I recommend to play this one instead: Go to sleep v2 (3 levels for doom 2)


"Go to sleep" is a simple Doom II single level where the only objective is to simply, going to sleep (with monsters in your way of course).
This WAD is vanilla so any source ports should do the works to run this WAD, wouldn't be surprise if it can run on a toaster.
It's my first wad too so don't expect anything too fancy.

Playtime should be around 1 minute, if you try to find the secrets maybe 2-3 minutes.

Download: gotosleep.zip




Video of me playing the 4th update of the wad





Edited by Oyo Player
New version

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Update 1:
- I've uploaded the wrong version of the wad, it's now the correct version
- Fixed 2 unreachable secrets
- Fixed glitch that made monsters able to open the red door


Update 2:
- Made easier to know that the door leading to the outside need a red keypass and that the window is impassable.
- Added a little roof to the outside part of the house and made the fence taller


Update 3:
- The sectors use to make the roof aren't secrets anymore


Update 4:
- Difficulty implememted (for the one that still care about this wad)
- Lowered the fence on the opposite side of the house so it's doesn't look too weird.

Edited by Oyo Player

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Just now, RataUnderground said:

Very nice doomcute : )
Honestly, I couldn't sleep with those hooves stomping all day outside.

Thanks, but what's doomcute by the way?

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1 minute ago, Oyo Player said:

Thanks, but what's doomcute by the way?

Its an adjective used by the Doom community to describe an attempt to represent real-world furniture or objects with the Doom engine.

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2 minutes ago, RataUnderground said:

Its an adjective used by the Doom community to describe an attempt to represent real-world furniture or objects with the Doom engine.

Oh ok, thanks

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A little simple house map, I can see the myhouse.wad was your inspiration. I liked the furniture though.

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Just now, S3M_XM said:

A little simple house map, I can see the myhouse.wad was your inspiration. I liked the furniture though.

And yes the idea of making a house is indeed coming from myhouse.wad, without all the weird stuff of course.

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I was unfortunately reminded of a certain jumpscare wad someone released a month or two back by the title. But the presence of dudes cooking was nice and so was the secret. I was stumped for 12 seconds though.




Edited by LadyMistDragon

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But it's not my bedtime yet!


Map looks cute, jokes aside. Will make sure to give it a spin. c:

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This map was actually REALLY nice - I mean it's not much for gameplay but I really enjoyed the details of this finely crafted cozy lookin home - top notch doom cute - also I see @Doomkid enjoyed too as just shared on his YT wall haha thanks


that was a fun way to end the night


GO TO BED super literally amusing as well


good times ppl good times






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