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Slime maps are a vibe

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I think it depends how much slime you have to walk through. I actually very much like the aesthetic (hence my Slimeworks map!), but I don't like having to search for rad suits and I'm always overly cautious when it comes to stepping into it when I can't see the other side

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I'd be curious to know what you think of A.L.T. map26. It might not be your slime vibe, but it's definitely some kind of slime vibe.

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2 hours ago, SPACEDETECTIVE said:

Is it just me, or do earthy, natural looking maps covered in green slime give off such a mysterious and sometimes even mystical ambience that is entirely unique?


(Screenshots taken from Community Chest 2 Map 24: The Mucus Flow and Speed of Doom Map 4: Sledgemire)






Why does this look like a mouth screaming?



Edited by jo2ukegappy

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Yeah, it's pretty cool. Slime in og doom was created in the context of radioactive waste, a very artificial\human-made substance. When you see it on a natural landscape, as an waterfall or cascade, it gives a very uncanny feeling indeed. Good stuff!

Edited by Noiser

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Mucus Flow is a nice map but mystical? I guess it could be more to do with the track accompanying it.

I'm not really a fan of the color green either. Unless it's natural vegetation, and even then I hate to see a map covered with green vegetation all over aswell. I think too much green just looks ugly in Doom.


I think a prominent musician once said it best about the use of distortion in music for example.

Just like salt, you shouldn't have too much of it but not too little either.


Same could be applied with the use of color and vegetation. See it as using salt. 

Edited by OniriA

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Not a fan of the aesthetic tbh. If I want green maps, I'd rather have a techbase in a forest or a jungle. Different strokes and all.

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The aesthetic is by far not my favorite, but I can respect it.  Like, the first screenshot you posted there, I can say "Okay, that's well-composed; the author clearly has a good sense of aesthetic design."

What I'm uncertain of is how much it has to do with the texture combination per se.  For instance, again referring to that first screenshot, I think it could probably look just as atmospheric if it were blue water and grey stone, or any number of other things.

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I really like levels that use slime, the first few Darkwave maps in Speed Of Doom in particular are really nice to look at, and his slime cave enviroments are pretty cozy to reside in.

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My favourite theme by far is Darkwave's maps in the first episode of SoD. It's such a mood. How the natural hues of green and brown clash with the sterile silver structures of human interference, with a lake or a river of green poison nearby. Seeping through the walls and ceilings, as if everything is soaked in the stuff, and it's about to burst through. Doomguy's boot sinking into the mud with a wet squish. Demons' grunts and growls echoing through the vast dark caves. Flickering lights and computer panels with enough juice to barely keep on.

It's the best.


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49 minutes ago, Sneezy McGlassFace said:

It's such a mood.


For the sake of all that is either holy or damned, can we all start using adjectives again PLEASE

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7 minutes ago, magicsofa said:


For the sake of all that is either holy or damned, can we all start using adjectives again PLEASE


I agree, phrases such as 'It's such a mood' are the linguistic equivalent of Packing Peanuts: Filler that, on its own, is stale and plastic, but with something to complement it, gains a purpose (a minuscule one; it's just filler). 

Such phrases tell us nothing about what feeling the theme gives; just affirming that 'it's a mood' tells us nothing about what that mood is.

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14 minutes ago, Andrea Rovenski said:

saying "it's such a mood" is purposefully vague. It's not meant to be an indepth review statement, its meant to invoke the effervescence of a situation where the reader fills in their own feelings. that said, the rest of their post has an indepth review statement so lol


I will change my perspective because your post is definitely

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Ok back on topic though, I do love the green pollution on a bright Phobos morning. It is central to the "industrial horror" aspect that makes E1 special. It is kind of strange to have it plastered all over brown caverns, but I think that trend is partially because of the lack of bright green nature-themed assets in the IWADs.

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26 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

It is kind of strange to have it plastered all over brown caverns

Well, that's the point. Realistic nature would not evoke the same feeling - even more on maps like the Mucus Flow where eerieness is the key of it.

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TBF doom's colour palette is heavily based on green, so it would make sense that slime maps would look pretty nice.


Also SoD's first maps are indeed a vibe.

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It's always SLIME TIME in my book. Slime is always such a vibe that I can't even, literally.


Cover me in slime and call me nukage because I've got a poisonous disposition. I'm so toxic I successfully sued Britney Spears for copyright infringement.

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Hell yeah dude! A nice outdoor slime map with some zimmer trim is the shit!

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