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ZDoom > Legacy > Vavoom > jDoom > Doom95 > Sponges > EDGE

I've only used Eternity once or it'd be in the list.

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ZDoom > Legacy > PrBoom.

Never tried Edge, Eternity or MBF

Vavoom and jDoom won't work on my cruddy system.

Could someone please tell me where I could find a copy of MBF, it sounds pretty good.

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Just go to the source ports section here on Doomworld. Generally speaking it's like prboom but for DOS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those using PrBOOM, maybe you guys might want to check out Eternity. It seems to be an evolution of the BOOM source and since progress on PrBOOM itself seems to have stopped, this may be the next logical conclusion.

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Igor9 said:

For those using PrBOOM, maybe you guys might want to check out Eternity. It seems to be an evolution of the BOOM source and since progress on PrBOOM itself seems to have stopped, this may be the next logical conclusion.

Does it have high resolution? (>640x480)? Last time I checked it didn't and I doubt much has changed. Some alternative if you have a large monitor!

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Igor9 said:
For those using PrBOOM, maybe you guys might want to check out Eternity. It seems to be an evolution of the BOOM source and since progress on PrBOOM itself seems to have stopped, this may be the next logical conclusion.

Prboom stopped developing? Who told you that? Prboom isn't a feature hogging or feature happy engine because its aim is being a boom/mbf port (with improved doom compatibility) on modern OSs. Eternity on the other hand is more of a source mod where you can expect new features (heretic stuff, those 3d thingies, dialogues, etc.). I doubt prboom isn't "in development" as some tweaks are still required for multiplayer and compatibilities, and I have not heard from proff or cph that they are stopping work on it, or anything.

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myk said:

and I have not heard from proff or cph that they are stopping work on it, or anything.

That's because it's simply dying the slow way. No updates in nearly a year, so I don't think you can really say it's being in development.

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The Merovingian said:

Eternity forever.
Zdoom, then, because too many people do map for it.

There cannot be enough people which map for ZDoom. More power to them!

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I'd recommed using SMMU rather than MBF, since the former has all the latter's features, plus more of its own (including some bug fixes).

Of course by the same logic you should actually use Eternity, 'cos that has all the features of SMMU plus more of it's own too :)

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Personally, I'm not too keen on ports that add gimmicky features myself because I just need a source to play the popular pwads that are already out (since id seems to have all but abandoned DOOM) but as has been said, PrBoom does need a bit more work. The fact that it didn't finish what it set out to do is why I think there are people playing with other source ports that aren't 100% DOOM compatible. If you're a player like me then a choosing source port is like choosing which DOOM feature you'll be willing to sacrifice for modern OS compatibility and high res display.

I just thought that for people like me, Eternity would be the logical choice because it basically continues where PrBoom left off and in the right direction too. Also if Eternity wants to introduce some Hexen features and additional mapping functionalities then that's ok by me. I don't consider that feature bloat, its all transparent to me and custom maps using these additional features to make cooler maps are wonderful. The options menu on JDoom, now THAT is feature bloat. I just think that Eternity is great because it sticks to DOOM compatibility while expanding its fuctionalities in useful (and unobtrusive) ways.

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I'd recommed using SMMU rather than MBF, since the former has all the latter's features, plus more of its own (including some bug fixes).

SMMU probably isn't as stable as MBF.

If anyone recommended MBF it was simply because it's "closer" to the original, although you'd need DOS and Sound Blaster support to use it.

I presently prefer Boom over MBF, though, as MBF does something stupid to the Spectres (it uses super translucency instead of shimmering.)

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Prboom has not stopped development, last time I checked cph was actually making updates to make prboom to be completely DooM V1.9 compatible.

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myk said:

I presently prefer Boom over MBF, though, as MBF does something stupid to the Spectres (it uses super translucency instead of shimmering.)

That was unintentional I believe. Lee released a fix for it.

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1st:EDGE, Legacy (not opengl mode)
3rd:PRBoom, Eternity ect
4th:MBF, SMMU, Boom, all the other ones that crash lots and have no sound

Ones ive not tried: Zdoom GL (would have to download the MD2's, though i'd only turn them off straight away) Jdoom (i really should i guess..), Vavoom (sounds like a harder-to-add-stuff version of edge to me)

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Giomancer said:

Eternity: My favorite port for Doom, Doom 2, Evilution, Plutonia, Icarus, and Eternal. I haven't spotted anybody making maps for it, unfortunately.

One word: Mordeth. Oh, and Eternity itself (i.e. the TC) of course.

myk said:

SMMU probably isn't as stable as MBF.

Yeah, you're probably right. Afaik it's more stable ;) It certainly fixes a few MBF bugs, and a few additional doom(2).exe bugs too. Of course it introduced a few of its own, but I believe Eternity took care of those :)

deathbringer said:

Zdoom GL (would have to download the MD2's, though i'd only turn them off straight away)

Umm, no you don't have to download the MD2's if you're not going to use them. Why on earth would you? That's like saying you'd have to buy Doom 2 to play Final Doom, or something.

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It wouldnt start up without the MD2's, thats why. Though theres probably some config file i can alter to sort that out-or its eaiser and faster to just not bother with the whole port

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fraggle said:
That was unintentional I believe. Lee released a fix for it.

It seems he caught the bug, but he never prepared a fixed version of the engine for official distribution (or otherwise allowed such distribution), so the MBF normally available still has the bug.

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DevastatioN said:

Prboom has not stopped development, last time I checked cph was actually making updates to make prboom to be completely DooM V1.9 compatible.

Indeed; on one occasion when I reported a bug, the reply referred to version 2.3, and as something currently being worked on, and not just some vague notion for the future.

BTW, does "completely DooM V1.9 compatible" mean that you will actually be able to get GF50 gametics when playing in 1.9 compatibility mode?

deathbringer said:

4th:MBF, SMMU, Boom, all the other ones that crash lots and have no sound

Those "features" are most likely thanks to your operating system, rather than the ports themselves.

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myk said:

It seems he caught the bug, but he never prepared a fixed version of the engine for official distribution (or otherwise allowed such distribution), so the MBF normally available still has the bug.

You're right myk. I dimly recall a 2.04 that was released only on Lee's "Why I Left Doom" page that most people didn't know about.

MBF was a fine piece of code for it's time, but with today's Windows centric world using it is pretty much out of the question for most people.

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deathbringer said:

It wouldnt start up without the MD2's, thats why. Though theres probably some config file i can alter to sort that out-or its eaiser and faster to just not bother with the whole port

You could use the option "-nomd2" to disable md2's completely... The new ZDoomGL will be a lot more forgiving in that department, though :)

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Im not sure o nthat compatibility part, afaik he's making a thing that will be identical to DooM2 V1.9 except for 2 facts... while recording there wont be added lagg, and also Indigo is not lagged :) meaning no high res etc for that mode, this is mainly for those who LAN DooM2 :) some people get annoyed att he added lagg for Indigo and recording. I dont have very many details on it tho

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