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OBZEN - now on idgames! [32 Plutonia Maps] [Limit Removing]

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4 hours ago, Lingyan203 said:


@myolden this is what I mean by off.


Yeah I agree fighting arch vile with a pistol is totally off...



Joke, laugh, now


That aside you sure you are not loading any other HUD mods at the same time?


Looking forward to trying this one! As it happens playing Plutonia 2 atm.

Edited by Finnisher

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good god, that first map is absolutely vicious. is it meant to be like that? the rest of the maps i've played (up to map14) seem to be quite a bit easier

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This is mean!



Just the sheer amount of archviles is giving me nightmares!


Super fun maps though. Not something you do 100% UV MAX blind :-D

Edited by DoomBerry

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I started this up in dsda-doom with the -coop_spawns parameter and I am immensely pleased to see a gratuitous cyberdemon and pair of arch-viles on the first map, it wouldn't be quite complete without that or a spiderdemon.


8 hours ago, Lingyan203 said:


@myolden this is what I mean by off.

What source port are you using? That happens if you run a WAD with widescreen status bar in a port that doesn't support widescreen assets. You could rename the STBARS lump as myolden said... or update your source port.

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2 hours ago, roadworx said:

good god, that first map is absolutely vicious. is it meant to be like that? the rest of the maps i've played (up to map14) seem to be quite a bit easier


Map 01 is meant to be a bit of a kick to the teeth so the player knows what's up, but I never found it to be that much more difficult than the maps that follow. My strat has always been:



Grab the shotgun and start shooting at the chaingunners while using the pillars to block the archvile line of sight. Kill the gunners on the right side and dodge until all of the revenants are out of the hallway and in the starting room. Rush down the hall and grab the SSG. Use one manc to block the other's attacks and kill the one you're hiding behind. By this point some revs should be back in the room. For bonus points bait infighting, but if not leave and use the ssg to finish off the archvile and chaingunners. The rest of the map can be played pretty slow and methodically.


Good luck!

Edited by myolden

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@myolden Wow! Congratulations on another megawad made and I'm a little jealous of your efficiency!


I haven't even finished Nostalgia 2 yet, I haven't sat down to play Pina Colada at all - and there are still 32 maps!

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Hmm, after playing through the first 11 maps im really confused as to what the strategy on most of these maps are. I found there was a lot of moments where archviles / revenants spawned right in front of me with either barely any cover or just a skinny pillar. It's impossible to take these maps slow I find, but if I try to speed to the weapons, I end up spawning more monsters that end up killing me.

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22 minutes ago, DeafPixel said:

Hmm, after playing through the first 11 maps im really confused as to what the strategy on most of these maps are.

Yeah, you being confused doesn't surprise any of us.

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Damn, this totally lives up to the idea of someone making plutonia with a modern difficulty level.


Awesome maps, only played 6 or 7 of them but thoroughly loving it so far!

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4 hours ago, DeafPixel said:

Hmm, after playing through the first 11 maps im really confused as to what the strategy on most of these maps are.


This mapset is designed to be pretty difficult, so if you're struggling to beat the maps I recommend lowering the difficulty settings.

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I feel like I'm playing Dark Plutonia (I always loved the concept btw) - did you get inspired by the screenshots? ahahah very fun and short maps :) 

I did not finish playing yet, but I could not find a single Baron as so far in UV, is was design like that? (just curious, I played the maps that in PlutoniaUV there were Barons in it and ObZen has none)  

Also my HUD is weird too, I play in LZDoom, just dragged the file and played the wad as usual. Not sure if helps 

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1 minute ago, Flower_XD said:

I did not finish playing yet, but I could not find a single Baron as so far in UV, is was design like that? (just curious, I played the maps that in PlutoniaUV there were Barons in it and ObZen has none)  


I always struggle to use Barons effectively. There are a few in the WAD here and there but generally speaking 2 Hell Knights are almost always more fun to fight than a single Baron.


1 minute ago, Flower_XD said:

Also my HUD is weird too, I play in LZDoom, just dragged the file and played the wad as usual. Not sure if helps 


I believe Ludi and I have a fix for this that is going to be implemented in RC2. In the meantime you can open the WAD in Slade and delete the widescreen HUD, then rename the standard HUD and you should be good to go.

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Map 1 is THE pain in the ass, not gonna lie. Map 3 is my favorite for now and the rest are very difficult but fun. Also i found this wall that loves eating missiles in map 10 (DSDA -CL 4) https://streamable.com/0eax7t


Lets see how it goes but for i am having fun. Good work :D


Edited by Teh_Gallardo

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I'm half way through this wad and honestly it feels way more like Swift Death than Plutonia.  Does not play in the spirit of Plutonia whatsoever.

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42 minutes ago, jgs1989 said:

I'm half way through this wad and honestly it feels way more like Swift Death than Plutonia.  Does not play in the spirit of Plutonia whatsoever.


I'm not familiar with Swift Death, sounds like I'll have to check it out.

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I made it to map 17 and some of these maps are VERY mean.


This is definitely harder than OG Plutonia.


Out of curiosity, is Pina Colada harder or easier than this one?

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3 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Out of curiosity, is Pina Colada harder or easier than this one?


Pina Colada starts out much, much easier than this but towards the end gets pretty difficult. I would say by the time you get to the end the two are somewhat comparable in terms of difficulty.

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Not sure whether this is the intentional design of Map09, but still praise the winning Demon.




Also Map14. I feel these gotta be intentional right... perfect frame as well.




Edited by GarrettChan

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I have a question about map 17. Is it possible to do the cyber / rev / arachnotron / one manc fight consistently without the bfg? I feel that I'm missing a trick here.

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2 hours ago, Firedust said:

I have a question about map 17. Is it possible to do the cyber / rev / arachnotron / one manc fight consistently without the bfg? I feel that I'm missing a trick here.


My go to strat for that fight is:


Start with the plasma gun and quickly gun down the revenants that spawn in the blood as they come in, using the corner of the building with the mancubus and hell knights as cover from the cyberdemon. Once those revenants are dead, switch to the rocket launcher and run back and fourth between that spot and the red key door while you pump rockets into the spiders and revenants behind the door, targeting whichever group of monsters you're moving away from so as to avoid the chance of taking splash damage. At this point you've more or less solved the fight, plasma down the cyber (if you still have the cells) and make your way up to the ledge.


I'm sure there are probably other ways to tackle this fight but this was the one I have the most success with.

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