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Doom demos with built in audio commentary - Was it ever a thing? Was it planned at some point? Am I just "Mandela Effecting" real hard? What if it was real?

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I had a strange memory pop into my head a few hours ago.

I remember around 6 or 7 years ago - I was reading some documentation for PrBoom-Plus and its terminal options. Around the section where it was describing the "-viddump" parameter - there was a listing for an experimental parameter that allowed you to record a demo while ffmpeg was simultaneously also recording your microphone inputs. Once demo recording was finished - it would take the demo and audio recording and it would either do one out of the two following things: 


  1.  Call the "-viddump" command, but also merge the audio recording into the output video file.
  2.  Merge the raw demo file and audio recording into it's own unique file (which was probably a different .lmp demo file). You could then plug that new file into PrBoom-Plus and it would replay the demo together with the inner audio file.


Now, in all likelihood - this was a false memory from me. I probably misinterpreted something from the old documentation and add onto the fact that I'm retelling this memory 7 years from when it happened - it might just be one big "Mandela Effect" from me. But even then - I do have to wonder about the feasibility of the 2nd feature. A feature that lets you bundle a raw demo together with an audio track.

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On 10/10/2023 at 10:54 PM, kmc said:

Maybe you're thinking of this: 



Huh... This actually seems to be exactly what I was talking about. The post date even matches the time-frame!

Although - Now I have more questions. For instance, here's one: The documentation I read years ago ( the one that possibly mentioned the experimental recording feature) was from the Linux "man" page for PrBoom-Plus (I had an old version of Linux Mint at the time). This means that the version of PrBoom-Plus that I had was the curated version from the "apt" repository. Does this mean that the ones who are responsible for maintaining the "apt" repository at the time had chosen this specific fork of PrBoom-Plus for the repository?  

I did also look up other versions of the "man" page for PrBoom-Plus and the ones I found didn't seem to mention anything about voice recording (granted - some of the "man" pages were probably older than 2017). It's a shame that this never really went anywhere, it seems like a neat feature!


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