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(The Ultimate) Return to Hadron (IDgames)

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5 hours ago, Auron said:

In E1M1 you can pass through these fences:


Well that is just embarrassing from my behalf. Yes those should definitely be impassable and will be fixed in the next update.


6 hours ago, Firedust said:

If I were you, I'd prolly create a separate thread for the complete project, seeing as how this one was used just for e4 :)


I pondered this for a while but I felt that it felt a little unnecessary to make a new thread given that this was the planned update from the last one. 

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Posted (edited)

Here is RC2 - Thanks to Skeptcist for the bugs/visual errors you spotted as well as the replies on this thread.




Edits to a few maps, removed some softlocks and visual errors.

Altered the E1 end text to reflect the megawad progression.


The plan is to work a little bit more on the artwork before proceeding to the final release, any further errors/bugs please report so they can be squashed before uploading to IDgames.

Edited by cannonball

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, cannonball said:

The plan is to work a little bit more on the artwork before proceeding to the final release, any further errors/bugs please report so they can be squashed before uploading to IDGamges.

Thanks for the update. I'm going to play E2 later tonight.

Edited by Auron

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Hopefully this will be the final release candidate



The only map tweak was for E1M3 otherwise unchanged.

New title pic, tweaks to the status bar too. I will do demos for the IDgames release with anything else people spot before the end of next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome! I loved Draft-Excluder and I was waiting on the entire compilation to dive into Hadron, giving it a download.

Two questions: has anyone tested the full version in the Unity Port, and are all the community members who contributed resources contactable? Because I'm thinking this would be an excellent Unity Port candidate...

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I don't normally do congrats posts because I'd just feel like a fanboy, in awe of the quality of work of so many people, but I have to give you this one. It's been almost 12 years since you first released cbspeed, the first episode of what became 'ConC.E.R.Ned', and now 'Ultimate Return to Hadron'. I've been Absolutely Positively Ultimately Concerned, following it for most of that time. Big congrats, dude. Talk about your epic journey!

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I'm thankful for the single episode version still being up for download, 9 maps is a lot more digestable for a quick run :p

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I just finished episode 1 and oh what a fun episode it was. It started out just like you would expect from an ultimate doom set of maps, lots of run and gun against fodder enemies through slightly mazey but well interconnected tech bases with low tier ammo and armaments. Then the monster counts kept climbing and climbing as higher explosive weaponry is handed out earlier and cannonball raises the stakes crafting what I almost see as his signature style of levels. I see influences all over, whether they are things that influence his mapping or people he has influenced, Im sure it goes both ways. Similar in some ways to the combat arenas of Doom Eternal or the lock in set piece arenas of modern slaughter wads, every bit of the layout serves to define the boundaries of the play area and the architecture held within caters to dynamic movement throughout the fighting. The difference to most maps with lock ins is that cannonballs entire levels tend to open up, instead of going from one arena to the next you just find yourself springing new traps in an ever bigger area creating one cohesive battle ground used multiple times in multiple ways. In many ways I am also reminded of mechadons levels but on a smaller scale, where each part is its own map as opposed to joining all 9 lvls of the episode into one massive adventure. While wtiting this Ive taken the liberty of playing the first 5 maps of episode 2 and its just as good and following the same formula. The first couple start of slowly before becoming more and more cannonballs jam. Extremely engrossing gameplay with non stop movement and combat, none of the levels may ever stand out for their story telling but you will never be bored with the fighting and that is something that will remain in my memory. Thanks for making and sharing this.

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I just wanted to let you know that I love your mapping style, and that I'm having a blast playing through this wad! Thanks so much for your hard work!

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Posted (edited)

Finished the wad yesterday. This is hands down one of the best UD megawads I've ever played. I remember playing every episode as soon as you dropped them and having a great time with each one way back when (project had been in development for 9 years holy shit).


There's a softlock in e4m6 - the western fight, where the baron is guarding the switch. There's a small crevice in the ground there and if you fall down, you're screwed. That was the only thing I noticed during my playthrough.


Favourite maps from each episode:




E3M7/M8 (honestly, too hard to pick between these two)



Return to Hadron more like Return to Hardon! Looking forward to the (eventual) release of Atomic!

Edited by Firedust

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10 hours ago, Firedust said:

Finished the wad yesterday. This is hands down one of the best UD megawads I've ever played. I remember playing every episode as soon as you dropped them and having a great time with each one way back when (project had been in development for 9 years holy shit).


There's a softlock in e4m6 - the western fight, where the baron is guarding the switch. There's a small crevice in the ground there and if you fall down, you're screwed. That was the only thing I noticed during my playthrough.


Favourite maps from each episode:




E3M7/M8 (honestly, too hard to pick between these two)



Return to Hadron more like Return to Hardon! Looking forward to the (eventual) release of Atomic!

Regarding E4M6 I think I must have accidentally unflagged the damaging floor effect on that sector. Oh well I guess that isn’t the end of the world in the grand scheme of things.

Thanks for the kind words and I am encouraged by your choices for E3 because these two were some of the most tweaked maps from the original release (I regretted how they turned out almost immediately in a sense that I was trying to force things to get the episode completed).

Hopefully Atomic will become a full reality someday, though I am in a bit of a trough in terms of mapping at the moment. I was hoping to get up to map20 by the end of this year and I have essentially some broad ideas for most of the slots, it is just a case of getting them into the editor and making them real.

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Posted (edited)

Misread this as Return to Hardon and was gonna say "relatable" but then I realize I just have pervert eyes!

I see an SSG in plum's screenshot, did you replace the useless chainsaw with it? 👀

Edited by Lila Feuer

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