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Hell Revealations [/idgames - Final 2024] (Hell Revealed I + II Successor + Deathmatch)

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Interesting release, but why not give it a more original name? I'm not too fond of unofficial 'sequels'. Your work is probably strong enough to stand on its own, not needing to lean on a familiar brand. Your work would probably end up in higher regard in the long run if you simply stated that it was inspired by HR, but had its own identity. That would also make it more interesting to make a sequel to this project. Coming up with a project name is the easy part, you guys have done the hard part, 33 maps and some interesting deh tweaks.

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Ah hell yeah! I got the farthest I got in the original HR earlier this year before saying I had my fun (I wanna say MAP24 or so) and want to play HR2 so this looks pretty nifty. Plus I'm a sucker for new megaWADs. Congrats on the release and I'll add this to my never-ending backlog!

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32 minutes ago, zokum said:

Interesting release, but why not give it a more original name? I'm not too fond of unofficial 'sequels'.

I mean originally the project was called "SLOTTER II", which started out as an April Fools joke based on HR. But then when I found that people wanted to do a HR project seriously, we decided to rename it to something better.


As a team, we decided to go with "Hell Revealations" as it implies it's a homage, but still has its own personality (it's a pun, since we are a bit of a silly group).


I don't see anything wrong with unofficial sequels. The project was always going to be heavily inspired by HR I and II. Call it an unofficial sequel or successor, HR is in its DNA.


This megawad is better experienced with HR expectations in mind.


Plus being an unofficial sequel doesn't denounce it's quality, when you have projects like "TNT Revilution" which are generally held in high regard.


I personally feel that in this case, not showing the ties to it's influences in the name would actually hurt the project.


I think that by calling the wad "Hell Revealations", we are showing that we are confident enough that our megawad can stand tall with the originals.

Edited by Arsinikk

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Damn I thought my life was flashing before my eyes when I found this thread, I hope it's in some ways the "true" "sequel" to the original HR like Plutonia Revisited being more honorable of the Plutonia format than its numbered sequel sister WAD. HR2 started good but quickly turns into an obscene tryhard campy slogging mess.

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Wow, that's interesting! I can see the HR DNA in the shots. Will be playing for sure!

Edited by Noiser

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Will have to play when i'm set up in my new place. Cheers!

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This is the best community project I've worked on. Everybody involved did their part well, and @Arsinikk did a great job keeping tabs on everybody and moving the project forward. It was a pleasant experience!
This wad is a pleasant experience too if you like getting your ass kicked with spiked boots! HMP just uses crocs though, I made sure of that :)

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Congrats dude! Y'all aren't ready for Christophine's map, she takes the theme and goes nuts with it. One of my favorite maps I've tested!

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Congrats on the release!


It was a lot of fun helping / giving feedback on the DM submissions.


Not too often a full-fledged SP WAD has full DM support - especially w/ all new arenas.


Thanks again for inviting me on!

Edited by Arrowhead

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Funnily enough my involvement in this always sort of accidental, I was invited to the 123 lines project and if I was totally honest I suck at restrictions like this. However the vanilla compatible HR spec wad was more up my street. It has been a blast mapping for this and I must admit the leadership has been very very good. I hope my maps can live up to the rest of the set (maybe I needed a few more barons…).

Congratulations on getting this released in a smooth and swift manner.

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Beat the first four maps and I dread to think how much harder this caper's going to get. Playing on Hell Revealed difficulty. Just wanna add, it's heartwarming to see how much love and care went into this project, with you know, the infopack, bonus maps, etc. Impeccable presentation.


Looking forward to the rest!


Are the secret exits in their usual slots btw?

Edited by Firedust

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Really glad to see this released! Hope people have fun with this, as well as my loving tribute to a most likely terrible map from Hell Revealed Two. :)

(Also shoutouts to Finnks, Caco, Arsinikk, and Large Cat for finding pretty much every possible bug in my map lmao)

Edited by Christophine Place

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It'll be a while before I get around to this, I want to do the second CP that was released for Plutonia a couple years back or so, but I was planning on getting back into HR1&2 as I've been in a slaughter mood, so this will be played after those to see how well this project stacks up against its predecessors. Eager to see what kind of sadism is on display here lol.

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It's finally here. I never thought I would work on a Hell Revealed tribute, but here I am, making a few maps and playtesting an entire megawad of it. I have to say, this ignited my enjoyment for Hell Revealed and the mapping style it helped pioneer.

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