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AMALGOOM (OST) needs Composers

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You probably heard of the new wad, Amalgoom, that I am directing, well we're gonna need some volunteer composers....


we already got a few like Max or Dankmetal composing a few songs but we'd like some more people as it's not gonna be an easy process of 2 guys making tunes.


the idea of the OST is to combine both tracks featured on the two levels made to make a single level in amalgoom, in which bost tracks are mashed up into one


your goal isn't to style swap... well you can for SOME, but to simply blend the melodies together into something new yet fresh.


so if you'd like to join and make music here is some slots...






Midi cover of "The Gonk" from Dawn of the Dead needed


Running at Evils gate E1M1/Map01 (already dealt with) @dankmetal

The Imp Stalks E1M2/Map02 @stupid (tsocheff)

Dark Countdown E1m3/Map03 (dealt with) (by @DankMetal

Between Kitchens E1M4/Map04 Done by @tamara mochaccina

Doomspense E1M5/MAP05 (TAKEN by @Proxy-MIDI) (COMPLETED)

In the Hunt E1M6/MAP06 tAKEN by @stupid (tsocheff)

Demons with Shotguns E1M7/MAP07 (dealt with) ( @DankMetal

Sign of Blue E1M8/MAP08 Taken by @wumbo

Sandy's Secrets E1M9/MAP09 taken by @stupid (tsocheff)

Fuel (dealt with)

I sawed the archvile (dealt with)

Dark Ink E2M2/MAP12 taken by @DankMetal

Intermission from DOOM E2M3/MAP13

They're gonna get the blues E2M4/MAP14

Demons of Evil E2M5/MAP15 dealt with by @tamara mochaccina

Sinister Dead E2M6/MAP16 (taken by @Proxy-MIDI(COMPLETED)

The healer waltz E2M7/MAP17 (dealt with) ( @Max-ko-khan

Nobody told be about Romero E2M8/MAP18 (taken and completed by @tamara mochaccina)

This shotgun gots no name E2M9/MAP19 (taken by @Proxy-MIDI (COMPLETED)

Hiding the archviles (message fort he archvile and hiding the secrets) E4M9/MAP20

Count down to...? E3M1/MAP21 @PsychEyeball

The Donna Jackson blues E3M2/22

Deep into the American pie E3M3/MAP23 @Demonic Meatball

In evil E3M4/MAP24 @PsychEyeball

Sleepy prey E3M5/MAP25

The hunt for a message E3M6/MAP26

Waiting for Romero to waltz E3M7/MAP27

Tense rescue E4M2/MAP28

Shawn's hiding the secrets E3M9/MAP29 taken by @UUN4

Facing the opening to hell E3M8/MAP30


Intermission by @tamara mochaccina


Intermission story by @DankMetal



Edited by Johnny Cruelty

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Please mark MAP17s The Healer Waltz / Waltz of the Stalking Healer as dealt with.
I've done it, it's literally in the same file as I Sawed the Archvile and Evil at Dooms gate :/

ALSO if you're allowing my contributions for the ost please state that they can use the instruments of one of the tracks for another 
but the "your goal isn't to style swap... well you can for SOME, but to simply blend the melodies together into something new yet fresh." makes it seem like my tracks weren't following the rules, as i simply "swapped" the style of i sawed the demons with The Healer stalks, that could be a style swap or is it that i can style swap but only with the alternate midi?

Edited by Max-ko-khan

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Do they have to be musically-accurate? I don't have perfect pitch in the slightest but wouldn't mind trying Nobody Told Me About Romero.

Nah, scratch that. I don't have perfect musical theory either and I don't fancy some muso kid telling me that my use of a B sharp sussy baka bellyflop sergeant minor didn't work with that, um, hi hat. Or something.

Edited by Jayextee
impostor syndrome kicked in

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4 minutes ago, Gregorio Franco said:

Can this be a totally custom/.ogg music file? Does it need to be basic MIDI? I'm down to compose something for this. 


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37 minutes ago, Max-ko-khan said:

Please mark MAP17s The Healer Waltz / Waltz of the Stalking Healer as dealt with.
I've done it, it's literally in the same file as I Sawed the Archvile and Evil at Dooms gate :/

ALSO if you're allowing my contributions for the ost please state that they can use the instruments of one of the tracks for another 
but the "your goal isn't to style swap... well you can for SOME, but to simply blend the melodies together into something new yet fresh." makes it seem like my tracks weren't following the rules, as i simply "swapped" the style of i sawed the demons with The Healer stalks, that could be a style swap or is it that i can style swap but only with the alternate midi?

Well.. I'm allowing yours because you contributed and fit well, but I feel like maybe most of the ost could be swaps and mashups

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33 minutes ago, Jayextee said:

Do they have to be musically-accurate? I don't have perfect pitch in the slightest but wouldn't mind trying Nobody Told Me About Romero.

Nah, scratch that. I don't have perfect musical theory either and I don't fancy some muso kid telling me that my use of a B sharp sussy baka bellyflop sergeant minor didn't work with that, um, hi hat. Or something.

So are you gonna join or no? Just checking 

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No, I was excited about the idea of combining those two tunes; I can almost hear the fusion in my head; I immediately started to think about how I'm not much of a musician really. Again, no.

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1 hour ago, Jayextee said:

No, I was excited about the idea of combining those two tunes; I can almost hear the fusion in my head; I immediately started to think about how I'm not much of a musician really. Again, no.

well maybe it could be practice, I'd love to hear your rendition even if it's not the best

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10 hours ago, Proxy-MIDI said:

Hello there. I can make some tracks if you want. ;)

that'd be nice, you're in, which you wanna pick?

7 hours ago, EagerBeaver said:

I can ask @Ajoura to make tracks for my maps, but he's super-busy RN.

sure go ahead but if he's busy, he is busy

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I've brought this thread up to some of my friends who do MIDI. I could try to do some myself, but I'm more of a MOD person.

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4 minutes ago, HEXWALKER said:

I've brought this thread up to some of my friends who do MIDI. I could try to do some myself, but I'm more of a MOD person.


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7 hours ago, Proxy-MIDI said:

I would like to take the E1M5/MAP05, E2M6/MAP16 and E2M9/MAP19 please. ;)

You got it, I'll edit your name in the slots in a bit

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Found the thread!! :)


@Johnny Cruelty, I'll work on E1M8/MAP08 for now, and I'll see where it gets me. I will probably make more afterwards, love the concept of the whole WAD, by the way.

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3 minutes ago, wumbo said:

Found the thread!! :)


@Johnny Cruelty, I'll work on E1M8/MAP08 for now, and I'll see where it gets me. I will probably make more afterwards, love the concept of the whole WAD, by the way.

thanks! I'll dot you in

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Like I said in the other thread, if you can't get composers for ALL the tracks, maybe just swap the sound fonts/ instruments of the two tracks, so E1M1 would use MAP01's and so on and so forth. Better than nothing!

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Unfortunately I can only do MP3 and other compressed formats of wave :( if I researched more and bought a couple things like a midi cable and controller 

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40 minutes ago, Demonic Meatball said:

Aren't you forgetting the secret level, Intermission, Story text and intro midis ?


Anyway, I'd like to take map 23 please.


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