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Your Dream Games

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Low tech logistics and pioneering simulator that lacks fast travel, but still has an economic aspect (meaning, you'd rely on couriers and the like to notify contractors and do money transactions)


Why, yes, I want to hack the thick underbrush, have to actually think about and plan to cross a river or swamp and build roads and bridges there and use them.

Bonus points for mapmaking. Cause mapmaking is patrician tier.


If there was an added 'mythical' element to it, like fey stuff and the like, all the better, but I'd be happy just planning realistic 'terraforming' logistics operations on a low tech, perhaps juuuuuust the cusp of trains, level.

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While I'm pretty fine with the Elder Scrolls-like gameplay that was established since Bethesda's acquisition of Fallout, I'd like for Fallout to return to its isometric roots for a moment. Sort of, because I want a spin-off where it utilizes gameplay similar to Diablo instead of the turn-based combat.

Edited by Panzermann11

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I would love to play Rage on Gzdoom engine, have similar or improved gameplay mechanics - combat, crafting, scavenging. But I am not sure should it be open world or more linear. I am addicted to Ashes 2063. I wonder how would that mod look with AI and animations similar to Rage bandits and mutants?

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Rage could have been great in an open world without vehicles, AI respawn like STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl for great gunfights on foot, and a better ending (the most unsatisfactory point of the game). I know that people were modding the graphic aspect of the game with the Cvar commands to have a better rendered but that's all. I try the rebalanced mod but i never being satisfied. Rage was a cruel deception because he had potential to be a great FPS, not simply a game with some uninteresting fedex missions.

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Yes, I have lot of fun with Rage. It was not as great as first F.E.A.R. but sometimes it was close thanks to great animations, and enough well made AI. I will create another topic for RAGE.


Another dream game would be F.E.A.R. 2 - but with combat encounters more close to first one. Where there would be more different covers/routes/obstacles for AI to chose. I replay FEAR many times and find it great that sometimes enemies react in different way to me, go to different places, sometimes retreat or flank me. FEAR2 looks great with so many details and nice architecture, but usually each time I play it enemies do same thing and follow same patches.

Also I would introduce Alma bit later. You can keep those visions from start, but without her. Player could start to see her after hospital evacuation level when he reach devastated city.

Edited by Gzegzolka

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Having recently watched Angel Beats, I imagined a Max Payne and Stranglehold-inspired third person shooter based on the show. I'd also appreciate an option to play as either Yuzuru or Yuri, maybe have a co-op mode à la Army of Two and Halo 3.

Edited by Panzermann11

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  • 2 weeks later...

So a Sim City like game that allows you to control the mayor character in stealthy gameplay.  But you're also a serial killer.  So you build up your city to attract more and more people and all the while you are slinking off into the night to claim more victims.  The game doesn't end until the city goes bankrupts, you get caught, you're killed by a citizen, or you die of old age. 


Like if Agent 47 was a mayor. 

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Two new ideas I've got...


#1: AGXR :Anti-Gravity Extreme Rally. Strap in to a jet-propelled anti-gravity hoversled and push your velocity beyond the speed of sound. If that's not crazy enough, you're racing at ground level, on courses that run on both land and water. Even more, the game's courses use sections of constructed track to guide you from one spectacular piece of scenery to the next. It's like F-Zero meets Jet Moto, and it's set to a blazing speed metal soundtrack that will make you feel like you're heart's been given BOOST POWER!


#2: Contract Squadron: Blazing Strike. A vertically-scrolling shoot-em-up inspired by the 1990s classic Tyrian, but featuring real(or as close as we can get to real) jet fighters and ground attack planes. Fit them out with arrays of different weapons, including gun pods, rocket pods, missiles, bombs, you name it. Unleash blazing destruction around the world as you fight against various enemy forces simply in the name of making money. Upgrade your plane, upgrade your weapons, amass a stockpile to shame the US Air Force. And tear it up to the sounds of heavy metal, because you're all about the shred and burn.

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Just now, nathanB404 said:

A doom game that is actually scary. None of that doom 3 babies first horror game type bull crap. 

What would that entail, then?

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