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Is it all right to just describe the new archvile for those of us who do not have the time or faculties (read: lazy) to find a PC Gamer Dec 2002 issue?

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nm I apologize for my outburst in case any of you read it.
Well, as to what the new Arch-vile looks like: Have you ever seen the movie Species? The face reminded me a lot of the monster from that movie. Overall, if I remember correctly, it looked kinda insect-like. Oh and it has double-jointed legs (wrong term I know) like the new hellknight, and it looked really yellow in that pic, but that could have been just the lighting.
Anything else I missed or got wrong?

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DaJuice said:
and it looked really yellow in that pic, but that could have been just the lighting.

If I'm not mistaken, there is a fire of one sort or another that's casting a colored light on the Arch-vile. But I could be wrong, ya know.

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Well to my eyes, it looks a lot like a mix of a Starcraft Protoss and a Zerg with some extra Xenomorph (the alien species in Alien, Aliens and Alien 3) elements. It's face is like a skull with burning lights in the eye sockets, but it has no underjaw.
It has a tail (that was one of the "extra xenomorph elements" I mentioned before) and is generally quite skeletal in shape.

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Ya know i never thought of the new arch-vile like that dsm.I can totaly see what you meen.

The thing that pisses me off about most video game zombies.There face has no dired boold on it.If the things eat people there should be blood.Also there teeth sould be staind.I all ways thoght zombies should be drolling all the time.Blood and slime should be poring out of there molth.

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Rotting Corpse said:

The thing that pisses me off about most video game zombies.There face has no dired boold on it.If the things eat people there should be blood.Also there teeth sould be staind.I all ways thoght zombies should be drolling all the time.Blood and slime should be poring out of there molth.

In the case of doom3 the zombies had only just become zombies and before then they were healthy human beings (dunno about the fat one though) without any significant wounds, whilst in the previous doom games they had a little longer to get bloody before they encountered you. So i can't really expect a bloody zombie so soon in the earlier part of doom3 since the incident had just happened....but then again i could be wrong about the doom3.

Besides the chainsaw zombie has loads of blood on it and the non-bloody zombies will have plenty of blood on them once you've shot them a few times.

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True,but if you see azombie in a room wiht dead body's alover the place the zombie face should be coverd in blood.i havent read about how the doom zombies were made.Seeing a zomnie with blood smeard on its face and drolling add to the scary factor.

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Yeah i'm sure we'll catch a few zombies having a picnic. And it sure did look freaky when the maintenance zombie got up again all bloody and wounded.

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If you see a zombie ya know its going ot eat you."Your think this thing is going ot eat me!" If the thing is coverd in gore you think
"Holy shit this thing is going to Eat Me!"
its like darwing some one geting puched witha boold spay comeing out of there month.Wiht out the blood spay you think "that look like it hurt." With the blood you think "Thet must have realy hurt."
Stuf like that just add more to the emotion your felling.

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while i think blood on some zombies would be cool i doubt it will be very effective because even though the game pace isn't as fast, ur still gonna be moving alot, plus alot of areas are dark so by the time you actually notice it, u'll be well beyond being scared of the zombies, regardless of what they look like... dsm hit the nail on the head with the archy's description^

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