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Might and Magic Doom2 total conversion

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Another Might and Magic Doom2 total conversion but i try to add as more monsters as i can from Might and Magic, also some monsters from Might and Magic game mods (for example drow spider queen). 


At my channel you also can found differend mods.


WARNING - there is too much trees on map - play in lzdoom to have more fps (on android delta touch also choose lzdoom for playing) without map - mapforest.wad - it work with good fps






mod - https://www.mediafire.com/file/hkbavqc7cggu6pm/MightAndMagic_8_5_betav1.pk3/file

map - https://www.mediafire.com/file/u2ddhnfujyd338o/mapforest.wad/file

heretic weapon for doom mod by scifista42 - 



Hope you enjoy this mod.

Edited by LorddRaptorr

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Neat, just what we need Might and Magic Doom mods. I've never played the game myself, but I had a friend who played some of them and really enjoyed them. As mentioned in the thread that you linked, the Heretic Weapons for Doom mod has some 'issues'. If someone were to fix said issues that would be great. I just don't know enough about Doom modding myself. The mod was actually inspired by me and started by @scifista42, but then tweaked by me to make it closer to Heretics actual gameplay. If this mod is used in any additional project, please credit scifista42 and I for the weapons replacement mod, thank you. You will also need to make your enemies drop ammo pickups, like they do in Heretic, to make the ammo supply fair and even.


Also, if you are going to insert monsters from M&M you might as well use the sprite sheet resources found here. I personally would like to see the Dire Wolf and Wererat myself. Also here are some additional sprite resources that could be used as decoration/environmental sprites if you are interested. link1, link2.

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Thank you. In this mod i add a dire wolf - he is a friendly monster, can be added using console command. I planning used him for company maps in future. About wererat - he is a randomly spawned monster as cyberdemon (there is many random monsters spawned). But in the future i make a map where you can found enemy dire wolf and rats with ratman. About ammo i try to make it more. But idea of map which i add with mod that you don't have enough weapons and ammo, you should found it. If you just play in this mod without map you found more weapons and ammo dropped from enemies.

Edited by LorddRaptorr

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