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So I'm working on a wad, and long story short it's (kinda) a horror map, and whats spookier than being at school after hours. Like the has already set, all the teachers and staff have already packed their shit and gone home. That's kinda the vibe I'm going for. And I had the genius idea to just recreate (Nearly a 1:1 as possible) a 1:1 replica of my high school. I thought nothing of this untill I saw Midnight's video talking about the columbine shooter's map. (Keep in mind I'm pretty new to the doom community in general, so this came to me as a shock)







Now with all of that information out of the way, I'd like to list some reasons why I still think I should proceed and make my wad.


1. I'm no longer in high school

           I graduated last year


2. I'll run a script that removes all doom guys weapons


3. There will be no "monsters" / "enemies" in the entire school

           According to many sources, claim Eric Harris had a custom map of his school, and placed demons in class rooms. Which is how he'd "practice" his shooting. I will place no demons in any rooms of the school if I were to make this.


4. If what "3." is true, Eric was the hunter, and the demons were the prey. In my wad, you the player would very much be the prey...




So with all of this info... what do you guys think? Is this something worth doing?

Edited by Skemech

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2 minutes ago, Metal_Slayer said:

Midnight's misinformation still going strong as always.

damn, midnut making me feel bad for being new, and not knowing any better

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I don't hate midnight, but he's obviously more youtube, than actual doomer...

Edited by Hebonky

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OH MY GOD IT'S MISINFORMATIONIGHT AGAIN. I hope this thread doesn't devolve into yet another discussion on why MIDnight as a "doomtuber" sucks.

14 minutes ago, Hebonky said:

I don't hate midnight, but he's obviously more youtube, than actual doomer...

This line goes so hard wtf

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41 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Besides, one look at Doom's gameplay should tell you that the very idea of using Doom as practice for real life shooting is laughable, especially by modern standards.

Didn't some unit of the US military actually try to create a Doom mod to act as training at some point

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Just now, RDETalus said:

Didn't some unit of the US military actually try to create a Doom mod to act as training at some point


Yeah, that's MARINE1.wad

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42 minutes ago, Hebonky said:

I don't hate midnight, but he's obviously more youtube, than actual doomer...

i don't hate him either. I find his doomsturbing series very entertaining

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51 minutes ago, Shakariki Heisenberg said:

i dont rlly like midnight's content tbh,

anyways idk do whatever u want itll make u a better mapper so try it out!

fair enough

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2 hours ago, Skemech said:

According to many sources, claim Eric Harris had a custom map of his school, and placed demons in class rooms. Which is how he'd "practice" his shooting. I will place no demons in any rooms of the school if I were to make this.

Don't listen to degenerate toads on Youtube propagating rumors. You should probably just... erase any evidence of this whole thread and make the map.

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Call me crazy, but I'd say being inspired by a highly notorious WAD in the community made by a person who killed actual people is probably not the best sort of thing to take inspiration from.


There's plenty of ways to do such a horror-based mod that don't rely on, y'know, one of the darkest episodes this community has ever had, and there are plenty of people around here still from when that whole thing did go down.

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13 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Call me crazy, but I'd say being inspired by a highly notorious WAD in the community made by a person who killed actual people is probably not the best sort of thing to take inspiration from.


There's plenty of ways to do such a horror-based mod that don't rely on, y'know, one of the darkest episodes this community has ever had, and there are plenty of people around here still from when that whole thing did go down.


... who in this thread is drawing that sort of inspiration?  OP was explicit that they're specifically not being inspired by this and I haven't seen anyone else advocating it either.

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15 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Call me crazy, but I'd say being inspired by a highly notorious WAD in the community made by a person who killed actual people is probably not the best sort of thing to take inspiration from.


There's plenty of ways to do such a horror-based mod that don't rely on, y'know, one of the darkest episodes this community has ever had, and there are plenty of people around here still from when that whole thing did go down.

// We must learn what slime we've crawled out from, so we know where never to return again...

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OP said they were making the highschool map first, and only discovered the Columbine thing after the fact.


Just make the high school map, it's not a big deal

Edited by RDETalus

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It's like basing a horror movie off a serial killer, which a lot of horror movies do. *shrugs* But unlike those cases, it's not about a mass shooting. It's about a haunted school. Which... if there were monsters potentially endangering children, why not shoot them?

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change them all's deamons to fluffy animals and feed them to nappy time... then its a petting zoo simulator and not fodder for sinful lore...


or like "fashion police"  blast em with style and outfits...

Edited by LoatharMDPhD

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3 hours ago, Skemech said:

According to many sources, claim Eric Harris had a custom map of his school, and placed demons in class rooms. Which is how he'd "practice" his shooting. I will place no demons in any rooms of the school if I were to make this.


Anyone who thinks any FPS is a viable practice for firing real world weaponry has clearly never fired a gun in their life.

I see no problem with a map set in a high school so long as your targets are still actually demons. If you were to replace them with sprites representing actual humans, then that would be another matter and definitely crossing a line.

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3 minutes ago, Murdoch said:


Anyone who thinks any FPS is a viable practice for firing real world weaponry has clearly never fired a gun in their life.

I see no problem with a map set in a high school so long as your targets are still actually demons. If you were to replace them with sprites representing actual humans, then that would be another matter and definitely crossing a line.

// those clowns needed to look in the mirror; they were the deamons... also fun correlation, i suck at skateboarding games and never play them, i also dont skate and i suck at it in real life too!  or is that a coincidence... whatever. you built the level to accomplish a thing and if you have a conscious and a mostly clean heart, fuck it, lets play your wad...

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1 hour ago, Hellektronic said:

Don't listen to degenerate toads on Youtube propagating rumors. You should probably just... erase any evidence of this whole thread and make the map.

I'll keep this thread, mainly just to document how far I've come, a month ago i didn't know how acs scripts worked or even what acs was

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56 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Call me crazy, but I'd say being inspired by a highly notorious WAD in the community made by a person who killed actual people is probably not the best sort of thing to take inspiration from.

The wad I'm working on is inspired by MyHouse.wad. Hell, my wad is literally called My_Apartment.wad

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42 minutes ago, LoatharMDPhD said:

// We must learn what slime we've crawled out from, so we know where never to return again...

hardest quote fucking ever holy shit

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42 minutes ago, RDETalus said:

OP said they were making the highschool map first, and only discovered the Columbine thing after the fact.


Just make the high school map, it's not a big deal

thanks bro

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so maybe I didn't do a good enough job explaining what exactly my wad entails. The high school is merely a small feature in the wad I'm working on. The entire wad you get silent teleported from place to place. waiting for something to jump out at you, kill you... it never does. accompanied by the abient sounds effects i've placed, and at some points I straight up remove the D_RUNNIN song and your left in total silence.

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30 minutes ago, LoatharMDPhD said:

// you built the level to accomplish a thing and if you have a conscious and a mostly clean heart, fuck it, lets play your wad...

@LoatharMDPhD over here just saying the most philosophical shit like it's nothing, damn bro. ur fucking profound as shit

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