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Doomkid's dehacked tutorial is too confusing.


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So I went back to trying to get custom monsters to work using whacked4 and slade but, I am lost.

In his video he edited the sergeant trooper with custom "Star trooper" graphics.

But, in his vid, the sprite amount of the original sergeant trooper match with the amount of sprites for the custom star trooper.

I wanted to add the "CyberBruiser" from realm667 but I don't know what to do.

I know the "SS_START and "S_END". Only.

How can I replace the existing graphics for the baron of hell to "CyberBruiser"?

I know doomkid's tutorial mentioned exactly that, but I am way too confused.

Custom weapons too.

Any ideas??


Edited by Betelgeuse

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I've had similar problems with one of his tutorial videos, I think it was the tutorial about making custom long skies. What I noticed however, is that you need to be paying close attention to them, because one wrong move can fumble the whole thing.

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5 hours ago, volleyvalley said:

I've had similar problems with one of his tutorial videos, I think it was the tutorial about making custom long skies. What I noticed however, is that you need to be paying close attention to them, because one wrong move can fumble the whole thing.

Yeah I am too confused about it.

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8 hours ago, volleyvalley said:

I've had similar problems with one of his tutorial videos, I think it was the tutorial about making custom long skies. What I noticed however, is that you need to be paying close attention to them, because one wrong move can fumble the whole thing.

Do you know how to?

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20 minutes ago, volleyvalley said:

Know how to what? Creating long skies? Yes, I now know how to make them.

I meant custom monsters, but you can also teach me long skies. Seems really cool too :)

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I have no idea on how to get custom monster sprites into the game, since I have never dabbled in it before, but as for the long skies, check out Doomkid's tutorial on it, as he does a way better job explaining everything step by step.

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First of all, what complevel are you targeting? Vanilla, boom, GZDoom?

Edited by Gregor

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Forget it. Doesn't really matter.


First open the Cybruiser.wad in Slade, and create a new (empty) wad archive next to it and copy the cybruiser sprites (the ones that start with CBRU) over into your new archive. Highlight them all, right click and choose "Rename". Now, in the text window that opened replace the CBRU string with BOSS, which is the name of the baron sprites in the Doom iwads. Next make sure to convert all the sprites from PNG to Doom Gfx format: highlight all, right click and choose "convert to" under "Graphics", or click on the "Convert Gfx to" button in the window on the right (like you see in Doomkid's video). Then click on "convert all" in the newly opened window and BOOM. You got yourself some new baron of Hell sprites. You might still have to center them by adjusting the offsets - just highlight them all again and click on the "Modify Gfx offsets" button directly beneath the "Convert Gfx to" button in the window on the right, and choose "monster" from the presets. Make sure you have the SS_Start marker placed on top and the S_End marker placed at the end of your sprite section. Done. This will make the baron use the cybruiser sprites in-game. However, while this works also under complevel 2 (limit-removing), it won't work in actual vanilla (through Dosbox or Chocolate Doom). Here you would need to give the sprites a new name and change the respective strings through DeHackEd like you see in Doomkid's video.


Now, as you correctly observed, the cybruiser has more animation frames than the vanilla baron and they won't match up one to one, especially since the cybruiser is supposed to fire rockets and not fireballs. So as a pure reskin the cybruiser sprite set doesn't work out of the box. You can make it match up by renaming the sprite frames to match the intended animations of the baron and delete the ones you don't need (specifically the rocket fire animation). Otherwise, you will still need to define it through DeHackEd and modify the baron's states in there if you want a proper cybruiser that looks and functions correctly (like in Valiant or Heartland).

Edited by Gregor

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22 hours ago, Gregor said:

Forget it. Doesn't really matter.


First open the Cybruiser.wad in Slade, and create a new (empty) wad archive next to it and copy the cybruiser sprites (the ones that start with CBRU) over into your new archive. Highlight them all, right click and choose "Rename". Now, in the text window that opened replace the CBRU string with BOSS, which is the name of the baron sprites in the Doom iwads. Next make sure to convert all the sprites from PNG to Doom Gfx format: highlight all, right click and choose "convert to" under "Graphics", or click on the "Convert Gfx to" button in the window on the right (like you see in Doomkid's video). Then click on "convert all" in the newly opened window and BOOM. You got yourself some new baron of Hell sprites. You might still have to center them by adjusting the offsets - just highlight them all again and click on the "Modify Gfx offsets" button directly beneath the "Convert Gfx to" button in the window on the right, and choose "monster" from the presets. Make sure you have the SS_Start marker placed on top and the S_End marker placed at the end of your sprite section. Done. This will make the baron use the cybruiser sprites in-game. However, while this works also under complevel 2 (limit-removing), it won't work in actual vanilla (through Dosbox or Chocolate Doom). Here you would need to give the sprites a new name and change the respective strings through DeHackEd like you see in Doomkid's video.


Now, as you correctly observed, the cybruiser has more animation frames than the vanilla baron and they won't match up one to one, especially since the cybruiser is supposed to fire rockets and not fireballs. So as a pure reskin the cybruiser sprite set doesn't work out of the box. You can make it match up by renaming the sprite frames to match the intended animations of the baron and delete the ones you don't need (specifically the rocket fire animation). Otherwise, you will still need to define it through DeHackEd and modify the baron's states in there if you want a proper cybruiser that looks and functions correctly (like in Valiant or Heartland).

True legend

I am using mbf21 btw.

