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Favourite Plutonia/TNT/Doom 2/Doom textures?

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Mostly the unique techbase aesthetics for each IWAD. . TNT Egyptian textures are cool too. 

Should make a thread like this in Doom General though. 

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Plutonia textures I like ALL of them, even A-CONCTE and I've no recollection of where it's used. Big fan of the skull switch one.


TNT textures are a case of representation or context, so for example between the animated computers there is a variant of COMPWERD that I find jarring by itself, though if meshed along other prettier ones, like that red/blue UAC fading in and out I actually do fancy them more. Eh, I like those that reiterate TNT every time you notice one, the different coloured lights, the blood stains, oh the weird switch that changes from blue to yellow.


Doom 1 and 2, fireblu, stucco, ashwall2-4, stone3, woodmet, firewall, support3, redwall1... idk what else

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I have developed a fetish for WOOD5 in recent years. Especially after working on my SIGIL themed episode that was part of 2022ADO.




ROCKRED1, 2, 3

BRICK7, 11, 12





GRAY1, 4, 7


STONE2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


STAR textures.

That wood brick Plutonia texture. I don't make many Plutonia maps so I cannot really remember all their names.

Edited by pcorf

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Apart from a very few that irritate me, and just a couple or so that I truly hate, I've come to like a good majority of the original textures. I'll however, would provide a list for which ones I love, which ones irritate me, and which ones I just outright hate. Others that I wouldn't list, would automatically fall under the "I like them" category.






MARBFAC2 - Don't know why, but I find Arch-Vile's gaze here to be quite sinister. It does make you feel of a looming presence (or, at least it does to me.)


WOODGARG - Personally, I love every single texture that this Gargoyle face appears on. Of all the gargoyle faces, this one's eyes in particular are just frightening for some reason. I sometimes obscure most of the face behind the walls, just to have those freaky gazing eyes watching the player at all times.


SP_FACE1 - This one is beautifully drawn. I've no other words for it.


SKINMET 1/2 - Walls made of skin stretched over them, and SKINSCAB and SKINCUT suggesting that they're made of flesh, with skin as wallpaper. Truly disgusting, I love it.






CEMENT 1/9 - I don't know what to say about this one, except that the contrast on these is just... a tad bit overpowering. It looks rather cluttered with different dabs of brown and white and green and yellow, and most of them are just crooked. I seldom use them, but otherwise, pass.


BIGDOOR7 - I quite like it, but the irritating part about this is that the skulls aren't centered at all. Seriously, it's this close to be my favorite door texture, but that misaligned skull set brings my rectum to an itch.


SKINLOW - I believe this could've been done better. Not a fan of panels being of a different size, and unlike the SKINMET textures, this one just doesn't do it for me. It looks like a badly rendered image stapled on as a texture. Would use once in a while, but otherwise pass.


DEM1_1/4 - Another brilliant texture ruined by a little fail. Icon's face isn't shaded in properly... it's just a solid color. Irritating all the way how incomplete this one is.






Computer textures - Yeah... I don't like any of the original computer textures. They're quite lackluster, so to say. Not much in terms of machinery, heck barely even a keyboard or two. It's just random screens. Could've done far better, but as they are, they're a hard pass. One of the good reasons why I don't prefer much to tamper around with tech-bases without custom textures.


... turns out I don't really hate much.





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Be warned: I am going to refer textures and flats interchangeably!


Doom 1:



I always miss this texture when making something for Doom 2 with only vanilla textures.


Doom 2:



It's essentially just noise - but it's nice noise. It's extremely versatile and, at least to me, it has a really cozy feel to it.


Least favourite across all Doom IWADs:



This and the other CRATOP are perplexingly bad - they are literally just scribble. Remember, you can't spell CRATOP without CRAP.

As for Final Doom - I can't say I really enjoy any of the unique textures from either wad. I do appreciate the inclusion of actual waterfalls though.

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Plutonia's got those A-DROCK 1 and 2 textures that are like, finally, mappers have a rock texture to use for outdoor areas that doesn't suck.

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There is this "well" texture I like which is found only in Doom 1. It's the one with a valve. But I think the main reason I like it is because it's extremely rare: used only in one place in E2M3 in the game. I have a liking for rare things >.>

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Some of the textures from DOOM that didn't make it into DOOM II, particularly those tech textures with flesh in the middle. It just gave off such a sinister vibe, such a shame it wasn't carried over.

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3 hours ago, Li'l devil said:

There is this "well" texture I like which is found only in Doom 1. It's the one with a valve. But I think the main reason I like it is because it's extremely rare: used only in one place in E2M3 in the game. I have a liking for rare things >.>

Doom had a lot of very specific textures (as opposed to things like generic wall textures) that ended up getting cut from the final game unfortunately. That was one of the remaining ones, and I wonder if it's just because they never ended up removing it from that level.


Doom 2 cut even more of the specific textures, which is why you can barely tell what's supposed to be what in that game.

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Doom: Most of the tech textures, the TEKWALLs and COMPUTE1 in particular. In general I quite like most of the textures that were cut from Doom 2.

Doom 2: The SPACE textures, I guess. Most of the Doom 2 textures look way too drab for my taste.

TNT: The truck textures :)

Plutonia: It's brick textures are my favorite out of the IWADs.

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It's incredible seeing people that has been mapping for so long that they know the names of each texture, that's crazy.

As for me, i don't have a particular texture as "favourite",  i love the complete marble package, i love marble so much.

Now that i remember, i have a favourite texture,indeed. Is this flesh wall that looks like Morbid Angel's "Altars of Madness" album




And it looks like the guys at Id Software really liked it too, they used it in:

  • The intermission screen for both doom 2 and thy flesh consumed.
  • The SKY3 from doom 2.
  • The box art for master levels and maximum doom.

But i don't blame them, it's a really cool texture

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19 hours ago, DankMetal said:


This thing is a work of art. The kind of art you see in galleries. I would hang this in my living room. Is there a remade/HD version?


I feel like in a lot of modern games textures look generic. Like they come from Google images or some asset store or something. And all you need to make textures for a game is some basic photoshop skills.

Edited by TasAcri

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