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stop it or die!!!

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to who ever is hammering elbryan's ftp site STOP IT!!! come on what kind of fucking loser hammers an ftp anyway and does it for days and hours on end. elbryan was nice to make a doom ftp and to give many of us doomers and account, me included. This has to be the work of a sad loser whose father beats and rapes him with hotdogs. what kind of life does this guy/or unhuman geek have pounding an ftp for hours he must be so fat he cant get out of his chair. he probaly cant get any girls so he spend his days looking at kiddy porn. dont be like this loser who has no life at all dont pound ftp sites, elbryan's site too. I say we send this wanna be hacker a virus and then pound him with bats.

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Suits me, I'm with you. I have been to Elbryan's site, and I rather enjoy all the things he's done there, and I would hate to have that banned..

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um, okay...

anyways, nice to know that everyone supports and enjoys the ftp.

it's back up, by the way. i'm now using new software, and testing it's lock out feature. hopefully this is the end of the havoc.

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Oh, but the fucker spent an entire day doing so. There's always a way to screw new, better software. Always.

This could be a stupid, blind attack, but it does look rather serious given the total amount of time.

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I think the guy just got pissed that I banned him in the middle of downloading Transformers the Movie. He can go download it somewhere else. He can try to get it the impossible way at Transformers Archive for all I care. It's VERY busy there, took me weeks to get it. I cringe at how long it would take for a 56K modem.

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I say we send this wanna be hacker a virus...

Go on then.

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I have a 56k modem.It would have taken me 233 hours to download at 7.55 kbps.Luckily my cousin have DSL.That lucky SOB.I love the FTP.I like getting DOOM mp3s.Im making my collection complete then I am gonna make a list of all the double songs,copy em then rename them to what ever exmx map x song they are.That will rule.Heh.

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i know who hammers the ftp!

MC. Hammer :D

Oh man...


New slogan:

ftp://doom.wrong.button.com/ - You can't touch this!

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Hey bigbadgangsta... I have a list of the mp3s that go on each stage in a text file in the Doom Music directory. It might help you out.

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I have to say that your best bet in this situation is to report him to the proper authorities. Block him, and email abuse@btinternet.com with the ftp logs (including the ips/hosts and times). They are doing this deliberately to annoy you, and if it is someone on these forums then they will know they have succeeded. If you keep whining and do nothing about it though, you risk it possibly escalating to a much nastier attack.

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I have a 56k modem.It would have taken me 233 hours to download at 7.55 kbps.Luckily my cousin have DSL.That lucky SOB.

Hmm, I am also thinking about upgrading from 56k to DSL. German "Telekom" beats the drum for that service (they actually have nice prices), but unfortunately the Telekom seems to have problems with the high request. A friend of mine also have DSL, but sometimes he can connect just every few days.

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Well, I have been over to elbryan's site, but only to download those really old alpha/beta versions of Doom that came out in mid-to-late '93.
So don't blame me, you weirdos!!

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