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GRB's guess the map game

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So I guess I won the second round. Nice!



1. Doom e4m3

2. Plutonia map28

3. TNT map23

4. Requiem map16

5. Requiem map06

6. Hell Revealed map06

7. Return to Phobos e1m6

Bonus. Requiem map19


This one was pretty hard. I'm not sure on a couple of them.

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Doom E4M3

Plutonia MAP28


Doom II MAP19

An IWAD huh? Looks vaguely familiar, reminds me of Doom Zero.

That looks familiar too, I wanna say it's from Reverie.

The Lost Episodes of Doom? Idk shot in the dark.

I'm guessing it's a deathmatch only area from levels 12-20 in Requiem, that's all I can muster.



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^Screen 5 is not from an IWAD, i'm just bundling Requiem in with them now.  It will be a regular wad screen-shotted until drop it out.  Think of it as I added Requiem as IWAD #5.  


E: You may edit your guesses accordingly.

Edited by General Rainbow Bacon

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13 hours ago, Kwisior said:



All correct apart from the one you think isn't from an IWAD.

I suppose it's a bit of trivia you would either know about or you would not.

I'll give a hint: GRB's IWAD guess is correct.

I'll wait a bit longer before posting solutions to see if anyone does know.


2 hours ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

Oh and I'll play too! [...]


I'm very sorry but I have no choice but to disqualify you for not using spoiler tags. :(


1 hour ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

And Round 3 shows up too! 


Round 3:



1. E4M3 at the bottom of the red key platform

2. PL28 Sewers, west end beyond the circular tunnel

3. TNT31 somewhere? From the egyptian textures? No, it's from the ancient temple part of TNT23.

4. Doom2 MAP19, the slime pit by the demon pit that's kind of a jumping puzzle.

5. mm2 17? Haha no it's Requiem 17, the square spiral stair up to the blue key.

6. Early HR, 06 ish, near the start

7. I think this from 666epis.wad. In fact, the original, 666.wad.

8. This is Requiem something or other, map12-20 by the sky texture. Oh, sneaky. It's MAP15's deathmatch section :P


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1 hour ago, RjY said:

All correct apart from the one you think isn't from an IWAD.

I suppose it's a bit of trivia you would either know about or you would not.

I'll give a hint: GRB's IWAD guess is correct.

I'll wait a bit longer before posting solutions to see if anyone does know.

Ok, I'll edit it then.

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Round 3:



1. E4M3

2. Plutonia map 28 so Sewers... if that was the name...

3. Lunar Mining Project aka the only TNT map using the inkblot test, I mean CAVERN textures

4. wat... the citadel??

5. I suppose that's this Requiem map, 17 my gut says

6. That I recognize is Hell Revealed, prolly map 06

7. this is the "maybe a little less" for me, so no recollection of that... however, in 1994 there was no "Ultimate" before Doom, assuming the hint is linked to this image, because the only wad I can think of is Lost Episodes 


Bonus: the sky is from Requiem's 11-20 episode, and if that's from a deathmatch portion, that's about the best answer I can provide right now


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3 hours ago, SiFi270 said:




For the sake of completeness, round 2½ answers:

  • E4M1: Hell Beneath -- "The "NIИ" logo is a reference to Nine Inch Nails, the American industrial rock band, of which American McGee was a fan."
  • MAP17: Processing Area (TNT: Evilution) -- "To the west of the blue key room is an inaccessible area used to store monsters for teleportation into the level. If the player uses the noclip cheat and walks into this area, they will find the letters "TOM" and "NIИ" stitched into the walls. "NIИ" refers to Nine Inch Nails, and "TOM" refers to Tom Mustaine, the designer of the level."
  • MAP04: Ratamahatta (Memento Mori II) -- "The health and armor bonuses in the room with the four passageways are arranged in the shape of the Nine Inch Nails logo."

With the theme, needless to say, being Nine Inch Nails references :). Thanks to all who answered.

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