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Ultimate Doom the Way id Did demos [-complevel 3]

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Here's where you can post your speedrun demos for Ultimate Doom the Way id Did, which is the 4th episode of Doom the Way id Did. It's a separate wad file and since I wasn't sure if it belonged in the same thread as the original, I thought it's own thread would suffice as mentioned, it's it's own wad file. As this is for Ultimate Doom, -complevel 3 should be suited for demos. Naming convention should probably follow the original DtWiD's thread, so ixdy-zzz, with x being the Episode (Episode 4 specifically) and y being the Map number and zzz being your time. The '-' should be your category, representative of your category such as NM or Max.



First time starting one of these threads, so if I'm gonna start it, might as well provide a speedrun to start us off.


E4M8 UV-Speed in 1:45 - i4d8-145.zip

YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMdFqRrCFwY

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