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NM-Lite Contest: Speed of Doom


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October, 2023

The NM-Lite Contest is a competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting, playing on skill 1 (ITYTD) with -fast and -respawn flags (NM-Lite). Unlike Ironman League, there are no different categories: it doesn't matter if you play blind, played the WAD before or watched it being played, if you examined it in an editor. The only thing that matters is that you haven't played it on NM-Lite.


In October 2023 the competition will take place on Speed of Doom: a challenging 2010 megawad by Josh Sealy and Darkwave0000. Runs will be accepted until 4 November.


Essential Info:

  • Doom II (doom2.wad)
  • Complevel 9 (only complevel 9 compatible demos are accepted)
  • 32 maps
dsda-doom -complevel 9 -iwad doom2.wad -file SODfinal.wad -skill 1 -fast -respawn -record nmlite-sod-yournick.lmp

Download Speed of Doom



  • Continuous recording.
  • When submitting a run, provide this information: your time of death (or your totaltime if you survived till the end), the map you died on and the killcount after your death.
  • Complevel 9 compatible demos are the only accepted proof (DSDA-Doom, Prboom(-Plus) or any other port that records demos you can play in DSDA-Doom -complevel 9). You must link to these runs in the thread.
  • No additional WADs may be loaded. Cosmetic WADs are fine if they're purely cosmetic.
  • Freelook is forbidden.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels than their competitors will rank higher than them.
  • If the recording of your official run is interrupted due to technical difficulties, you are not permitted a second attempt. Any surviving recording may be used to register a DNF result.
  • You may post a run here if you've already played the WAD on NM-Lite, but it's going to be out-of-contest and you will not show up in the leaderboard.
  • If there are multiple participants who survived the same number of maps, the shortest totaltime (after last survived map) wins.


Edited by Plut

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Dead on: MAP05

Kill count: 92/88

Time of death: 15:37


I did not expect it to be this hard. This shit is SCARY.


EDIT: just remembered a vital trick on MAP05 that could have very well saved me.

Edited by Plut

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Dead on: MAP04

Kill count: 119/236

Time of death: 14:45

Could not remember the intended progression for this map after yellow key.  Ended up losing too much health as I repeatedly backtracked and then dying to damaging floor in a secret.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dead on: Map02

Time of Arrival: 1:44

Kill Count: 30/80

Time of Death: 4:50


Demo: nmlite-sod-NoisyVelvet.zip



I'm actually pretty familiar with the first two maps in this, but I failed the Map 02 jump and wound up with 1 hp, so i decided to go for a death slide under the blue exit bars as the only viable strategy - slid half way to the exit line but not far enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

dead on map01, 20/42, 01:55



I must admit, before going into this I thought it would end up a disaster, and it was.

I thought I was doing okay-ish until I reached the red key room. Having got hold of the key I began to panic as my health was low and the monsters were rapidly reappearing. Desperately trying to avoid them led me to fail to notice that I was in fact running away from the exit. By the time I had realised and changed course I was too low on health to reach the goal before succumbing to damages. Naturally, it was the chaingunner who landed the final shot.

Ultimately I think this wad is unconducive to respawning monsters. The maps are rife with backtracking and returning to previously-visited areas. Under more common gameplay settings, such layouts usually work to the game's benefit. But they are antagonistic towards the feasibility of a run with respawning monsters, in which one would much rather be able to run through an area and be done with it for good.

Perhaps I would have fared better with a more accurate memory of the levels. I once knew Speed of Doom quite well. Nothing like as well as the previous month's Scythe 2, but I have replayed it more than a couple of times. But as a pistol-starter who picks and chooses maps individually, I gravitate to Darkwave's hauntingly lonely atmospheres over Joshy's sharply plutonic challenges almost every time. Thus my memory of Joshy's opening map was only vague, hence all the wrong turns.

Of course, the rules say you can prepare and/or learn the maps in advance as much as you want as long as you have not played it on NM-Lite. But I do not want to do anything that other players are not doing, even if the rules do not forbid them. That is how you end up with a category system.


Edited by RjY

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Dead in MAP01

died at 2:18

42/42 kills at time of death (went to 44 after death)



Seeing others' comments I had a feeling this would be rough, and it was! As usual I started off panicking and kept it up to the very end. 

Would have made it to the end of the map but in a stroke of brilliance I forgot to grab the red key lol

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| Place | Name           | Maps completed | Totaltime | Time of death | Kills at the last map |
| 1     | Plut           | 4              | 12:10     | 15:37         | 92/88                 |
| 2     | kmc            | 3              | 9:45      | 14:45         | 119/140               |
| 3     | Asbadagba      | 2              | 3:24      | 4:51          | 40/53                 |
| 4     | AnimaZero      | 2              | 7:26      | 11:07         | 71/53                 |
| 5     | 4shockblast    | 1              | 1:23      | 4:02          | 42/62                 |
| 6     | LadyMistDragon | 1              | 1:38      | 2:49          | 17/62                 |
| 7     | NoisyVelvet    | 1              | 1:44      | 4:49          | 49/62                 |
| 8     | Horus          | 1              | 2:23      | 5:41          | 40/62                 |
| 9     | Pierrot        | 1              | 2:45      | 9:03          | 96/62                 |
| 10    | DuckReconMajor | 0              | 0         | 2:18          | 42/42                 |
| 11    | RjY            | 0              | 0         | 1:56          | 37/42                 |
| 12    | SCF            | 0              | 0         | 2:04          | 34/42                 |

Congratulations to kmc and Asbadagba! Thanks everyone for participating!

Demos - sod-nmlite.zip.

Edited by Plut

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Late to post as always...i made my run on 2nd of november :(

Oh well..died MAP01.

Kills: 38/42

tIme: 2:28




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