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Cacodemon question

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I have been browsing screenshots of DooM 3 and I have not come across ANYTHING that even closely resembles a Cacodemon.

Now, Cacodemons are the coolest thing in the universe, so can anyone tell me if there is any info on whether or not they will be featured in this game? Thank you

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The latest monster that has been revealed to us so far (in terms of screenshots) is the security zombie and the chainsaw zombie. In one of the files of the alpha it mentions the hp, mass, etc of a cacodemon (sadly no cacodemon is in the alpha). So it would appear that the cacodemon is going to return. This is doom after all.

btw: just in case you didn't know, don't ask where to get the alpha here or you'll get banned.

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Given the fact that the caco is one of the most popular Doom monsters, I think it's a pretty safe bet that id will include it in Doom 3.

Just because they don't show any screenies of or give any info on it doesn't mean that they will leave it out. They haven't shown any pics of the new cybie yet now have they?

Try and look at it from the developers' point of view: They don't want to give away too much info on the game - that means that they will not reveal all the monsters that they want to include.

They haven't mentioned the caco, either because they think it's redundant to mention it, as it is logical for anyone to assume that they would include one of Doom's most popular demons, or they just don't want to tell about every single creature that they want to include.

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I've seen pictures of the new Baron of Hell(in fact i drew an excellent looking one)yet not the Hell Knight. I've seen one screenshot that I think might be the Hell Night. And if that's what it is, then ID has changed it a lot, since they were pretty similar looking in earlier Dooms. Not that I'm dissapointed...just that if it's not the hell night...then i dont know what it is.

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I've seen pictures of the new Baron of Hell(in fact i drew an excellent looking one)yet not the Hell Knight. I've seen one screenshot that I think might be the Hell Night. And if that's what it is, then ID has changed it a lot, since they were pretty similar looking in earlier Dooms. Not that I'm dissapointed...just that if it's not the hell night...then i dont know what it is.

Doom 3 Hell Knight - and that's official, one of the id guys mentioned all the demons in the E3 demo (which is pretty much the alpha), revealing this baby to be the Hell Knight.

As for the Baron of Hell you claim to have seen, where the Hell did you see that? Was it in legal screenshots? And what did it look like?

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seeing that picture of the hell knight again makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, I can't wait to take on the big bastard.....so much pain muhahaha.

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Scuba Steve said:

Anyone wan't to see some preliminary designs of the DooM 3 Cacodemon?

Hell yeah - just remember to post them in fan fics/pics.

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Scuba Steve said:

Yeah, so I put it in my blog.

/Me kills Scuba Steve for blashphemy ;-)

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dsm said:

Doom 3 Hell Knight - and that's official, one of the id guys mentioned all the demons in the E3 demo (which is pretty much the alpha), revealing this baby to be the Hell Knight.

As for the Baron of Hell you claim to have seen, where the Hell did you see that? Was it in legal screenshots? And what did it look like?

Well, it's obvious I was a bit confused as to what the baron of hell was. I misread the pc gamer article...it said that that was the hell knight and that the baron of hell picture hasnt been released or something.

I thought the hell knight was the baron though, since it's so goddamn big. here's what i thought the hell knight was: http://www.doomworld.com/php/screenie.php?dir=/e32k2/&number=20

What the hell is that thing if it's not the hell knight? I really need to stay more up to date on doom 3 stuff i guess.

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Dingus Khan said:

Well, it's obvious I was a bit confused as to what the baron of hell was. I misread the pc gamer article...it said that that was the hell knight and that the baron of hell picture hasnt been released or something.

I thought the hell knight was the baron though, since it's so goddamn big. here's what i thought the hell knight was: http://www.doomworld.com/php/screenie.php?dir=/e32k2/&number=20

What the hell is that thing if it's not the hell knight? I really need to stay more up to date on doom 3 stuff i guess.

I think that the Demon you've just shown is the Baron of Hell. It's a guess, but I think it is.

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It could be this thing called the bruiser. I'd imagine that a baron of hell would be just as big, if not bigger than the hellknight.

I'm wondering if the hellknight will chuck fireballs though or just walk around like a big grizzly.

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he just follows you around until he catches you, and then *squish*

it's pretty freaky

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Cyb said:

he just follows you around until he catches you, and then *squish*

it's pretty freaky

Yeah i know, relating to the alpha. I'm just thinking that maybe it'll be different in the final game.

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Cyb said:

he just follows you around until he catches you, and then *squish*

it's pretty freaky

yea I prefer that he cant throw fireballs anyway ill be more scared of it this way because you know if you get caught you are really fucked.

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Job said:

I wonder if the Doom III caco will resemble the one in Doom64...

I actually hope it doesn't - the D64 one looks more cartoonish imho, while the PC caco at least gives the impression of being pretty slimy, disgusting and hellish.

I hope they still use the PC caco as a base, but extend on it at makes it more freakish and "mutilated".
I kinda imagined one where its one eye is actually a myriad of tiny "slimball" eyes put into one "eyeball".

Just my opinion.

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I'm kinda thinking that the doom3 caco's eye will be in it's mouth (bit like a monster from Beetlejuice) . Or it'll be like those sentinel things from the Matrix except organic with one eye.

Note that i neither want this nor despise this. I ultimately want Id to surprise me.

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dsm said:

I actually hope it doesn't - the D64 one looks more cartoonish imho, while the PC caco at least gives the impression of being pretty slimy, disgusting and hellish.

I hope they still use the PC caco as a base, but extend on it at makes it more freakish and "mutilated".
I kinda imagined one where its one eye is actually a myriad of tiny "slimball" eyes put into one "eyeball".

Just my opinion.

I think the D64 cacodemon looks great, but like u said, it's one of those opinion things. I do agree that the PC caco looks more disgusting though.

I absolutely agree that they should base the D3 caco off of the PC version, not because I like the PC version better (there's nothin wrong with it, i just think the D64 one is scarier-looking), but I don't think if you converted the D64 version that it'd look very good, while with the PC version, u convert it, plus there's room for expansion on it like u said.

I like the idea about the eye too^

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yeah. fuck yeah. why is there a cunt on its back? that's so rad.

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BlueSonnet said:

I wonder what the doom3 caco is going to sound like. Will it be like the pc doom caco, the psx caco, or something new?

Most likely something completely new. Is Trent doing the demonsounds aswell by the way? If so, cool.

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