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Forsaken - A Doom II: Hell on Earth Megawad

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Time for an offbeat political joke. If we get 9 women to make 1 baby then we can get it done it done in one month.


I always love reading through these threads because they are the best Doom meme there is. Ideas Guy TM are some of the best. They come in so many varieties and I am also guilty of indulging my own versions, but mainly of the end of building them rather than trying to do my own Ocean's Eleven  team. Every talking point has already happened so I'll just have to input my own tongue-in-cheek rehash on the subject. 


  1. Don't be the guy with only the ideas. Don't just barge into the Saloon and ask who wants the big monopoly money prize.
  2. Be the guy with the ideas and a vision and some know how.
  3. Everybody wants a slam dunk banger of a mod/wad/TC/Map/Megawad. It is a popularity contest for CacoAwards after all, but hardly anybody get it done right off the bat with no prior experience.
  4. Having attempted all that, build what you want to see built rather than rely on others to do the lifting for you. 
  5.  Ask us active play  testers to test your maps or mods!

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2 hours ago, kalensar said:

Time for an offbeat political joke. If we get 9 women to make 1 baby then we can get it done it done in one month.



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