Would you mind making a quick video tutorial

I would instantly figure it out.

In the mean time illl try to follow what you said.

Edited by Betelgeuse

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I think you messed up the video a little. It stops before the in-game starts, so it only shows the editor view.

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Just to understand your goal here. You want an actual cybruiser with rocket firing and all (like the ones in Valiant for example)? Or do you want a simple reskin for the baron with no changes to behavior?

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Just now, Gregor said:

Just to understand your goal here. You want an actual cybruiser with rocket firing and all (like the ones in Valiant for example)? Or do you want a simple reskin for the baron with no changes to behavior?

I want one just like the one from valiant, custom behavior and sprites. yeah

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5 hours ago, Betelgeuse said:

I am using mbf21 btw.


whacked doesn't support MBF21 (yet) so if you want to take full advantage of the features that format has you'll need to make your .deh patch using DECOHACK. Making a patch for DecoHack is similar to writing DECORATE code so depending on how you feel about coding this may be easier or harder than using whacked.


Valiant, however, is MBF (not 21) which is supported by whacked so if all you're aiming to do is recreate stuff from Valiant then that format may be a better option for you.

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10 hours ago, thelamp said:


whacked doesn't support MBF21 (yet) so if you want to take full advantage of the features that format has you'll need to make your .deh patch using DECOHACK. Making a patch for DecoHack is similar to writing DECORATE code so depending on how you feel about coding this may be easier or harder than using whacked.


Valiant, however, is MBF (not 21) which is supported by whacked so if all you're aiming to do is recreate stuff from Valiant then that format may be a better option for you.

I only see the option mbf21 in udb.

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In terms of map format Boom and MBF are the same (so choose Boom in UDB)


It's only the DeHackEd part that is different, so you would choose MBF when selecting format in whacked


The reason for this is that the only mapping feature MBF adds is actually sky transfer, which has sort of been "grandfathered" into Boom for simplicity. The DeHackEd patch is different because of the codepointers and frames that MBF adds

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27 minutes ago, thelamp said:

In terms of map format Boom and MBF are the same (so choose Boom in UDB)


It's only the DeHackEd part that is different, so you would choose MBF when selecting format in whacked


The reason for this is that the only mapping feature MBF adds is actually sky transfer, which has sort of been "grandfathered" into Boom for simplicity. The DeHackEd patch is different because of the codepointers and frames that MBF adds

This is not really true. MBFB21 have a few extra flags for linedefs like block only land monsters or block the player, and also you can set a sector to kill instantly the player.



Edit: Oh, sorry, you were talking of MBF (not 21).

Edited by RataUnderground

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When I added it AGAIN, the retextured, only sprite change nothing else.

It's texture in game is so fucked up.

Those 2 red sprites on the ground are the cyberbruisers which have been replace from the baron of hell,

Any ideas?


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You have to create the cybruiser in DeHackEd before anything is gonna work as intended. Otherwise you can only use the cybruiser sprites as a simple reskin for the baron, and even then you have to delete excess sprites that aren't defined for the baron and rename others to match up with the ones the baron is using.


In either case, you can remove the custom rocket and explosion sprites from your wad, as the cybruiser in Valiant just uses the normal Cyberdemon attack - so delete all sprites starting with FBRS and BAL3.


Now, for a simple reskin, first rename all the remaining sprites from CBRU** to BOSS** like I explained above, then get rid off the rocket firing frames (BOSSE & BOSSF sprites), since these don't match the baron's fireball attack. Instead rename the BOSSG, BOSSH & BOSSSI sprites to BOSSE, BOSSF & BOSSG, respectively - that makes the cybruiser's melee attack match up with the vanilla baron's attack animation (since the baron uses the same sprites for both its ranged and melee attack sequence). Then rename the BOSSJ sprites to BOSSH - the name of the pain sprite for the baron. And then finally, you have to get rid of a few death animation frames as well - The baron uses only 7 sprites for its death animation, but the cybruiser resource pack provides 10 sprites for this. So just pick 7 out of those 10 you think constitute the best compromise and rename these from BOSSI alphabetically through to BOSSO. And that gives you a cybruiser reskin for the baron that works without any need for DeHackEd.


I know you want an actual rocket-firing cybruiser but I thought I add this here just for the sake of completeness.

Edited by Gregor

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My tip when you find something overly complicated or difficult is to try to do smaller pieces of it on their own. If replacing a cybruiser with a baron all at once is too complicated, try maybe replacing one frame of the baron with a cybruiser frame and then try it in-game to confirm that you've done that (yes that'll look weird on its own but you're not done). I'm assuming you're planning on using a rocket attack, so try giving the baron a rocket attack without any other behavior changes (again, yes that'll look weird on its own but you're not done). Keep learning little subskills like that until they all feel easy and you'll be able to soon do the whole thing, and not just for this monster but for other replacements too.


Anything that is complicated is made of simple building blocks, so how it often works is you spend more time than expected learning very basic skills, even to the point where it feels like you're not making much progress -- but then you get the hang of it and the rest of it takes way less time than expected.

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10 minutes ago, Betelgeuse said:

I have finally figured it out.

Mods, you can lock this thread now as it's redundant now, or just leave it be.


It is good forum etiquette to share your solution if you end up solving a problem yourself.

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10 hours ago, Individualised said:

It is good forum etiquette to share your solution if you end up solving a problem yourself.

I just followed doomkid's tutorial carefully.

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