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Burdens of Mortality

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People often think that the body is just a thing we inhabit, but it is a part of us as much as the mind and soul.  Without the body to receive information and experience the corporeal plane, there would be no fuel for the mind and soul. Nothing for them to perceive.  They would functionally cease to exist. A fit body can elevate the mind and soul by providing a sturdy foundation of active and accurate reception. Eating, breathing, bathing, etc., these acts of maintenance are primary and not accessory to our existence. They need to be enjoyed if possible, because they must be done and they keep us woven into the natural world.


Try to stay in the moment. Enjoy a cup of coffee (or whatever) without another distraction.  Focus on the smell, the flavor, the warmth, the texture.  Sunshine in your eyes when you wake up gives you a cortisol boost, which improves mood and energy. Your body affects your mind. Listening to and focusing on music alone forces you to be in that moment, even if that moment eventually makes you fall into yourself. All of these small experiences build your life.  If you find no contentment in them, you will find far less contentment with life.


If these acts of maintenance seem like a burden, then I would wager that you are focused on some end goal or something else down the line.  Goals are great and should be pursued, but enjoying the journey there amplifies your experience of life ten fold. 


This is a breathing exercise I do daily.  It's something you may consider a burden, but for me it is an act of maintenance that makes me feel much better.


Edited by EraserheadBaby

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