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Preferred way of playing Doom online?

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We all know that the current most popular way of playing DOOM online is Zandronum.
But what do you specifically use for online DOOM?

I've heard of ZDaemon and ODamex but I don't know how many people use those anymore.

And another question, which program do you think is underutilized, underrated or "not as popular as it should be"?
I'd like to know peoples answers, not just because I'm curious, but because I'm getting a bit bored of Zandronum and want to try other programs.

Thanks! :3

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I use all of them on and off, but I mainly stick with Zandronum. Zandronum has the most active servers. Odamex is basically dead, so it's not really worth it. ZDaemon has a few active servers, but isn't as big as Zandronum. I would suggest downloading Zadnronum and ZDaemon and launching with Doom Explorer.

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Odamex stands out as the current main source port for competitive PVP dooming. It still maintains good support even if Co-Op is not the thing it is best known for. It has a Doom Seeker plugin as well. 


I don\t play online but I have familiarized myself with many ports just for mod making compatibility purposes. I used Zandronum for playing online when I was testing it out.

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One of the reasons i joined this community was because i wanted to play classic deathmatch. However, my Internet sucks ass, so i just play with my brother via lan on crispy doom (and sometimes on woof)... for now

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I'm curious about this too. I've had some positive experiences with ZDaemon coop in the past, but most people seem to say Zandronum that I've seen.

I mostly play coop, but I don't even know if Zandronum has coop servers. *shrugs* It's popularized for competitive multiplayer. I've seen Doom Connector, too. No idea what to pick. Probably just going to settle with ZDaemon unless somebody really impresses me with their insider knowledge.

Edited by Hellektronic

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Skulltag is what got me back into Doom essentially full time since 2009, there was a hiatus that lasted from 2004 to then. Ofc the moment I discovered it the drama ran it into the ground like a year later. I haven't used Zandronum very much or in nearly a decade for that matter.

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First thing I did was LAN, but eventually I started to use Skulltag. It was neat with all the modified hack servers, lol. Zandronum I only used like once, and GZDOOM twice. I still think Skulltag was the most fun with the Variation on different game modes. 

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